Apr 2, 2018TacticToe learns from human proofs which mathematical technique is suitable in each proof situation. This knowledge is then used in a Monte Carlo tree search�...
Aug 20, 2020From this point of view, TacticToe is a general proof plan that learns to apply the right tactic from examples and has a backtracking mechanism�...
We implement an automated tactical prover TacticToe on top of the HOL4 interactive theorem prover. TacticToe learns from human proofs which mathematical�...
We implement a automated tactical prover TacticToe on top of the HOL4 interactive theorem prover. TacticToe learns from human proofs which mathematical�...
A automated tactical prover TacticToe is implemented on top of the HOL4 interactive theorem prover, which learns from human proofs which mathematical�...
We propose a novel approach to interactive theorem-proving (ITP) using deep reinforcement learning. Unlike previous work, our framework is able to prove.
Mar 28, 2018Summary: TacticToe learns from human proofs to solve new goals. Advantages over ATPs (E prover) for ITP (HOL4) users: ▷ Includes domain�...
Apr 2, 2018Abstract. Techniques combining machine learning with translation to automated reasoning have recently become an important component of�...
The proposed framework is able to learn proof search strategies as well as tactic and arguments prediction in an end-to-end manner. We formulate the process�...
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TacticToe: Learning to Prove with Tactics. Thibault Gauthier,Cezary Kaliszyk,Josef Urban,Ramana Kumar,Michael Norrish Journal of Automated Reasoning 65, pp.