The unramified principal series of p -adic groups. II. The Whittaker function

W. Casselman; J. Shalika

Compositio Mathematica (1980)

  • Volume: 41, Issue: 2, page 207-231
  • ISSN: 0010-437X

How to cite


Casselman, W., and Shalika, J.. "The unramified principal series of $p$-adic groups. II. The Whittaker function." Compositio Mathematica 41.2 (1980): 207-231. <>.

author = {Casselman, W., Shalika, J.},
journal = {Compositio Mathematica},
keywords = {Macdonald's formula; zonal spherical functions on p-adic reductive group; Whittaker function; unramified principal series representation; Whittaker model; unipotent radical; parabolic subgroup; supercuspidal representation},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {207-231},
publisher = {Sijthoff et Noordhoff International Publishers},
title = {The unramified principal series of $p$-adic groups. II. The Whittaker function},
url = {},
volume = {41},
year = {1980},

AU - Casselman, W.
AU - Shalika, J.
TI - The unramified principal series of $p$-adic groups. II. The Whittaker function
JO - Compositio Mathematica
PY - 1980
PB - Sijthoff et Noordhoff International Publishers
VL - 41
IS - 2
SP - 207
EP - 231
LA - eng
KW - Macdonald's formula; zonal spherical functions on p-adic reductive group; Whittaker function; unramified principal series representation; Whittaker model; unipotent radical; parabolic subgroup; supercuspidal representation
UR -
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Freydoon Shahidi, Local coefficients and normalization of intertwining operators for G L ( n )
  2. S. J. Patterson, Metaplectic forms and Gauss sums I
  3. Atsushi Murase, Takashi Sugano, Whittaker-Shintani functions on the symplectic group of Fourier-Jacobi type
  4. Patrick Delorme, Formule de Plancherel pour les fonctions de Whittaker sur un groupe réductif p -adique
  5. Yuval Z. Flicker, Twisted tensors and Euler products
  6. David Ginzburg, Stephen Rallis, David Soudry, L -functions for symplectic groups
  7. Hervé Jacquet, Kloosterman identities over a quadratic extension II
  8. Jing-Song Huang, Metaplectic correspondences and unitary representations
  9. Hervé Jacquet, Stephen Rallis, Uniqueness of linear periods
  10. Mark Reeder, p -adic Whittaker functions and vector bundles on flag manifolds

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