0000 0001 0900 4081
Gottman, John
Gottman, John M.
Gottman, John Mordechai
Gottman, Mordechai
John Gottman (American psychologist)
John Gottman (Amerikaans psycholoog)
John Gottman (US-amerikanischer Psychologe)
Mordechai Gottman, John
Ҷон Готтман
ゴットマン, ジョン
ゴットマン, ジョン・M
Creation class: 
Language material
Creation role: 
Related names: 
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DeClaire, Joan
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Gottman Institute (isAffiliatedWith)
Gottman Institute (isRelatedTo)
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Roy, Anup Kumar
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Sousa, António Reca de
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Univ. of Wisconsin
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo
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Associated Group: Gottman Institute naf
Associated Group: University of Washington naf
Associated Language:
College teachers Clinical psychologists Authors
Education, Higher Clinical psychology Couples therapy Parenting
Fuller form of personal name: John Mordechai
His Two-part harmony, 1994 CIP t.p. (John Gottman) data sheet (b. 04-26-42)
Staying in love, 2006 credits (John Gottman, clinical psychologist)
WWW, December 4, 2006 (John Gottman; John M. Gottman; Ph.D.; co-founder of the Gottman Institute, director of the Relationship Research Institute, and emeritus prof. at the Univ. of Washington)
Williams, E.A. Time-series analysis : a comprehensive introduction for social scientists, 1981 t.p. (John M. Gottman)
Univ. of Wisconsin, Diss
Gottman Institute website, viewed September 3, 2019 (World-renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, John Gottman has conducted 40 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. His work on marriage and parenting has earned him numerous major awards. Dr. Gottman was one of the Top 10 Most Influential Therapists of the past quarter-century by the Psychotherapy Networker. He is the author or co-author of over 200 published academic articles and more than 40 books. Co-founder of the Gottman Institute with his wife, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, John was also the Executive Director of the Relationship Research Institute. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, where he founded 'The Love Lab' at which much of his research on couples' interactions was conducted)