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Secure Serverless Network

This module handles the basic deployment network configurations for Secure Serverless usage. When using a Shared VPC, you can chose where to create the VPC Connector.

Note: When using a single VPC you should provides VPC and Serverless project id with the same value and the value for connector_on_host_project variable must be false.

The resources/services/activations/deletions that this module will create/trigger are:

  • Creates Firewall rules on your VPC Project.
    • Serverless to VPC Connector
    • VPC Connector to Serverless
    • VPC Connector to LB
    • VPC Connector Health Checks
  • Creates a sub network to VPC Connector usage purpose.
  • Creates Serverless Connector on your VPC Project or Serverless Project. Refer the comparison below:
  • Grant the necessary roles for Cloud Run or Cloud Functions 2nd Gen be able to use VPC Connector on your Shared VPC when creating VPC Connector in host project.
    • Grant Network User role to Cloud Services service account.
    • Grant VPC Access User to Cloud Run or Cloud Functions 2nd Gen Service Identity when deploying VPC Access.


module "cloud_serverless_network" {
  source  = "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-run/google//modules/secure-cloud-serverless-net"
  version = "~> 0.9.1"

  connector_name            = <CONNECTOR NAME>
  subnet_name               = <SUBNETWORK NAME>
  location                  = <SUBNETWORK LOCATION>
  vpc_project_id            = <VPC PROJECT ID>
  serverless_project_id     = <SERVERLESS PROJECT ID>
  shared_vpc_name           = <SHARED VPC NAME>
  ip_cidr_range             = <IP CIDR RANGE>

  serverless_service_identity_email = <SERVERLESS IDENTITY EMAIL>


Name Description Type Default Required
connector_name The name of the serverless connector which is going to be created. string n/a yes
connector_on_host_project Connector is going to be created on the host project if true. When false, connector is going to be created on service project. For more information, access documentation. bool false no
create_subnet The subnet will be created with the subnet_name variable if true. When false, it will use the subnet_name for the subnet. bool true no
enable_load_balancer_fw Create the firewall rule for Cloud Run to enable the VPC Connector to access the Load Balancer instance using TCP port 80. Default is true. If using Cloud Function set to false. bool true no
flow_sampling Sampling rate of VPC flow logs. The value must be in [0,1]. Where 1.0 means all logs, 0.5 mean half of the logs and 0.0 means no logs are reported. number 1 no
ip_cidr_range The range of internal addresses that are owned by the subnetwork and which is going to be used by VPC Connector. For example, or Ranges must be unique and non-overlapping within a network. Only IPv4 is supported. string n/a yes
location The location where resources are going to be deployed. string n/a yes
resource_names_suffix A suffix to concat in the end of the resources names. string null no
serverless_project_id The project where Secure Serverless is going to be deployed. string n/a yes
serverless_service_identity_email The Service Identity email for the serverless resource (Cloud Run or Cloud Function). string n/a yes
shared_vpc_name Shared VPC name which is going to be used to create Serverless Connector. string n/a yes
subnet_name Subnet name to be re-used to create Serverless Connector. string n/a yes
vpc_project_id The project where shared vpc is. string n/a yes


Name Description
cloud_services_sa Google APIs service agent.
connector_id VPC serverless connector ID.
gca_vpcaccess_sa Google APIs Service Agent for VPC Access.
subnet_name The name of the sub-network used to create VPC Connector.



The following dependencies must be available:


The Serverless and Network project with the following APIs enabled must be used to host the resources of this module:

  • Google VPC Access API:
  • Compute API:

Service Account

A service account with one of the following roles must be used to provision the resources of this module:

  • Network Project
    • Compute Shared VPC Admin: roles/compute.xpnAdmin
    • Network Admin: roles/compute.networkAdmin
    • Security Admin: roles/compute.securityAdmin
    • Serverless VPC Access Admin: roles/vpcaccess.admin
  • Serverless Project
    • Security Admin: roles/compute.securityAdmin
    • Serverless VPC Access Admin: roles/vpcaccess.admin