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Search dblp for Publications

powered by CompleteSearch, courtesy of Hannah Bast, University of Freiburg

Please enter a search query

  • case-insensitive prefix search: default
    e.g., sig matches "SIGIR" as well as "signal"
  • exact word search: append dollar sign ($) to word
    e.g., graph$ matches "graph", but not "graphics"
  • boolean and: separate words by space
    e.g., codd model
  • boolean or: connect words by pipe symbol (|)
    e.g., graph|network

Update May 7, 2017: Please note that we had to disable the phrase search operator (.) and the boolean not operator (-) due to technical problems. For the time being, phrase search queries will yield regular prefix search result, and search terms preceded by a minus will be interpreted as regular (positive) search terms.