Wikidata:WikiProject Gene Wiki/Presentations

Type Title / link Date Presenter Venue
Publication Wikidata as a semantic framework for the Gene Wiki initiative (Q23712646) Link 2016-03-17
Publication Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes (Q21503281) Link 2016-03-28 User:Putmantime
Presentation Leveraging Wikidata for crowd curation 2016-04-12 User:Andrawaag  Biocuration 2016
Presentation Wikidata as a platform for biocuration 2016-04-13 User:i9606  Biocuration 2016
Talk/Poster Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes (talk) (poster) 2016-04-17 User:Putmantime Force 2016, Biocuration 2016
Presentation Opportunities and challenges presented by Wikidata in the context of biocuration 2016-08-01 User:i9606 ICBO/BioCreative 2016
Publication WikiGenomes: an open Web application for community consumption and curation of gene annotation data in Wikidata. 2017-01-24
Presentation Using WikiData as an interoperable data hub for life science data 2017-03-23
Presentation WikiGenomes: an open Web application for community consumption and curation of gene annotation data in Wikidata. 2017-03-27
Poster Applications for Modeling Life Science data in Wikidata. 2017-03-27
Presentation Wikidata for biomedical knowledge integration and curation 2017-04-24 User:Gstupp BD2K
Presentation Using Wikidata as an open, community-maintained database of biomedical knowledge 2017-07-22 User:Andrew Su BOSC 2017
Presentation Wikidata and biomedical information 2017-08-10
Presentation Wikidata for biomedical knowledge integration and curation (Link) 2018-01-17 User:Gstupp PAG 2018

Presentation Archive