Testverzweigungen erstellen

Nachdem Sie einen Test erstellt haben, müssen Sie mehrere Testverzweigungen erstellen um dem Test mehr Informationen darüber zu geben, Tests durchführen.


ExperimentArm steht für einen Teil des den Vergleich, den Sie für den Test durchführen. Alle Tests müssen immer haben genau eine Kontrollgruppe. Diese Verzweigung ist eine bestehende Kampagne, die mit denen Sie die andere Verzweigung vergleichen.

Die anderen Verzweigungen werden als Testverzweigungen bezeichnet. bevor Sie den Test starten.

ExperimentArm enthält auch die Einstellung traffic_split. So können Sie geben Sie den Prozentsatz des Traffics an, der an jede Verzweigung des zu testen. In jeder Verzweigung muss eine Aufteilung der Zugriffe und die Summe der Aufteilung der Zugriffe angegeben werden müssen in allen Verzweigungen zusammen 100 ergeben.

Aufgrund dieser Einschränkung der Trafficaufteilung müssen alle Testverzweigungen erstellt werden in derselben Anfrage.



private String createExperimentArms(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long campaignId, String experiment) {
  List<ExperimentArmOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
              // The "control" arm references an already-existing campaign.
                  .addCampaigns(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, campaignId))
                  .setName("control arm")
              // The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm, will automatically
              // generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the experiment.
                  .setName("experiment arm")

  try (ExperimentArmServiceClient experimentArmServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createExperimentArmServiceClient()) {
    // Constructs the mutate request.
    MutateExperimentArmsRequest mutateRequest = MutateExperimentArmsRequest.newBuilder()
        // We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the easiest way to do
        // that is to have the response return the newly created entities.

    // Sends the mutate request.
    MutateExperimentArmsResponse response =

    // Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request. Since we created
    // the treatment arm last, it will be the last result.  If you don't remember which arm is the
    // treatment arm, you can always filter the query in the next section with
    // `experiment_arm.control = false`.
    MutateExperimentArmResult controlArmResult = response.getResults(0);
    MutateExperimentArmResult treatmentArmResult = response.getResults(
        response.getResultsCount() - 1);

    System.out.printf("Created control arm with resource name '%s'%n",
    System.out.printf("Created treatment arm with resource name '%s'%n",

    return treatmentArmResult.getExperimentArm().getInDesignCampaigns(0);


/// <summary>
/// Creates the experiment arms.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="baseCampaignId">ID of the campaign for which the control arm is
/// created.</param>
/// <param name="experimentResourceName">Resource name of the experiment.</param>
/// <returns>The control and treatment arms.</returns>
private static (MutateExperimentArmResult, MutateExperimentArmResult)
    CreateExperimentArms(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long baseCampaignId,
        string experimentResourceName)
    // Get the ExperimentArmService.
    ExperimentArmServiceClient experimentService = client.GetService(

    // Create the control arm. The control arm references an already-existing campaign.
    ExperimentArmOperation controlArmOperation = new ExperimentArmOperation()
        Create = new ExperimentArm()
            Control = true,
            Campaigns = {
                ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, baseCampaignId)
            Experiment = experimentResourceName,
            Name = "Control Arm",
            TrafficSplit = 40

    // Create the non-control arm. The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm,
    // will automatically generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the
    // experiment.
    ExperimentArmOperation treatmentArmOperation = new ExperimentArmOperation()
        Create = new ExperimentArm()
            Control = false,
            Experiment = experimentResourceName,
            Name = "Experiment Arm",
            TrafficSplit = 60

    // We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the
    // easiest way to do that is to have the response return the newly created
    // entities.
    MutateExperimentArmsRequest request = new MutateExperimentArmsRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        Operations = { controlArmOperation, treatmentArmOperation },
        ResponseContentType = ResponseContentType.MutableResource

