Fei Sun


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The Butterfly Effect of Model Editing: Few Edits Can Trigger Large Language Models Collapse
Wanli Yang | Fei Sun | Xinyu Ma | Xun Liu | Dawei Yin | Xueqi Cheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Although model editing has shown promise in revising knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs), its impact on the inherent capabilities of LLMs is often overlooked. In this work, we reveal a critical phenomenon: even a single edit can trigger model collapse, manifesting as significant performance degradation in various benchmark tasks. However, benchmarking LLMs after each edit, while necessary to prevent such collapses, is impractically time-consuming and resource-intensive. To mitigate this, we propose using perplexity as a surrogate metric, validated by extensive experiments demonstrating changes in an edited model’s perplexity are strongly correlated with its downstream task performances. We further conduct an in-depth study on sequential editing, a practical setting for real-world scenarios, across various editing methods and LLMs, focusing on hard cases from our previous single edit studies. The results indicate that nearly all examined editing methods result in model collapse after only few edits. To facilitate further research, we have utilized GPT-3.5 to develop a new dataset, HardEdit, based on those hard cases. This dataset aims to establish the foundation for pioneering research in reliable model editing and the mechanisms underlying editing-induced model collapse. We hope this work can draw the community’s attention to the potential risks inherent in model editing practices.

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When to Trust LLMs: Aligning Confidence with Response Quality
Shuchang Tao | Liuyi Yao | Hanxing Ding | Yuexiang Xie | Qi Cao | Fei Sun | Jinyang Gao | Huawei Shen | Bolin Ding
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in natural language generation, much evidence shows that LLMs may produce incorrect or nonsensical text. This limitation highlights the importance of discerning when to trust LLMs, especially in safety-critical domains. Existing methods often express reliability by confidence level, however, their effectiveness is limited by the lack of objective guidance. To address this, we propose CONfidence-Quality-ORDer-preserving alignment approach (CONQORD), which leverages reinforcement learning guided by a tailored dual-component reward function. This function integrates quality reward and order-preserving alignment reward functions. Specifically, the order-preserving reward incentivizes the model to verbalize greater confidence for responses of higher quality to align the order of confidence and quality. Experiments demonstrate that CONQORD significantly improves the alignment performance between confidence and response accuracy, without causing over-cautious. Furthermore, the aligned confidence provided by CONQORD informs when to trust LLMs, and acts as a determinant for initiating the retrieval process of external knowledge. Aligning confidence with response quality ensures more transparent and reliable responses, providing better trustworthiness.

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Mixture-of-Supernets: Improving Weight-Sharing Supernet Training with Architecture-Routed Mixture-of-Experts
Ganesh Jawahar | Haichuan Yang | Yunyang Xiong | Zechun Liu | Dilin Wang | Fei Sun | Meng Li | Aasish Pappu | Barlas Oguz | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Laks Lakshmanan | Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi | Vikas Chandra
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Weight-sharing supernets are crucial for performance estimation in cutting-edge neural architecture search (NAS) frameworks. Despite their ability to generate diverse subnetworks without retraining, the quality of these subnetworks is not guaranteed due to weight sharing. In NLP tasks like machine translation and pre-trained language modeling, there is a significant performance gap between supernet and training from scratch for the same model architecture, necessitating retraining post optimal architecture identification.This study introduces a solution called mixture-of-supernets, a generalized supernet formulation leveraging mixture-of-experts (MoE) to enhance supernet model expressiveness with minimal training overhead. Unlike conventional supernets, this method employs an architecture-based routing mechanism, enabling indirect sharing of model weights among subnetworks. This customization of weights for specific architectures, learned through gradient descent, minimizes retraining time, significantly enhancing training efficiency in NLP. The proposed method attains state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance in NAS for fast machine translation models, exhibiting a superior latency-BLEU tradeoff compared to HAT, the SoTA NAS framework for machine translation. Furthermore, it excels in NAS for building memory-efficient task-agnostic BERT models, surpassing NAS-BERT and AutoDistil across various model sizes. The code can be found at: https://github.com/UBC-NLP/MoS.

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Blinded by Generated Contexts: How Language Models Merge Generated and Retrieved Contexts When Knowledge Conflicts?
Hexiang Tan | Fei Sun | Wanli Yang | Yuanzhuo Wang | Qi Cao | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

While auxiliary information has become a key to enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs), relatively little is known about how LLMs merge these contexts, specifically contexts generated by LLMs and those retrieved from external sources.To investigate this, we formulate a systematic framework to identify whether LLMs’ responses are attributed to either generated or retrieved contexts.To easily trace the origin of the response, we construct datasets with conflicting contexts, i.e., each question is paired with both generated and retrieved contexts, yet only one of them contains the correct answer.Our experiments reveal a significant bias in several LLMs (GPT-4/3.5 and Llama2) to favor generated contexts, even when they provide incorrect information.We further identify two key factors contributing to this bias: i) contexts generated by LLMs typically show greater similarity to the questions, increasing their likelihood of being selected; ii) the segmentation process used in retrieved contexts disrupts their completeness, thereby hindering their full utilization in LLMs.Our analysis enhances the understanding of how LLMs merge diverse contexts, offers valuable insights for advancing current LLM augmentation methods, and highlights the risk of generated misinformation for retrieval-augmented LLMs.


