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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Giorgi Balakhadze

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--Harold (diskuse) 11. 7. 2013, 20:04 (UTC)

Dear Mr. Giorgi Balakhadze, I understand your attitude very well. You probably know that our country was controlled and militarily occupied by the bolshevist Russia during 1948 - 1990. Our people seriously suffered from violent soviet propaganda all the time and some people could not get rid of its consequence till the present day. I apologize for those people, their disgraceful intervention as well and thank you very much for your correction of cs-wiki. If you find any other problem, feel free to let me know, please. I promise to do my best. I believe you do not mind my translation and explanation of your contributon for readers who do not understand English. With best regards: Karel61 (diskuse) 9. 7. 2013, 12:02 (UTC)

It's ok Karel61, I also must to apologize for this template, I was very angry when I created it. History of Czech Republic is very similar to Georgian, everything the best and long life to Czech and to good Czech people.--Giorgi Balakhadze (diskuse) 11. 7. 2013, 18:52 (UTC)
You do not need to apologize for anything, Giorgi! Your comparison is accurate. The annexion of Czechoslovak border area by Nazi Germany in 1938 really created a pattern repeated by Russia against your country in 2008. With best regards:Karel61 (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 00:12 (UTC)

Request again

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Hi, I would request you again to not editing my user page. It is very indecent. And please dont call me russian, I am czech from Czech Republic and this is czech wiki no russian wiki, so if you want there change geography names pls show me some reasons for czech language.

As I told you in my first message to you: "I understand that you have opposite opinion to Abkhazian and Ossetian independence, but attacking to neutral observer will not help Georgia to seize this two republics." I would repeat it, but now for better uderstanding I add my point of view for your confict: Abkhazians are ancient nation, whitch was almost destroyded by georgians murderers Stalin and Berija. In 1992 Georgia attack them and start as first killing, but abkhazians win war and they dribed georgians out. In next years till the present Georgia threaten Abkhazia witch found help in Russia. They have two chances: be russian protectorate or be Georgia, but after Stalin and Berija they dont want be georgia. Yes they are dependent on russia, but it is because Georgia dont give them another chance. If Georgia recognize them they will not be longer dependent on Russia and they become independent state.

I dont think that russia had the best intention, but if they want prevent your join to NATO why they recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia. If state have some by rebels control or ocupied area you cant join NATO. If Georgia really would join NATO you recognize their independence. If russian really want prevent your join to NATO they didnt recognize their independence.

Please sorry, but i think that Georgian join to EU is only joke. Georgia is economicly Third World country:

  • GDP per capita $5,900 same as Mongolia or Angola
  • Labour force by occupation Agriculture: 52,2% same as Africa
  • 2 times more import than export = Greece
  • etc...

--Dag13 (diskuse) 11. 7. 2013, 22:06 (UTC)

Early Georgian States of Colchis and Iberia.
I interested where you read that bullshit history? Just give me link. What you wrote is even 1% is not true, Abkhazians and Georgians where lived together so many centuries that you can't imagine. Yes Abkhazians are ancient nation but Georgians are more ancient, see this map in 600-150BC there is no Abkhazia, but there is Early Georgian State on today Abkhazia's territory, so history doesn't begin from 20th century from Stalin and Beria.--Giorgi Balakhadze (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 08:07 (UTC)

Also before Russians come in Caucasus, there, between Georgians and Abkhazians was not even one battle. How could you explain this? For so many centuries they lived like brothers and in 20th century Georgians disliked them? I think it's just someone's fantasy and less erudition.--Giorgi Balakhadze (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 08:16 (UTC)

Please read history more careful, and then make decisions, here is one article which give you information about reality who killed and destroied Abkhaz nation, do you know about Abkhaz Muhajirs, I think no so read this :Ethnic cleansing of Circassians. In 19th century when all Caucasus even Georgian was under Russian rule, they made ethnic cleanse of Circassian people in which included Abkhazs too: "The expulsion was launched even before the end of the war in 1864 and it continued into the 1870s, although it was mostly completed by 1867. The peoples involved were mainly the Circassians (Adyghe in their own language), Ubykhs, Abkhaz, and Abaza"...
"During the year of 1864 alone about 220,000 muhajirs disembarked in Anatolia. Between March 6 and May 21, 1864, the entire Ubykh people had departed the Caucasus for Turkey. By the end of the resettlement, more than 400,000 Circassians, as well as 200,000 Abkhazians and Ajars".

