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ƻ��MAC 30����ϼ�

@ 2014-01-27


00:00. Macintosh (1984) "Computer for the rest of us"

00:30. Macintosh XL (1985) "You could"

01:00. Macintosh Plus (1986) "Power to be the Best"

02:00. Macintosh II (1987) "Hard Sell"

03:00. Macintosh IIx (1988) "The Pitch"

04:00. Macintosh Portable (1989) "Hit the road, Mac"

04:30. Macintosh LC (1990) "Color"

04:45. PowerBook (1991) "Revolution"

05:15. Macintosh Quadra 950 (1992) "Introducing"

05:45. Macintosh Performa (1993) "The Sayles Family"

06:15. PowerBook 540c (1994) "Sales Rep"

06:45. Power Macintosh 8500 (1995) "Done"

07:15. PowerBook 1400 (1996) "Mission Impossible"

07:45. 20th Anniversary Macintosh (1997) No ads was made

08:15. iMac (1998) "Three Steps"

08:45. Power Book G4 (1999) "Super Computer"

09:15. iBook (2000) "Special Edition"

09:45. PowerBook G4 (2001) "It May Be"

10:15. iMac (2002) "Window"

10:45. Power Mac G5 (2003) "Blast"

iBook G4 - no ad, no nothing

11:15. iMac (2005) "Get a Mac - Restarting"

11:45. MacBook Pro (2006) no ad was made

12:13. iMac (2007) "Solar"

12:43. MacBook Air (2008) "Envelope"

13:13. iMac (2009) no ad was made

13:43. MacBook Air (2010) "Next Generation"

MacBook Pro (2011) - no ad, no nothing

14:13. MacBook Pro Retina (2012) "New Generation"

iMac (2013) - no ad, no nothing

14:43. Mac Pro (2014) "Cinema ad"

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