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José Zé Maximiano, also known as Corpo-Seco (Dry Body in Portuguese), is the main antagonist of Brazilian folklore common in the interior of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and the Midwest region whose legend, relatively recent, of the mid-twentieth century was first originated in São Paulo state.

According to legend, the Dry Body was a very selfish, cruel and ruthless man who was always harming people out of hatred for other human beings. According to the legends, he was so bad that both God and Satan rejected his soul. When he was brought back to life, the earth itself rejected his body and released him in the form of zombie-like beast. According to old texts, it is said to leave from the trees by 08:00 PM to attack people by giving a hug of death, crushing the person in his embrace.



According to the legends, José Zé Maximiano was a cruel and hateful boy who was a resident of the municipality of Monteiro Lobato, region of Serra da Mantiqueira. He was known for his hatred for other people and lived holding grudge and disgust of every life form and used to brutally beat his parents.

In the original legends, he was murdered by a vigilante and was buried in the municipal cemetery. However, he was rejected by both God and Satan, whom were disgusted by his actions and returned him to the living realm. Once brought back to life, even the earth itself rejected him and was spat from grave and started to haunt the place to seek vengeance. For this reason, the local church decided to capture the creature and transferred the body to a deserted place and, on the recommendation of the city's priest, they decided to put the body in front of a cave whose entrance was delimited by a stream, since the legend said that such entity could not cross the water. A friend of the Dry Body, Pedro Vicente, took care of the transport. The body was placed in a basket and Pedro took a stick with him, as there was a risk that the dead man would rebel and, in this case, the way was to hit him with the stick. Said and done, the Dry Body tried to grab the friend in order to kill him, but was repelled.

People say entities like Dry Body move on Friday nights at midnight. He appears at the edge of rivers and weirs and if someone appears, he asks to be transported to the other bank. In return, he promises to reveal a hidden treasure. Whether on the boat or on the benefactor's coast, when he is in the middle of the watercourse, the haunting begins and thus sinks small boats or drowns his victims. Others say that he stays on the roads to attack innocent souls and suck their blood to stay on Earth, thus avoiding being dragged to Hell.

There are also reports from the Dry Body in the states of Paraná, Amazonas, Minas Gerais, and in some Portuguese-speaking African countries, reported by veteran Brazilian soldiers from the UNAVEM III mission and in the Midwest region of Brazil, mainly.

Female version

In Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais, there is a variation of this legend, where it is said that the Dry Body is a woman. After being repelled by the earth several times, she is taken by firefighters to an apparent cave in a mountain in the south of the county. Some people say that those who pass there at night on the can hear the screams of the Dry Body echoing from inside the cave.


There is also another legend about him that says that he was a very selfish and petty farmer, who picked his fruits so that the poor neighborhood wouldn't eat them and laughed when people went to his house to ask him for fruits. However, one year, a drought destroyed the economy of the town and people went to his farm to ask for food. Naturally, Zé refused and was killed by the crowd out of wrath for his selfishness. After he died, he could not go to the afterlife due to his desire for revenge, and his soul stayed in the living realm and was revived as a vengeful zombie monster who kills anyone who comes near his orchard.



  • In some Brazilian states, there is the popular saying: "Whoever beats their mother ends up with their hands dry".



Notable Legends
Aliens | Beldams | Bogeyman | Bunyip | Centaurs | Chupacabra | Cyclops | Dragons | Demons | Devil | Dover Demon | Dullahan | Fairies | Ghosts | Ghost Pirates | Ghouls | Giants | Goblins | Golems | Gremlins | Grim Reaper | Hags | Headless Horseman | Humans | Jinn | Kraken | Lake Monsters | Loch Ness Monster | Medusa | Minotaur | Monsters | Mothman | Mummies | Ogres | Revenants | Sea Monsters | Sirens | Skeletons | Spiders | Swamp Monsters | Trolls | Umibōzu | Undead | Vampires | Wendigo | Werewolves | Wyverns | Yeti | Zombies

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach | Absalom | Aigamuxa | Ajax the Lesser | Amata | Ame-onna | Amaron | Amnon | Amulius | Amazons Andvari | Antaeus | Atreus | Aos Si | Astral Vampires | Bandits | Baobhan Siths | Baron Samedi | Bean Clan | Black Rock Witch | Blair Witch | Blunderbore | Bolster | Busiris | Cacus | Cain | Cassiopeia | Cercyon | Circe | Christie Cleek | Christman Genipperteinga | Chullachaki | Cleek's Clan | Creon | Cycnus | Danaides | Danaus| Davy Jones | Delilah | Draug | The Faceless Phantom of Venice | General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins | Goliath | Gomorrahites | Green Knight | Green Man of Knowledge | Green Witch | Hags | Haman the Agagite | Hanako-San | Herod the Great | Herodias | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Humanity | Iemon | Ixion | Jezebel | Judas Iscariot | Jure Grando | Kansa | King Ahab | King Arthur | King Oenomaus | King Vortigern | Kuchisake-onna | Laius | La Tunda | Lilith | Lord William de Soulis | Louhi | Lucius Tiberius | Lycaon | Marry-san | Meg of Meldon | Morag | Morgan le Fay | Nanny Rutt | Nessus | Orang Minyak | Otus and Ephialtes | Pandarus | Paris | Phaedra | The Pharisees | Pharaoh | Pisadeira | Polyphemus | Procrustes | Rich Man | Romans | Saci | Saul | Sawney Bean | Simeon | Sciron | Shechem | Sinis | Sko-Ella | Sodomites | Soumaoro Kanté | Tadodaho | Tamamo no Mae | Tantalus | Tepegöz | Tereus | Thyestes | Turnus | Tydeus | Xenu | Yakub | Yallery Brown | Ysbaddaden | Zahhak

Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary| Bell Witch| Black Monk of Pontefract| Banshees| Duppy| Crew of the Flying Dutchman| Crew of the Caleuche| El Silbón| Captain Van der Decken| Hanako-San| Hinnigami| Lord William de Soulis| La Llorona| La Santa Compaña| La Sayona| La Viuda| Tunche| Teke Teke| Onryo| Poltergeists| Stingy Jack| Mackenzie Poltergeist| Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square|

Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) | Dover Demon | Greys | Giants of Voronezh| Reptoids | Hopskinville Goblins | Flatwoods Monster | Men in Black |

Abo Ragl Ma Slokha| Black Annis| Black Volga's Driver| Bugbears| Boggarts| Baba Yaga| Coco| Krampus| Grýla| Yule Cat| Yule Lads| Sack Man| Sacamantecas| Namahage| Metminwi| Tokoloshe| Whipfather| Wewe Gombel|

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc | Ahuizotl | Akhlut | Akkorokamui | Amarok | Amemasu | A-mi’-kuk | Ao Ao | Averasboro Gallinipper | Bakeneko | Basilisk | Boneless | Chaneques | Chimera | Cirein-cròin | Clurichaun | Cockatrice | Count Dracula| Cuegle | Cuélebre/Culebre | Devil Monkeys | Dip | Dragon | Dry Body | El Comelenguas | Erymanthian Boar | Escornau | Fouke Monster | Giants of Voronezh | Goblins | Golden Cicada | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Groundhogs | Hidebehind | Harpies | Herensuge | Hydra | Ijiraq | Jackalopes | Jasy Jatere | J'ba Fofi | Jiangshi | Krampus| Kappa | Kigatilik | Kinie Ger | Kurupi | Liches | La Cegua | Lambton Worm | Leviathan | Manticores | Michigan Dogman | Mikari Baba | Monster of Mount Bandai | Morag | Mordred | Morgan le Fay | Mungoon-Gali | Nekomata | Nidhogg | Ojáncanu | Onamazu | Orcs | Paparrasolla | Pesanta | Pombero | Qallupilluk | Rougarou| Redcaps (Robin Redcap) | River Mumma | Scylla | Sphinx | Stymphalian Birds | Tailypo | Tarasque | Te Wheke-a-Muturangi | Tikbalang | Tizheruk | Thardid Jimbo | Thinan-malkia | Tokoloshe | Trolls | Trauco | Tupilaq | Typhon | Undead | Whowie | Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bray Road | Beast of Gévaudan | Black Eyed Children | Black Stick Men | Blue Devil | Cherufe | Devil Monkeys | Dog-headed Men | Emela-Ntouka | Enfield Horror | Fear Liath | Flatwoods Monster | Ghosts | Goatman | Grafton Monster | Greys | Highgate Vampire | Hoop Snake | Indrid Cold | Jackalopes | Jersey Devil | Kelpie of Loch Ness | Kongamato | Malawi Terror Beast | Mamlambo | Manananggal | Maricoxi | Mngwa | Momonjii | Morag | Morbach Werewolf | Nobusuma | Ogua | Pope Lick Monster | Popobawa | Pukwudgies | Reptoids | Roc | Ropen | Salawa | Sea Serpents | Shadow People | Sheepsquatch | Slide-Rock Bolter | Snallygaster | Spring Heeled Jack | Tanuki | Thunderbird | Two-Toed Tom | Water Horses | White-Eyed Children | Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) | Amanda the Doll | Black Goo | Bloody Mary | Bunnyman | Cameraheads | Cartoon Cat | Cartoon Dog | Charlie | China Doll | Clown Doll | Commander (Russian Sleep Experiment) | Crisis | Crying Boy | The Baby in Yellow | Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) | Ghost Trains | Hairy-Armed Woman | Hatman | Herobrine Homey the Clown | Hook Killer | John and Susan Buckley | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Kankandara | Karadedeler | Kidney Thieves | Kunekune | La Tunda | Licking Maniac | The Man Upstairs | Martinez Dog Demon | Melon Heads | Men in Black | Momo | Mystery Killer | Nain Rouge | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square | Orie Chef | Paimon | Patasola | Robert the Doll | Test Subjects (The Russian Sleep Experiment) | The Gendarmerie Commander | The Seeker | SCP Foundation | SCP-035 | SCP-049 | SCP-087-1 | SCP-087-B Entities | SCP-096 | SCP-106 | SCP-173 | Skinned Tom | Siren Head | Slender Man | The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water | Teke Teke

Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati | Rain Man | Men in Black

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll | China Doll | Clown Doll | Coffin on Wheels | Curse Jar | Ghost Trains | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Painting of the French War | Robert the Doll

Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains

H.P Lovecraft "Cthulhu" Legends
Main: Cthulhu Villains

Creepypasta Legends
Main: Creepypasta Villains | Marble Hornets Villains | Slendrina Villains | Channel Zero Villains

SCP Foundation Legends
Main: SCP Foundation Villains

Trevor Henderson Legends
Main: Trevor Henderson Villains