
who is this?

Glenthemes is a hobbyist web designer & developer who makes Tumblr themes, about pages, multi-character profiles, music players, and more.

about this page

This page shows the resources (from other people) I have used in a particular theme or page. You can find my most-used credits at:

Theme [39]: Clotho


go to post preview download guide

image credits

post shown in preview
header icon
background image
@daenso (edited)

coding credits

minimal soundcloud player
tippy.js by atomiks
remove tumblr redirects
based on / inspired by @magnusthemes [1], [2]
copy link to post
clipboard.js by zenorocha
height:auto transition
Nelson Menezes (used for toggle tags)
alternative timeago()
@bychloethemes, edited into pure JS by @mournstera
shorten note count
infinite scroll
All scripts, fixes, plugins etc were written by me unless stated above or otherwise.

Shameless plug 🔌, here are some of the things I made/wrote that are used in the Clotho theme (most of these are unreleased so don't expect them to work all the time):


Google Fonts
Rethink Sans, Figtree, Karla, Lexend, Inter, Onest, Libre Franklin, Readex Pro, Averia Serif Libre, Hahmlet, Domine, Vollkorn
Fonts from other sources:

Icon Libraries

Eva Icons:
  • arrowhead-right-outline, used in link posts (link inserts)
  • link-2-outline, used in link posts (link inserts) as a decorative icon that sits next to the URL hostname
  • pricetags-outline, toggle tags button icon
  • arrowhead-left-outline and arrowhead-right-outline, used as indicator arrows for regular pagination (if user doesn't have infinite scroll turned on)
  • more_1_fill, aka the "3 dots" "More" button icon for toggling posts' menus
  • user_1_line, used as the decorative icon for "View Blog" in posts' menus
  • eye_line, used as the decorative icon for "View Post" in posts' menus
  • refresh_3_line, used as the reblog icon for each post, as well as the decorative icon for "Reblog" in posts' menus
  • download_2_line, used as the download icon for audio posts
  • send_plane_line, used as the icon for the "Copy Link to Post" button
  • check_line, used as the confirmation icon after the user clicks the "Copy Link to Post" button
Phosphor Icons:
  • caret-up, used as the "back to top" button
  • heart, used as the like button icon
HugeIcons, used as the icon in the header's status section
iOS 17 Logos/Brands, used for social media icons
Other icons used:

Quote Credits

header description quote
Love is always reaching for the stars and missing them, but in the missing, we know that we have tried.
— L.M Montgomery, Chronicles of Avonlea