Triangular array read by rows: T(n, k) = k-th largest member of lexicographically earliest Wieferich n-tuple that contains no duplicate members, read by rows, or T(n, k) = 0 if no Wieferich n-tuple exists.
0, 1093, 2, 71, 11, 3, 3511, 19, 13, 2, 359, 331, 71, 11, 3, 359, 331, 307, 71, 11, 3, 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 11, 3, 863, 359, 331, 71, 23, 13, 11, 3, 863, 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 13, 11, 3, 863, 467, 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 13, 11, 3
Let p_1, p_2, p_3, ..., p_u be a set P of distinct prime numbers and let m_1, m_2, m_3, ..., m_u be a set V of variables. Then P is a Wieferich u-tuple if there exists a mapping from the elements of P to the elements of V such that each of the following congruences is satisfied:
m_1^(m_2-1) == 1 (mod (m_2)^2), m_2^(m_3-1) == 1 (mod (m_3)^2), ..., m_u^(m_1-1) == 1 (mod (m_1)^2).
For finding candidate values for m_1 given some m_u, one checks primes higher than m_u for primes satisfying m_u^(m_1-1) == 1 (mod (m_1)^2). For example, to see what we could get if m_u = 2, we check up to say m_1 = 1,000,000 to get candidates for m_1. This would give m_1 in {1093, 3511}. - David A. Corneth, May 14 2016
Wikipedia, Wieferich pair
For n = 1: There is no Wieferich singleton (1-tuple), because no prime p satisfies the congruence p^(p-1) == 1 (mod p^2), so T(1, 1) = 0.
For n = 4: The primes 3511, 19, 13, 2 satisfy the congruences 3511^(19-1) == 1 (mod 19^2), 19^(13-1) == 1 (mod 13^2), 13^(2-1) == 1 (mod 2^2) and 2^(3511-1) == 1 (mod 3511^2) and thus form a "Wieferich quadruple". Since this is the lexicographically earliest such set of primes, T(4, 1..4) = 3511, 19, 13, 2.
Triangle starts:
n=1: 0;
n=2: 1093, 2;
n=3: 71, 11, 3;
n=4: 3511, 19, 13, 2;
n=5: 359, 331, 71, 11, 3;
n=6: 359, 331, 307, 71, 11, 3;
n=7: 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 11, 3;
n=8: 863, 359, 331, 71, 23, 13, 11, 3;
n=9: 863, 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 13, 11, 3;
n=10: 863, 467, 359, 331, 307, 71, 19, 13, 11, 3;
\\finds candidate values for the highest value of a tuple up to some value u.
(PARI) ulimupto(u, {llim=2}) = {my(l=List());
forprime(i=nextprime(llim+1), u, if(Mod(llim, i^2)^(i-1)==1, listput(l, i))); l \\ David A. Corneth, May 14 2016
\\tests if a tuple is a valid Wieferich n-tuple.
(PARI) istuple(v) = {if(#Set(v)==#v, return(0)); for(j=0, (#v-1)!-1, w=vector(#v, k, v[numtoperm(#v, j)[k]]); if(sum(i=2, #w, Mod(w[i-1], w[i]^2)^(w[i]-1)==1)+(Mod(w[1], w[#w])^(w[#w]-1)==1)==#w, return(1))); 0} \\ David A. Corneth, May 15 2016
wief = DiGraph([prime_range(3600), lambda p, q: power_mod(p, q-1, q^2)==1])
sc = [[0]] + [sorted(c[1:], reverse=1) for c in wief.all_simple_cycles()]
tbl = [sorted(filter(lambda c: len(c)==n, sc))[0] for n in range(1, len(sc[-1]))]
for t in tbl: print('n=%d:'% len(t), ', '.join("%s"%i for i in t)) # Bruce Leenstra, May 18 2016
Felix Fröhlich, Mar 30 2016
a(11)-a(15) from Felix Fröhlich, Apr 26 2016
More terms from Bruce Leenstra, May 18 2016