Early Career Leadership Program

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Develop your skills, join a thriving network, and demonstrate your abilities by participating in the GSA’s Early Career Leadership Program!

The deadline to apply is October 16, 2024.

Review and make a copy of the ECLP Application Checklist here! Use this checklist to enhance the quality of your application, prepare question responses, and make sure you include all requested information for a high quality application.

Advisors needed! If you are interested in serving as an advisor for an ECLP subcommittee, please fill out this survey.

GSA recognizes that early career scientists are the future of our research community. To help them shape that future, we have designed a program that provides student and postdoc members from around the world with rich opportunities to enact change and advance their careers.

In this online program, participants work in teams to propose, develop, and implement initiatives that address unmet needs for the early career scientist community. Participants have the opportunity to work on their writing skills, which includes the option to take a writing workshop tailored for the needs of early career scientists. Early career leaders complete the program with new skills, a network of peers and mentors, and concrete deliverables that demonstrate their abilities.

In their own words

Watch the video below to hear from members of the Early Career Leadership Program about their experience participating, including leadership skills they’ve gained, their favorite parts of the program, and new collaborations born of their time in the ECLP and its various subcommittees.

Early Career Scientist Committees

Each team of students and postdocs serves as a subcommittee with specific goals, working collaboratively while drawing on the expertise of experienced advisors.

Learn more about the goals, projects, and members of each subcommittee:

Steering Committee

Accessibility Subcommittee

Career Development Subcommittee

Communication and Outreach Subcommittee

Community and Membership Engagement Subcommittee

Multimedia Subcommittee

Policy and Advocacy Subcommittee

“The GSA stands out from other scientific associations in that it is very active in promoting activities and opportunities for career growth. I am very excited about the opportunity to contribute back!”

Bernarda Calla, Career Development Subcommittee member
Read more on Genes to Genomes

I am not only developing my communication skills, but also expanding my professional network by working with a diverse group of early career scientists, editing and reviewing each other’s work.

Haifa Alhadyian, member of the Communication and Outreach Subcommittee
Read more about the experiences of program participants

Support the Early Career Leadership Program

Want to empower early career scientists? Help us maintain this valuable program by donating today.

Learn more about career development at GSA

GENETICS Peer Review Training Program

Peer-reviewers are vital to science, yet early career scientists in our field rarely receive formal training in how to be a good reviewer. GSA and GENETICS are addressing this gap with a program that gives early career members real-world peer review experience. Participants will receive online training, feedback, and will become reviewers for manuscripts submitted to GENETICS.

Learn more »

Starter Culture Microgrant Program

The Starter Culture Microgrant Program funds projects that will benefit the genetics community and allows GSA to be more responsive to member needs and changing contexts. This program gives GSA members of any career stage up to $2000 for their project that responds to community needs and has broad and far-reaching intellectual impacts.

Learn more » 
