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La paleoceanografia és l'estudi de la història dels oceans en el passat geològic amb respecte la circulació, química, biologia, geologia i els patrons de la sedimentació i la productivitat biològica. Els estudis paleoceanogràfics utilitzen models ambientals i diferents dades proxy que permeten estudiar el paper dels processos oceànics en el clima global a través de la reconstrucció del clima del passat a diversos intervals. La recerca paleoceanogràfica està íntimament lligada a la paleoclimatologia.


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  • Cronin, Thomas M. Paleoclimates - Understanding Climate Change Past and Present. Nova York: Columbia University Press. 2010.
  • Emiliani, C. 1955. Pleistocene temperatures. Journal of Geology. Vol. 63. pp. 538–578.
  • Henderson, G.M. 2002. New oceanic proxies for paleoclimate. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Vol. 203. pp. 1–13.
  • Herbert, T.D. 2003. Alkenone Paleotemperature Determinations. In H. Elderfield and K.JK. Turekian, eds., Treatise in Marine Geochemistry. pp. 391–432. Amsterdam:Elsevier.
  • Lea, D.W. et al. 2003. Synchroneity of Tropical and High-Latitude Atlantic Temperaatures over the Last Glacial Termination. Science. Vol. 301. pp. 1361–1364.
  • Lear, C.H., Y. Rosenthal, N. Slowey. 2002. Benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-paleothermometry: A revised core-top calibration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 66. pp. 3375–3387.
  • Lehman, S.J. and L.D. Keigwin. 1992. Sudden changes in North Atlantic circulation during the last deglaciation. Nature. Vol. 356. pp. 757–762.
  • McManus, J.F. et al. 2004. Collapse and rapid resumption of Atlantic meridional circulation linked to deglacial climate changes. Leters to Nature. Vol. 428. pp. 834–837.
  • Olausson, E. 1965. Evidence of climatic changes in North Atlantic deep-sea cores with remarks on isotopic paleotemperature analysis. Progress in Oceanography. Vol. 3. pp. 221–252.
  • Oppo, D.W. and S.J. Lehman. 1993. Mid-depth circulation of the subpolar North Atlantic during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science. Vol. 259. pp. 1148–1152.
  • Pearson, P.N. and M.R. Palmer. 2000. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations over the past 60 million years. Nature. Vol. 406. pp. 695–699.
  • Pelejero, C. et al. 2005. Preindustrial to Modern Interdecadal Variability in Coral Reef pH. Science. Vol. 309. pp. 2204–2207.
  • Shackleton, N.J. 1967. Oxygen isotope analyses and Pleistocene temperature re-assessed. Nature. Vol. 215. pp. 15–17.
  • Urey, H.C. 1947. The thermodynamic properties of isotopic substances. Journal of the Chemical Society (London). (April):562-581.