    MutateExperimentArmsResponse response = experimentService.MutateExperimentArms(

    // Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request.
    // Since we created the treatment arm last, it will be the last result.
    MutateExperimentArmResult controlArm = response.Results.First();
    MutateExperimentArmResult treatmentArm = response.Results.Last();

    Console.WriteLine($"Created control arm with resource name " +
    Console.WriteLine($"Created treatment arm with resource name" +
      $" '{treatmentArm.ResourceName}'.");
    return (controlArm, treatmentArm);



private static function createExperimentArms(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $campaignId,
    string $experimentResourceName
): string {
    $operations = [];
    $experimentArm1 = new ExperimentArm([
        // The "control" arm references an already-existing campaign.
        'control' => true,
        'campaigns' => [ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, $campaignId)],
        'experiment' => $experimentResourceName,
        'name' => 'control arm',
        'traffic_split' => 40
    $operations[] = new ExperimentArmOperation(['create' => $experimentArm1]);
    $experimentArm2 = new ExperimentArm([
        // The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm, will automatically
        // generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the
        // experiment.
        'control' => false,
        'experiment' => $experimentResourceName,
        'name' => 'experiment arm',
        'traffic_split' => 60
    $operations[] = new ExperimentArmOperation(['create' => $experimentArm2]);

    // Issues a request to create the experiment arms.
    $experimentArmServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getExperimentArmServiceClient();
    $response = $experimentArmServiceClient->mutateExperimentArms(
        MutateExperimentArmsRequest::build($customerId, $operations)
            // We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the easiest
            // way to do that is to have the response return the newly created entities.
    // Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request.
    // Since we created the treatment arm last, it will be the last result.
    $controlArmResourceName = $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
    $treatmentArm = $response->getResults()[count($operations) - 1];
    print "Created control arm with resource name '$controlArmResourceName'" . PHP_EOL;
    print "Created treatment arm with resource name '{$treatmentArm->getResourceName()}'"
        . PHP_EOL;

    return $treatmentArm->getExperimentArm()->getInDesignCampaigns()[0];


def create_experiment_arms(client, customer_id, base_campaign_id, experiment):
    """Creates a control and treatment experiment arms.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        base_campaign_id: the campaign ID to associate with the control arm of
          the experiment.
        experiment: the resource name for an experiment.

        the resource name for the new treatment experiment arm.
    operations = []

    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")

    # The "control" arm references an already-existing campaign.
    operation_1 = client.get_type("ExperimentArmOperation")
    exa_1 = operation_1.create
    exa_1.control = True
        campaign_service.campaign_path(customer_id, base_campaign_id)
    exa_1.experiment = experiment
    exa_1.name = "control arm"
    exa_1.traffic_split = 40

    # The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm, will automatically
    # generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the
    # experiment.
    operation_2 = client.get_type("ExperimentArmOperation")
    exa_2 = operation_2.create
    exa_2.control = False
    exa_2.experiment = experiment
    exa_2.name = "experiment arm"
    exa_2.traffic_split = 60

    experiment_arm_service = client.get_service("ExperimentArmService")
    request = client.get_type("MutateExperimentArmsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    request.operations = operations
    # We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the
    # easiest way to do that is to have the response return the newly created
    # entities.
    request.response_content_type = (
    response = experiment_arm_service.mutate_experiment_arms(request=request)

    # Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request.
    # Since we created the treatment arm second, it will be the second result.
    control_arm_result = response.results[0]
    treatment_arm_result = response.results[1]

        f"Created control arm with resource name {control_arm_result.resource_name}"
        f"Created treatment arm with resource name {treatment_arm_result.resource_name}"

    return treatment_arm_result.experiment_arm.in_design_campaigns[0]


def create_experiment_arms(client, customer_id, base_campaign_id, experiment)
  operations = []
  operations << client.operation.create_resource.experiment_arm do |ea|
    # The "control" arm references an already-existing campaign.
    ea.control = true
    ea.campaigns << client.path.campaign(customer_id, base_campaign_id)
    ea.experiment = experiment
    ea.name = 'control arm'
    ea.traffic_split = 40
  operations << client.operation.create_resource.experiment_arm do |ea|
    # The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm, will automatically
    # generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the
    # experiment.
    ea.control = false
    ea.experiment = experiment
    ea.name = 'experiment arm'
    ea.traffic_split = 60

  response = client.service.experiment_arm.mutate_experiment_arms(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: operations,
    # We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the
    # easiest way to do that is to have the response return the newly created
    # entities.
    response_content_type: :MUTABLE_RESOURCE,

  # Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request.
  # Since we created the treatment arm last, it will be the last result.
  control_arm_result = response.results.first
  treatment_arm_result = response.results.last

  puts "Created control arm with resource name #{control_arm_result.resource_name}."
  puts "Created treatment arm with resource name #{treatment_arm_result.resource_name}."



sub create_experiment_arms {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $base_campaign_id, $experiment) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  push @$operations,
      create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::ExperimentArm->new({
          # The "control" arm references an already-existing campaign.
          control   => "true",
          campaigns => [
              $customer_id, $base_campaign_id
          experiment   => $experiment,
          name         => "control arm",
          trafficSplit => 40

  push @$operations,
      create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::ExperimentArm->new({
          # The non-"control" arm, also called a "treatment" arm, will automatically
          # generate draft campaigns that you can modify before starting the
          # experiment.
          control      => "false",
          experiment   => $experiment,
          name         => "experiment arm",
          trafficSplit => 60

  my $response = $api_client->ExperimentArmService()->mutate({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    operations => $operations,
    # We want to fetch the draft campaign IDs from the treatment arm, so the
    # easiest way to do that is to have the response return the newly created
    # entities.
    responseContentType => MUTABLE_RESOURCE

  # Results always return in the order that you specify them in the request.
  # Since we created the treatment arm last, it will be the last result.
  my $control_arm_result   = $response->{results}[0];
  my $treatment_arm_result = $response->{results}[1];

  printf "Created control arm with resource name '%s'.\n",
  printf "Created treatment arm with resource name '%s'.\n",
  return $treatment_arm_result->{experimentArm}{inDesignCampaigns}[0];

Einige wichtige Punkte zum Beispiel oben:

  • Die name jeder Verzweigung muss innerhalb von Experiment eindeutig sein.
  • Die traffic_split muss in allen Verzweigungen insgesamt 100 ergeben.
  • Bei genau einem Verzweigung muss „control“ auf „true“ festgelegt sein. müssen alle anderen Verzweigungen ist er auf false festgelegt.

    Nur die Kontrollgruppe gibt ein campaigns-Array an, das nur ein Array enthält Kampagne.


Nachdem Sie alle Testverzweigungen erstellt haben, wobei control auf false gesetzt ist – es wird automatisch eingefügt, in_design_campaigns. Sie können das Feld aus der API-Antwort abrufen indem Sie den Antwortinhaltstyp wie im Code auf MUTABLE_RESOURCE festlegen Beispiel. Sie können sie auch über eine GoogleAdsService-Abfrage:

SELECT experiment_arm.in_design_campaigns
FROM experiment_arm
WHERE experiment_arm.resource_name = "TREATMENT_ARM_RESOURCE_NAME"


Diese Kampagnen im Design können wie normale Kampagnen behandelt werden. Mach was, was du willst Änderungen, die Sie in Ihrem Test an diesen Kampagnen testen möchten die Kontrollgruppe ist davon nicht betroffen. Sobald Sie den Test geplant haben, zu einer echten Kampagne realisiert werden, für die Anzeigen geschaltet werden können.

Diese in Design befindlichen Kampagnen sind technisch gesehen Entwürfe. Wenn Sie in GoogleAdsService suchen, include_drafts=true hinzufügen parameter der Abfrage hinzu.

Bevor Sie die in das Design integrierte Kampagne ändern können, muss mindestens eine Änderung vorgenommen werden. um den Test zu planen.