It is not thrue that Abkhazians and Georgians lived together. They lived next to each other. I dont know why are you so sure that Colchis was "Early Georgian State", there is that they speak by svan language, abkhaz language, laz language and greece language not georgian language. Georgian as united state with Abkhazia worked maximally 3 centuries.:

In 19. and 20. century georgians and russins was very similar, both want destroy Abkhazia and both participate on it(before stalin rule Abkhazians was still numericalest nation in Abkhazia), but russias were changed themselves and they want correct their mistakes and give Abkhazians their own land, but georgians werent changed themselves and still want Abkhazians land for themselves.--Dag13 (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 12:50 (UTC)

Go and read history dude Lazika, Iberien, Swanen, Abshiler, Heniocher, Makronen, Egrisi, Abchasien, Kartlien, Kakhetien, Tao-Klarjetien, Heretien, Imereti, Argveti, Mtiuleti all of them were Georgian principalities and kingdoms, so stop your dilettante claim. If on the map is not written Georgia doesn't mean that territory is not Georgian, tell, from which century territory of Bohemia and Moravia is called Czech? I think in 16th century it was named as Bohemia, Moravia but it doesn't mean that this territory today is not Czech. Also rules family of Abkhazia principality were the Shervashidzes, Shervashidze is Georgian surname. Abkhazia is full of Georgian churches, fortresses, Abkhazia is still part of the Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church. Abkhazia is a part of Georgia and will be forever.

I understand what kind of person you are :D. So I am not your teacher, do what you want on your wrong way, I just advise you to read more historical books and not make your own wrong "historical discoveries" or "researchs".--Giorgi Balakhadze (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 14:04 (UTC)

Even if you are right what it change? Good example is my country. We have many German Castles , we had many german dynasties and rulers. We were part of holy roman empire of the German Nation and Germans tryed colonize us and impose us their language, but it doesnt mean that we are germans. We wanted live in our own state and now despite history we have good relations with Germany. And i belive you that in majority of this principalities and kingdoms had georgian culture and georgian language, but it doesnt mean that it was georgian. Bavaria had german culture and language, but Germany was established in 1871 and Bavaria exist before them. Slovakia never had their own state always was part of Hungary and then Czehoslovakia. I dont know what problem do you have with abkhazian independence. We havent problem with independence 40% of our territory. We broke with Slovakia without the only one shoot and now we have better relations with them than in one state. In Georgia was many hot wars and more than 20 years cold war and what is the result? Many killed many enemies and 20% of your teritory is ready to fight with you to the last breath. Well done.--Dag13 (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 22:20 (UTC)

Look at this numbers: Expulsion from the Caucasus to the Ottoman Empire

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  • 1828–1829 : 10,000 Abkhaz left the North Caucasus[1]
  • 1852–1858 : Abkhaz population declined from 98,000 to 89,866[1]
  • 1858–1860 : Over 30,000 Nogais were expelled[1]
  • 1860–1861 : 10,000 Kabardians were expelled[2]
  • 1861–1863 : 4,300 Abaza 4,000 Natukhais 2,000 Temirgoi 600 Beslenei and 300 Bzhedugs families were exiled[2]
  • 1865 : 5,000 Chechen families were sent to Turkey[2]
  • 1863–1864 : 470,703 people left the West Caucasus (according to G.A. Dzidzariia)[3]
  • 1863–1864 : 312,000 people left the West Caucasus (according to N.G. Volkova)[3]
  • 1858–1864 : 398,000 people left the Kuban oblast (according to N.G Volkova)[3]
  • 1858–1864 : 493,194 people left (according to Adol'f Berzhe)[3]
  • 1863–1864 : 400,000 people left (according to N.I Voronov)[3]
  • 1861–1864 : 418,000 people left (according to the Main Staff of the Caucasus Army)[3]

Read also these : en:History of Abkhazia#Russian rule, en:Principality of Abkhazia#Aftermath

This have done by Russians, and now you believe that Russians are saver of Abkhaz people? To Read one article about Abkhazia or any else nation doesn't mean that you know whole history and truth about it. So again, in the future be more careful with you decisions.--Giorgi Balakhadze (diskuse) 12. 7. 2013, 08:58 (UTC)


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  1. a b c Orientalism and Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the Georgian Frontier, 1845–1917, Austin Jersild, page 23, 2003
  2. a b c Orientalism and Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the Georgian Frontier, 1845–1917, Austin Jersild, page 24, 2003
  3. a b c d e f Orientalism and Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the Georgian Frontier, 1845–1917, Austin Jersild, page 26, 2003