Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


No need to have locations here since there is a separate Sierra Madre vending machine codes page. --Five Four Plus 01:55, January 12, 2011 (UTC)

Some "recipes" have multiple locations- added those to the page. I can't verify that you can get the weapon repair kit from the same terminal you get the demo charge from, as I had already found the holotape in the police station, but it seems reasonable, as the terminal talks about both. Baseproduct 17:47, January 3, 2011 (UTC)

"the most popular item - Stimpaks - normally cost 75 caps apiece, and vendors rarely carry more than five of them - 25 chips acquired by making Sierra Madre Slugs with the Coin Operator perk cost only 38 caps (Half the cost!) and can be purchased in hundred-unit lots for just 2500 chips - 3800 caps."

Using slugs to purchase anything other than weapon repair kits (20 slugs each) from the vending machines is a waste of slugs. Even if your repair skill is low. 11:58, January 5, 2011 (UTC)

Can anyone else confirm a bug I've encountered? When wearing the prewar outfits and returning them to the vending machines, the +1 agility bonus will remain. I have yet to finish the dlc and return, so I cannot confirm if it is totally permanent, but I can say that the bonuses of turning in multiple sets do stack. So if you equip one, turn it in, and equip another, and turn that one in, the bonus will become +2 to agility. 20:38, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, I can confirm the above "bug" does happen. You return the pre-war outfit while wearing it will give you an agility bonus that's permenant. You can do this multiple times and negate any penalties you may have. Gamefaqs has a user that confirms it as well. 01:24, February 22, 2011 (UTC)

After re-reading what I said I realized that I repeated what the guy above me said. Here is a link to the gamefaqs page. http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/959557-fallout-new-vegas/58199004 01:36, February 22, 2011 (UTC)

Alright, I added the information to the page. This is my first time ever editing anything on this wikia, so if I didn't do it right I real sorry. Also, I don't know if I was to create new replies or add to my old, so sorry for that as well. 01:49, February 22, 2011 (UTC)

why foods still contain rad??[]

I'm just thinking why foods from the machine still contains rad?? It says the food and items are made from the Sierra Madre chips. --James Jr 06:01, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

The machines break down the Sierra Madre chips through some nuclear reaction and convert them into the desired items. It's not unreasonable to expect it to leave any food made this way a little radioactive... -- 18:21, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

No Alchohol / Bug?[]

Vodka, Wine, and Scotch don't appear on the item list, even after I've obtained their codes. Anyone else have this problem?

The holotapes for those consumables (Vodka, Wine, Scotch) were only for the one SM Vending Machine IN the Casino area itself.


I was wondering why the vending machines offer steady even though it is clearly a post-war chem (empty sunset sarsaparilla bottle and makeshift inhaler)but no fixer or cateye. 10:22, May 25, 2011 (UTC)

There were many other people who visited (and died) in the Sierra Madre. It makes total sense that they probably figured out how to make their own holotapes, but I guess they died before cateye (which could be made using cloud residue anyways) and fixer (which is what seems to be an over-the-counter drug that, perhaps, can't be created using the remaining plant-life of New Vegas) were thrown into the mix. Also, considering his Mentat addiction, Elijah perhaps had a few more addictions on top of that, but it probably never dawned on him (because his Mentat high probably didn't last long) that Fixer would've done the trick better TheSadViolin (talk) 06:27, February 9, 2013 (UTC)

I dont think steady is postWar product. Oh, the current product is obviously newly manufactured with makeshift component, but the its use is too military-oriented to NOT be invented preWar. And since Sinclair want to provide hidden protective and combative tools for defense of the place, the durable and dangerous melee weapon is disguised as a mere chef knife, and the combat drug Steady is disguised as an addictive drug, plus Mentats and Buffout. Still, the lack of Fixer is halfway dangerous: on one hand he prolly plan to rely on AutoDoc upgrade to fix addiction but didnt receive it before the bombs fell (as The Sink's AutoDoc can do); on another hand it show a lack of second backup plan, because if the autodoc all fail for some reasons the drug-users will be screwed. There's about the only Fixer in Puesta del Sol above the very hard locked gate leading to the Service Route. As it is, the only way for fixing withdrawals of all type is mostly sleep/wait 30 hourLaclongquan (talk) 17:01, May 19, 2013 (UTC)


The existence of these machines makes the Fallout universe even more tragic. If war could have been averted for just a bit longer, they could have achieved a Star Trek-esque, post scarcity society.--OvaltinePatrol 08:03, June 18, 2011 (UTC)

Too Easy![]

You can make 357. rounds?!?! Lucky, here I come!

OWB Vending Machine[]

Why isn't there a prototype Vending Machine at the Big MT...seems strange there isn't one along with the Holorifles.

Come on Avellone what gives?... Metro Tunnel Rat 20:15, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, for the vending machines there should be some prototypes or at least some broken/unused models of it. For the Holorifles, though, they were made by Elijah, you can hear him saying on his radio broadcasts in random places in the Villa or if you trap him inside the Vault.
"Wish I still had that damn Holorifle...Spent forever making it. Need to find it when this is all done"

Also remember to sign your posts. K1LL 16:02, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Ah yes I just read up about the Holorifle. Just been using it around BigMT omg tears up Lobo's like no tomorrow!!.

Not a complaint but having no access to mutfruit (as Biological Research Station doesn't grow them!) to make Super Stims was a pain...had to be more careful how I tackled quests. Vending Machine would have been handy. Metro Tunnel Rat 20:15, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Custom codes?[]

Is it just me or does there need to be a mod for custom codes for any item.It would help for limited food or crafting components.

Yeah, I thought that eventually you'd discover a code for energy weapon users. Maybe it's too much to ask for a code to create MF cells, but not even a recharger rifle? That's harsh. Gun users get assault rifles and police pistols, unarmed and explosives characters at least get something to work with (bear trap fists and lots of explosives at the loss of their bread-and-butter ordinances), but energy weapons users have to make due with a nearly broken weapon with only a few shots before switching to something else. By the way, I just moved your stuff into a separate section, since it's obvious that that is what you meant to do. 01:27, March 21, 2013 (UTC)

I think with the unlimited ammo of a recharger pistol, players may just forgo the holorifle to stick with it. The scarcity of MF cells hurts a lot. Punishing, even. 18:17, May 18, 2013 (UTC)


I've merged the Vault and Nukapedia background article section. Proper references provided throughout. Personal_Sig_Image.gif Tagaziel (call!) 07:47, October 13, 2019 (UTC)
