Download Viber Directly

You can download Viber for your Android device directly from here with our APK

In order to get updates, you will need to keep downloading updated versions from the website.

How to install:

You’ll need to first enable permissions on your device in order to install it. 

You can find the relevant instructions for your device.

Find my device >>

  • Google Pixel: Settings > Apps > Special app access > Install unknown apps > Select your browser app > Allow from this source.
  • Motorola: Settings > Apps & notifications > select your browser app > Install unknown apps > Allow from this source.
  • OPPO (Android 9): Settings -> Additional settings -> Device & Privacy -> Unknown source installation.
  • OnePlus: Settings > Apps & notifications > Special app access > Install unknown apps > select your browser app > Allow from this source.
  • Sony: Settings > Apps & notifications > Special app access > Install unknown apps > select your browser app > Allow from this source.
  • Samsung (Android 8 and earlier): Settings > Lock screen and security > Install unknown apps > Select your browser app > Allow from this source.
  • Samsung (Android 10+): Settings > Apps > Special access > Install unknown apps > select your browser app > Allow from this source.
  • Xiaomi (Android 8 and earlier): Settings > Additional settings > Privacy > Unknown sources > OK.
  • Xiaomi (Android 10+): Settings > Privacy protection > Special permissions > Install unknown apps > select your browser app > Allow from this source.