DPI conversion PPI calculator

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Sobre este app

Dpi conversion is guide for every android developer. With the help of screen ppi calculator you can make the necessary calculations. This app is based on the formulae mentioned in the documentation. Dpi checker performs complex calculations to you and deliver the accurate measurement in no time. Dots per inch is the measure of the number of points that can be placed in a line across one inch.

Design ui at your mobile's pixels per inch to make your app perfectly fit your mobile. Android devices comes in an aspect ratio of 3:2, 4:3, 8:5, 5:3, 16:9 and many more. Drawable buckets is grouped into idpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi screen density. Choose from 300+ devices. Knowing pixel density of device will make designing of layouts easy. Dpi conversion is a very reliable tool, it is in accordance with the documentation mentioned in the official android page.

Categorize your layouts in increments of smallest width such as 20, 40, 120, etc. Convert pixels into dp using dpi conversion. No need to own multiple devices, use ppi calculator to make responsive layouts. Enter the width in the etdittext, click on convert and get pixels to dp. Group drawables into respective densities by values generated from dpi checker.

Calculate swDp from dots per inch to group your dimen files. Calibrate layout with of accurate pixels per inch. Make your app compatible with different devices such as handset, tablet, foldable, chromebook. Enter dimension in xxhdpi screen density and generate other dimensions. Make emulator with my screen resolution sizes to design layout. DPI checker not only this applications allows you check our own screen density but it also facilitates you to find out the same of the other apps.

PPI calculator converts px into pixel density, enter the values into the edittext and click on the button to check out. You can make a virtual device with custom display, width and height. Replicate my screen resolution in the android studio and save them for later use. Simply plugin screen width, screen height, diagonal size to get instant result of dpi conversion.

Find out dp to pixels, by selecting dp in the drop down menu, then enter value in ppi and press convert button. This app has collection of devices with dots per inch ranging from 125 to 575. A simple solution to compute pixels per inch is at your fingertips. Optimize your image dimensions for xxhdpi screen density. Sort devices according to width, height, screen size, ppi. When amateur developer begins it’s journey in android development, most of them struggle to grasp difference between screen density and density independent pixels, dpi checker provides solution for this problem.

• Built in ppi calculator
• Generate density buckets
• Pixels into dp and vice versa
• Find out smallest width
• Save my screen resolution in local storage
• Works Offline
Atualizado em
9 de dez. de 2022

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Classificações e resenhas

6,73 mil avaliações
Mauricio Gomes
10 de maio de 2024
Muito bom, recomendo muito Obs: se você não souber usar não vai fazer diferença nenhuma, porém se você souber você vai poder perceber que ele realmente funciona e ajuda a melhorar sua sensibilidade
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 137 pessoas
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Kevyn Leonardo
11 de julho de 2024
ótimo,faz muita diferença no free fire eu estava com a sensibilidade horrível,depois que eu abaixei o aplicativo.e só capa agorq
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 47 pessoas
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31 de julho de 2024
Melhor aplicativo para sensibilidade no freefire ja faz tempo que eu uso esse app e senpre quando eu disinstalava e istalava de no minha sensibilidade so dava capa
Essa avaliação foi marcada como útil por 20 pessoas
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