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Congratulations for giving us this great adventure! I'm having a great time exploring the caves and getting lost looking for their treasures.

so, after playing a bit (and getting to the temple) I was wondering are kali altars not functional? also is there a benefit to beating the mumies? (last encounter it killed me when I tried to kill it)

The game is awesome, but I am still struggling with bombs. How to lay (not throw) bomb properly is beyond my skills :-)

long click to select bomb, click to activate, crouch+click to place it


What an undertaking! This can only have been done in assembler. How many lines of code was this in the end and what was the hardest bit? I can imagine level generation was tricky...would you ever consider releasing the asm files?

Hardest bit is actually not the level generation. That part is well documented in the original source code.

Performing all the collision checks between player/enemies/backgrounds/items/traps without overloading the CPU was actually the hardest part.

I finally had a chance to play, and my only feedback is that either the level generation needs a onceover or you need to add in the ability to push grey blocks. There might be some sort of command I'm missing but there's a lot of starts that have you completely trapped, with the only way out being using a bomb and potentially getting yourself killed. There's also quite a few objects that should activate arrow traps but don't, like most enemies and other arrows.

Push blocks sadly didn't make it in :(

Do note that you can place a bomb accurate when crouching. There should always be 3 tiles when "enclosed". If you stand at the other side you're safe from the bomb blast.

Arrow traps only trigger on thrown objects in this version, not on enemies.

Would it be possible to remove those starts? It feels like it goes a bit against Spelunky's design philosophy to be forced to spend a bomb just to play the game.

ok - I just downloaded game.
VICE - C64SC - .d64 or .prg
I get the green title
Then I get the image - then freezes
CPU 100% 49.6FPS
What am I doing wrong??( ihave tried warp etc)
Do I need to change settings???

ok - You need to set a joystick using  keyset in VCE  J2 - to work
Yippee - sorted


I love this, but I was wondering, are there any plans to make this work with C64GS controllers? (so it can use more buttons than just one?) i know it wasn't the most popular usage of the system but I would like the option

(2 edits) (+1)

also if possible, could holding the down key while holding the button make it so you place a rope right next to the player? (to be able to go down safely like in the original spelunky classic)

Throwing a rope downwards was on my feature list, but dropped off due to memory constraints :(

Memory constraints limited myself to only being able to support a single button joystick control scheme. Multi-buttom joysticks and keyboard controls are sadly not included...

It's remarkable that everything is contained within a single .prg. Would it been possible to expand certain things (like multi-button support) if you'd opted for multi-load? Cheers.

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