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Biblioteca do Congreso dos Estados Unidos de América

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A Biblioteca do Congreso é unha biblioteca de investigación que serve oficialmente ó Congreso dos Estados Unidos de América, pero que é de facto a biblioteca nacional dos Estados Unidos.

Moeda da US Mint dedicada á Biblioteca do Congreso dos EEUU (deseño: J. Mercanti)

É a máis antiga institución cultural federal do país. Segundo John Cole, trátase da meirande e máis internacional biblioteca do mundo. Atribúelle estas características polos seus grandes e influentes líderes, como Ainsworth Rand Spofford (1864–97), Herbert Putnam (1899–1939), Luther Evans (1945–53) e James H. Billington (1987–). Cole dixo que todos eles "afirmaron e agrandaron o concepto de Thomas Jefferson de que a Biblioteca do Congreso é unha institución nacional que debería ser universal no seu alcance e dispoñible para todos".[1]

Localizada en tres edificios do Capitol Hill e do Campus Packard Campus de Virxinia, é descrita como a meirande biblioteca do mundo.[2] Porén, as medicións que o afirman teñen unha utilidade limitada por mor da gran variedade de xeitos de catalogación empregados polas institucións.


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  1. John Young Cole, "The library of congress becomes a world library, 1815-2005", Libraries & culture (2005) 40#3: 385-398.
  2. "Fascinating Facts: Statistics". Library of Congress. COnsultado o 27 de outubro de 2014.

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  • Aikin, Jane. "Histories of the Library of Congress." Libraries & the Cultural Record (2010) 45#1 5-24.
  • Bisbort, Alan, and Linda Barrett Osborne. The Nation's Library: The Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. (Library of Congress, 2000)
  • Cole, John Young. Jefferson's legacy: a brief history of the Library of Congress (Library of Congress, 1993)
  • Cole, John Young. "The library of congress becomes a world library, 1815-2005." Libraries & culture (2005) 40#3: 385-398. in Project MUSE
  • Cope, R. L. "Management Review of the Library of Congress: The 1996 Booz Allen & Hamilton Report," Australian Academic & Research Libraries (1997) 28#1 online Arquivado 26 de febreiro de 2014 en Wayback Machine.
  • Mearns, David Chambers. The Story Up To Now: The Library Of Congress, 1800-1946 (1947), detailed narrative
  • Ostrowski, Carl. Books, Maps, and Politics: A Cultural History of the Library of Congress, 1783-1861 (2004) online
  • Rosenberg, Jane Aiken. The Nation's Great Library: Herbert Putnam and the Library of Congress, 1899–1939 (University of Illinois Press, 1993)
  • Shevlin, Eleanor F., and Eric N. Lindquist. "The Center for the Book and the History of the Book," Libraries & the Cultural Record (2010) 45#1 pp 56–69.
  • Tabb, Winston, et al. "Library of Congress." Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (2003) 3: 1593-1612.


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  • Cole, John Y. e Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: The Art and Architecture of the Thomas Jefferson Building (1998) excerpt and text search
  • Small, Herbert, and Henry Hope Reed. The Library of Congress: Its Architecture and Decoration (1983)

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