LOVOO - Seznamka & Chat

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1,16 mil. recenzí
50 mil.+
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Od 17 let (M)
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Informace o aplikaci

- will pique your interest.
- will value your individuality.
- will put your needs first.
- will allow you to meet people in lots of different ways.
- will help you to make friends.
- will introduce you to singles in your area.
- will simplify your date planning.
- will prioritize your safety when dating.
- will allow you to discover love in all its forms.
- will be a loyal guide on your adventure.
- is not pronounced "lofoo" or "louwou" but "lovou." Kind of sounds like "love you," right?

There are millions of matches each month on LOVOO! Keep an open mind and make the first move.

// Your route to getting a date:
More than just a photo. Show your personality in your flirting profile. Charming, honest, and funny profile questions make chatting and flirting easier.

// Personal recommendations – Best Picks:
Matches with meaning. We use Best Picks to introduce you to new people who you have things in common with every day.

// Dating from your couch on Live's video chat:
Meet your matches without interruption on video chat for your first date and see if it's a good fit.

// We're reinventing the radar—the map for your date planning:
Discover singles in your area, find suitable locations for your first date, share meeting points with matches, and take advantage of special deals.

// Get chatting: matches, chats, and icebreakers
Do you play Match and discover singles who excite you? The icebreaker feature allows you to write to new people instantly and easily, without a match.

// Flirting at a glance:
Check out the flirting gallery and see who likes you or has visited your profile.

// Go on a Live video date today:
More than a traditional dating app. Start speed dating with next|date and decide whether it's a match or you want to move on to the next date. On Blind Date you can impress with your personality, humor, and voice before seeing each other in the chat or as a match.

// Better than TV—LOVOO Live:
Meet different kinds of people on live streams and in live chats. Send entertaining streamers virtual gifts or put yourself out there. People have also made friends and met lovers this way.

// A safe place for carefree flirting. Fake profiles and scams have no place on LOVOO. Our guidelines and measures help to keep you safe while you meet people. You can report inappropriate behavior, questionable profiles, and the like to us at any time.

What the press has to say:
"One of the apps on which far more women than men are registered." – Tagesspiegel
"The app is well-designed and has great features." – Cosmopolitan
"Lovoo is the perfect dating app for those who want to meet new people, are open-minded, and don't take life too seriously." – Glamour

LOVOO Premium:
You can download and use LOVOO for free. The Premium packages offer you all the benefits—swipe without restriction, be displayed more often in Match, send 3 icebreakers a day, and so much more.
Datum aktualizace
10. 9. 2024

Zabezpečení údajů

Bezpečnost začíná pochopením toho, jak vývojáři shromažďují a sdílejí vaše data. Postupy ochrany soukromí a zabezpečení dat se mohou lišit podle způsobu používání, oblasti a věku. Tyto informace poskytl vývojář a může je průběžně aktualizovat.
Tato aplikace může tyto typy dat sdílet se třetími stranami
Poloha a ID zařízení nebo jiná ID
Tato aplikace může shromažďovat tyto typy dat
Poloha, Osobní údaje a ještě7
Data jsou šifrována během přenosu
Můžete požádat o smazání dat

Hodnocení a recenze

1,13 mil. recenzí
Štěpán Hru
15. srpna 2024
Mohlo by to mít více na výběr z jazyků ne jen angličtinu. Zajímalo by mě proč je jen jeden člověk z mého okolí a ostatní jsou z Německa převážně z Dresden a ostatních neměckých měst. ??
1 člověk si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
9. září 2024
Nedoporučuji, možná dobré pro Prahu, ale pro Moravu je to bída, samí cizinci.
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
Ondřej Mottl
16. prosince 2023
Nestojí ani za pokus ! Bez CZ a FaKe fotky. K ničemu a hlavně platit.
25 lidí si myslí, že je tato recenze užitečná
Považujete tento obsah za užitečný?
PE Digital GmbH
16. dubna 2024
Chápeme vaši frustraci a litujeme, že jste měli tuto zkušenost. Rádi bychom vám pomohli zlepšit váš pobyt na naší aplikaci. Prosím, kontaktujte náš tým podpory, abychom mohli lépe porozumět vašim potřebám a případně vám pomoci. Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu.


We have something in common: we use our power!
At LOVOO, we're fixing bugs and improving the app, and you're flirting!
Need some inspiration for your next icebreaker?
You can increase your chances by personalizing the message and reacting to photos or profile information.