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ReFSQL: A Retrieval-Augmentation Framework for Text-to-SQL Generation
Kun Zhang | Xiexiong Lin | Yuanzhuo Wang | Xin Zhang | Fei Sun | Cen Jianhe | Hexiang Tan | Xuhui Jiang | Huawei Shen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Text-to-SQL is the task that aims at translating natural language questions into SQL queries. Existing methods directly align the natural language with SQL Language and train one encoder-decoder-based model to fit all questions. However, they underestimate the inherent structural characteristics of SQL, as well as the gap between specific structure knowledge and general knowledge. This leads to structure errors in the generated SQL. To address the above challenges, we propose a retrieval-argument framework, namely ReFSQL. It contains two parts, structure-enhanced retriever and the generator. Structure-enhanced retriever is designed to identify samples with comparable specific knowledge in an unsupervised way. Subsequently, we incorporate the retrieved samples’ SQL into the input, enabling the model to acquire prior knowledge of similar SQL grammar. To further bridge the gap between specific and general knowledge, we present a mahalanobis contrastive learning method, which facilitates the transfer of the sample toward the specific knowledge distribution constructed by the retrieved samples. Experimental results on five datasets verify the effectiveness of our approach in improving the accuracy and robustness of Text-to-SQL generation. Our framework has achieved improved performance when combined with many other backbone models (including the 11B flan-T5) and also achieved state-of-the-art performance when compared to existing methods that employ the fine-tuning approach.


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Multi-Scale Distribution Deep Variational Autoencoder for Explanation Generation
ZeFeng Cai | Linlin Wang | Gerard de Melo | Fei Sun | Liang He
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Generating explanations for recommender systems is essential for improving their transparency, as users often wish to understand the reason for receiving a specified recommendation. Previous methods mainly focus on improving the generation quality, but often produce generic explanations that fail to incorporate user and item specific details. To resolve this problem, we present Multi-Scale Distribution Deep Variational Autoencoders (MVAE).These are deep hierarchical VAEs with a prior network that eliminates noise while retaining meaningful signals in the input, coupled with a recognition network serving as the source of information to guide the learning of the prior network. Further, the Multi-scale distribution Learning Framework (MLF) along with a Target Tracking Kullback-Leibler divergence (TKL) mechanism are proposed to employ multi KL divergences at different scales for more effective learning. Extensive empirical experiments demonstrate that our methods can generate explanations with concrete input-specific contents.


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Factual Consistency Evaluation for Text Summarization via Counterfactual Estimation
Yuexiang Xie | Fei Sun | Yang Deng | Yaliang Li | Bolin Ding
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Despite significant progress has been achieved in text summarization, factual inconsistency in generated summaries still severely limits its practical applications. Among the key factors to ensure factual consistency, a reliable automatic evaluation metric is the first and the most crucial one. However, existing metrics either neglect the intrinsic cause of the factual inconsistency or rely on auxiliary tasks, leading to an unsatisfied correlation with human judgments or increasing the inconvenience of usage in practice. In light of these challenges, we propose a novel metric to evaluate the factual consistency in text summarization via counterfactual estimation, which formulates the causal relationship among the source document, the generated summary, and the language prior. We remove the effect of language prior, which can cause factual inconsistency, from the total causal effect on the generated summary, and provides a simple yet effective way to evaluate consistency without relying on other auxiliary tasks. We conduct a series of experiments on three public abstractive text summarization datasets, and demonstrate the advantages of the proposed metric in both improving the correlation with human judgments and the convenience of usage. The source code is available at https://github.com/xieyxclack/factual_coco.


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Improving Multi-turn Dialogue Modelling with Utterance ReWriter
Hui Su | Xiaoyu Shen | Rongzhi Zhang | Fei Sun | Pengwei Hu | Cheng Niu | Jie Zhou
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent research has achieved impressive results in single-turn dialogue modelling. In the multi-turn setting, however, current models are still far from satisfactory. One major challenge is the frequently occurred coreference and information omission in our daily conversation, making it hard for machines to understand the real intention. In this paper, we propose rewriting the human utterance as a pre-process to help multi-turn dialgoue modelling. Each utterance is first rewritten to recover all coreferred and omitted information. The next processing steps are then performed based on the rewritten utterance. To properly train the utterance rewriter, we collect a new dataset with human annotations and introduce a Transformer-based utterance rewriting architecture using the pointer network. We show the proposed architecture achieves remarkably good performance on the utterance rewriting task. The trained utterance rewriter can be easily integrated into online chatbots and brings general improvement over different domains.


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Learning Word Representations by Jointly Modeling Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations
Fei Sun | Jiafeng Guo | Yanyan Lan | Jun Xu | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Component-Enhanced Chinese Character Embeddings
Yanran Li | Wenjie Li | Fei Sun | Sujian Li
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing