Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Principal Jackie Hudson was the principal of the Suffolk County Charter School in 2077.


Desperate for funding, Principal Hudson signed her school up for the Nutritional Alternative Paste Program, fully believing that the program was a great short term way to help the school, and as an added bonus, long term a service to the country. In doing so, however, she willfully ignored the inhumane and immoral experiment on children under her tutelage. She brushed off the psychological and physical side effects as "assuredly psychosomatic" and "possibly related to a lack of trust in the government."[1][2][3][4][5]


Hudson is one of several voice-only characters who has a unique model for their holotape voice NPC (an actor required by the Creation Engine in order for holotape lines to play).


Principal Jackie Hudson is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

