Page:Public General Statutes 1896.djvu/429

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Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1896.
Ch. 47.



Section I(1.)

Form of Schedule for Record.

Particulars of Holding taken into consideration in fixing the Judicial Rent.

No. of Ordnance Sheet.
County    Tenant   
Record No.   Landlord   

Date upon which holding inspected    day of    189   .

Who attended inspection on behalf of Landlord?   

Do. on behalf of Tenant?   

1 . Character of holding:—

The land in a holding may be all of uniform charactor, or it may consist of two or more of the qualities of land indicated in the following Schedule, which should be carefully filled up according to the facts. The acreage of each class of land found in the holding should be set out in the column given for the purpose, and this area should be marked off with a blue coloured line on the Ordnance Surrey Map of the holdings and also marked with the letter or letters corresponding with same in the Schedule. These areas should be stated with as near an approach to accuracy as under the circumstances is possible. The record number of the holding should in each case be marked on the Map, and where more than one holding is marked on the Map a Schedule of holdings with the record numbers, and tenants' names is to be written on the right hand margin on the Map. The exterior boundaries of each holding must be carefully marked on the Map, with a red coloured line.

(1.) Schedule of classes of land.

Area in Statute Measure Fair Rent per Acre (excluding Buildings), on the assumption that all Improvements thereon were made or acquired by the Landlord.
Grass Lands:: A. R. F. £ s. d.
A 1st class          
B 2nd class          
C 3rd class          
D 4th class          
E 5th class, mountain and unreclaimed bog          
F Ist class, permanent meadow          
2nd class, permanent meadow          
Land in tillage or worked in rotation, including pasture or meadow of a temporary character:          
H 1st class          
I 2nd class          
K 3rd class          
L 4th class; reclaimed mountain or bog          
X waste (description)          
Total area