Number of highly composite numbers not divisible by n.
0, 1, 3, 3, 8, 3, 14, 9, 12, 8, 26, 4, 37, 14, 8, 18, 53, 12, 67, 8, 14, 26, 86, 9, 54, 37, 40, 14, 107, 8, 122, 51, 26, 53, 14, 12, 145, 67, 37, 11, 163, 14, 180, 26, 13, 86, 202, 18, 107, 54, 53, 37, 222, 40, 26, 15, 67, 107, 252, 8, 275, 122, 16, 79, 37
The sequence is well defined since for any n there is m such that n | A002182(k) for all k >= m. This follows from eq.(54) in Ramanujan (1915): [log_p P] <= e_p <= 2*[log_p P'], where for any N = A002182(k), P = gpf(N) is the greatest prime factor, e_p = valuation(N, p) is the exponent of any p in the prime factorization, P' = nextprime(P+1) and [.] = floor: The right inequality gives N <= Product_{prime p} p^(2*[log_p P']) = A003418(P')^2, so P -> oo as N -> oo. Then the left inequality implies e_p -> oo for any p, as N -> oo. - M. F. Hasler, Jan 03 2020
Sequences A329570 and A329571 give the gpf P as above and L = A003418(P) such that all A002182(k) >= L^2 are divisible by n. - M. F. Hasler, Jan 07 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..600 (using b-file of A002182)
S. Ramanujan, Highly composite numbers, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society ser. 2, vol. XIV, no. 1 (1915): 347-409. (DOI: 10.1112/plms/s2_14.1.347, a variant of better quality with an additional footnote is available at this alternative link)
a(6) = 3 because among highly composite numbers, only 1, 2, and 4 are not divisible by 6.
To illustrate the comment, we prove that n = 12 = A002182(5), respectively n = 60 = A002182(9), divide all A002182(k) >= n (whence a(12) = 5 - 1 = 4, a(30) = 9 - 1 = 8): From eq.(54) we have e_2 >= 2 and e_3 >= 1 when [log_2 P] >= 2, [log_3 P] >= 1, which is the case for P >= 5. To get gpf(N) >= 5, use the other side of the inequality, e_p <= 2*[log_p P'] with P = 3, P' = 5: This gives e_2 <= 4; e_3, e_5 <= 2; e_p = 0 for p > 5. Thus all N = a(n) > 2^4*3^2*5^2 = 3600 must have gpf(N) > 3, i.e., gpf(N) >= 5. This implies e_2 >= 2 and e_3 >= 1 and also e_5 >= 1, so we have 12 | N and 60 | N for all N = A002182(k) > 3600. The terms between 12 (resp. 60) and 3600 are also multiples of 12 (resp. 60), which completes the proof. - M. F. Hasler, Jan 03 2020
(* let t be terms of b002182 *) Table[Length[Select[t, Mod[#, n] > 0 &]], {n, 100}] (* T. D. Noe, Mar 18 2012 *)
Cf. A329570, A329571 (bounds from the Ramanujan formula).
Sequence in context: A294643 A029614 A143615 * A279789 A249389 A016606
J. Lowell, Nov 05 2011
Extended by T. D. Noe, Mar 18 2012