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Ukrainian Law

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Ukrainian law is different from British and American law. The difference consists of the absence of precedent and the codification of laws. The Ukrainian legal system is romano-germanic, and the main feature is the supremacy of the law. The main sources of the law are the codes, laws and sublegislative acts.

Ukraine is a parliamentary democracy with separate executive, judicial, and legislative branches. The president nominates the prime minister, who must be confirmed by the parliament. The 450-member parliament (Supreme Rada) initiates legislation, ratifies international agreements, and approves the budget.

Shortly after becoming independent, Ukraine named a parliamentary commission to prepare a new constitution and adopted a multiparty system and legislative guarantees of civil and political rights for national minorities. A new, democratic constitution was adopted on June 28, 1996. It mandates a pluralistic political system with protection for basic human rights and liberties.

  1. Constitution of Ukraine
  2. Verhovna Rada of Ukraine
  3. Government of Ukraine
  4. the Ministry of Justice
  5. Substantive Laws of Ukraine