Orthopedic Clinical Signs

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Orthopedic Clinical Signs is an application for orthopedic doctors that contains all the measurements and angles used in orthopedic surgery, in addition to all the radiographic signs seen in orthopedic diseases, and a medical calculator for some medical indicators.

Orthopedic Clinical Signs was divided into 3 sections:
1. Measurements and Angles Section: It contains all the measurements and the radial angles used in diagnosing orthopedic diseases that the orthopedic doctor uses on every day of his working life. This section is organized by regions of the upper and lower extremities.

2. Radiographic and Clinical Signs Section: It contains the radiological signs that can be seen on the radiographs and clinical signs seen in some diseases and orthopedic surgical cases. This section is also classified according to the regions of the upper and lower extremities.

3. Medical calculator section: It contains some medical calculators such as the body mass index (BMI), the MESS scale to assess the severity of the injury, the Glasgow scale to assess the severity of neurological injury, the ideal weight calculator according to height and the pregnancy calculator.

Orthopedic Clinical Signs application is very useful for medical students, orthopedic residents, and orthopedic doctors, as it is an educational application to keep the doctor fully aware of the measurements, angles and radiographic signs that are used to diagnose and treat cases of orthopedic surgery.

Orthopedic Clinical Signs will be updated and many angles and radial signs will be added periodically.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2024

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