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Koreanischer Text:

A ch'im un pinnara i kangsan Ungum e, chawon do kaduk han Samch'olli, arumdaun nae choguk, Panmannyon oraen ryoksa e. Ch'allan han munhwa ro charanan Sulgiroun inmin ui i yonggwang: Momgwa mam ta pach'yo, i, choson Kiri pattuse. Ch'alse.

Paektusan Kisang ul ta anko. Kullo ui chongsin un kitturo. Chilli ro mungch 'yo jin oksen ttut On segye apso nagari. Sonnun him nodo do naemiro, Inmin ui ttus uro son nara. Han opsi pugang hanun I choson kiri pinnaese.

Englische Übersetzung:

Let morning shine on the silver and gold of this land, Three thousand leagues packed with natural wealth. My beautiful fatherland. The glory of a wise people Brought up in a culture brilliant With a history five millennia long. Let us devote our bodies and minds To supporting this Korea for ever.

The firm will, bonded with truth, Nest for the spirit of labour, Embracing the atmosphere of Mount Paektu, Will go forth to all the world. The country established by the will of the people, Breasting the raging waves with soaring strength. Let us glorify for ever this Korea, Limitlessly rich and strong.