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JSR-000250 Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform 1.0
(Final Release)

This is the Final Release of this Specification, as described in Section 3.5 of the Java Community ProcessSM Program, version 2.6.

  • If you want to read the specification for evaluation, or to build an application that uses the specification, click here.
  • If you intend to build an implementation of the specification, click here.
Specification Lead:
  • Rajiv Mordani
    Sun Microsystems, Inc

    Please send comments to

Reference Implementation and Technology Compatibility Kit:
  • RI:
    (No specific RI, but the Java 5 EE open-source application server provides an RI for Common Annotations)

  • The TCK is available to Java EE platform licensees through the Java Partner Engineering web site:

    The TCK will be available to Qualified Not-for-Profits and Qualified Individuals for no charge as per Section F.III of the JSPA 2. Details on the Compatibility Testing Scholarship Program can be found at
Change Log:
See Also
JSR-000250 Common Annotations for the Java Platform Detail Page
List of Final Releases Page
Java Community Process Main Page