Hearthstone Wiki
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Welcome to Hearthstone Wiki's Community portal
This is where we announce changes to the wiki and initiate projects that include major changes to the structures of articles and databases.

Active projects

IdBrief descriptionWorking onLast modified (GMT 0)
11New articles for about people through new Credits cards & revamp old articles2022-06-04 08:24:15
7We're going to change how we use modifying attributes custom tagsUse252022-05-30 11:11:32
5Revamp artist articlesNo one2022-03-13 06:46:26
4Add artists, voice actors, full arts in Mercenaries card articlesNo one2021-11-30 14:31:56
2Put bug fixes into CardChange tableNo one2021-11-27 08:25:03
1Use Card template instead of Card infoboxUse252022-01-24 16:52:08

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