
105 Reviews
The Good Liar (2019)
Hilarious ending - so bad it's good
31 August 2024
I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the unintentionally funny ending. My partner and I were rolling around laughing for a solid fifteen minutes.

I'm talking about literally the last thirty seconds of the movie. Betty walks through a large yard and sees three girls standing in shin deep water. "Be careful," she calls out "it's deeper than you think!" Roll credits.

It doesn't fit with the preceeding movie at all! Is it meant to be a metaphor? The water is clearly incredibly shallow. Why is she so concerned? I can only imagine the director walking away saying "Yes! Nailed it".

It would have made a nice ending to a surrealist film. Absolutely completely inappropriate for an intrigue/mystery film. The film ended with a lot of confusing, poorly explained plot points. A suitable ending would have been to try and pad those out a little. Something that fleshed out Betty's feelings for Roy maybe.

Following on from the flimsy, convoluted reveal, the ending scene gave a sense that the crew really just didn't care anymore. It was like they just wanted to finish the film with any old random scene and get out of there. Further, the bright sunshine and colours, and Betty's fresh hairstyle were so absurdly at odds with the muted tones of the film. We burst out loud laughing and it was a good long laugh.

I'm surprised the ending hasn't become a meme.
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Unicorn Wars (2022)
Absolutely not suitable for kids. Also flawed storyline.
20 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Do not watch this with kids. It is absolutely brutal and disturbing at times.

The positives: The animation is amazing. There are some great scenes. I love the voices of the bears especially.

The negatives: the story is massively flawed. It's unclear why they went with the unusual structure they did. It feels like it has several distinct parts that don't connect terribly well.

The first part is a wrapper story that involves a blobmonster somehow created by the apes.

The second part is by far the best. This is the story of a bunch of cute bears in bootcamp, eventually heading into the jungle to find a lost troop. It's reminiscent of apocalypse now. It almost stands alone as a short film. You could probably cut the other 50% of the movie and have a more satisfying total.

However these bears are almost entirely killed off in mere seconds at the start of the third part. Only the two brothers remain and the story becomes about them, their childhood and personalities. One is a good bear and the other evil. Even though the setting and animation is the same it's quite a different story. Personally I didn't think it was as much fun as the boot camp.

Then finally we return to the wrapper story. It makes for a weak ending.
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Solid first 10 minutes! But after that it sucks bad.
20 June 2024
Very interesting aesthetic, good lighting, cinematography, nice style. Not much substance though and the story is very thin. Unfortunately it doesn't go anywhere and the final act is awful.

It feels like an indie movie and maybe it is. Small cast, lots of talking at the camera. Special effects and cinematography are not what we usually think of as indie however. They're a bit more kapow.

The film seems to bottom out when they go to a grimy rock show. There's just way too much footage of the band. A few seconds would do to set the scene. Why are we seeing minutes and minutes of this band? Are they really that short of story?

That first ten minutes though is awesome.
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funny kafka nightmare with unsatisfying ending
10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The paranoia is done well here. His friends are really mean and behave in cryptic ways. They're mostly awful to him but occasionally they're really nice and it keeps him hanging on. They laugh at things that aren't jokes and don't respond to the real jokes made by the protagonist.

The acting and directing is top notch, and the country setting is nice to look at.

However there's a lot of unanswered questions that multiply as the movie progresses. I was hoping for some kind of big reveal or some kind of explanation but instead we got a limp half-ending with the couple driving away.

Big questions: 1) Why does does the protagonist have such a patchy memory? How could he not remember the wizard character who allegedly he knew well? How does he not remember kissing a dog at a party? How does he not remember telling his wife about the full extend of his relationship with Claire?

2) How was Sonia told about the engagement? Nobody could just guess at that?

3) How do his friends not remember that he had the nickname Skippy?

4) Could anyone really believe that inviting a stranger to mock the guest as a sort of "Sad Pete" would be suitable for a birthday surprise?

Maybe the film was suggesting that Pete had serious mental illness. But it's not clear what sort of mental illness causes such specific holes in the memory, and if so why would he not have realised this earlier in his life?

Also it felt very odd that Pete would refer so consistently to "refugee kids" that he worked with. It would have seemed more natural if he used their names to talk about them.
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In nature, beauty and horror go hand in hand.
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
At time of writing I'm at episode 8. I love the animation and the ideas. The alien planet is a constant thrill to watch.

However this is contrasted with a cast of downbeat, foolish, weak, human characters. They walk around unarmed and do things nobody would do. This is a planet where almost everything wants to parasitize them. The facehugger from Alien would be considered harmless by comparison. But none of the humans seem to take their lives seriously. It's no surprise when they die in horrific ways, and it's not fun to watch them suffer.

If the show has a message it's probably something like "in nature, beauty must co-exist with horror". Or maybe "suffering and torment are the natural order of things". It's a hard message to get behind.

Particularly difficult moments to watch were: 1) the destruction of Levi, who I felt was the most interesting character. And 2) the ongoing torment of Kamen, who undergoes a sort of living death. It just drags on and on and after episode three I just wanted him to die already so it would end.

I also found the situation with the Demeter perplexing. It wasn't clear why the characters fled in escape pods when the ship was in good shape. Was it a solar flare that hit the ship? Was it bombarded with radiation? If so wouldn't it be too late to flee? Wouldn't the radiation have killed the crew in suspended animation? This mystery didn't need to be explained straight away but I'm at episode 8 and somehow I don't think any answers are coming.

I also don't really like the theme music and the intro. It's a bit sad for me.

Definitely not something to watch on date night. You really don't feel sexy after this.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Muddled ending
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This started off strong and I really liked the Meep.

Unfortunately the ending was much weaker. A lot happened in ten minutes without any attempt to explain why. Astonishing things just happened arbitrarily and felt like a rolling string of nonsense. The following is a list to show you what I mean, all of this happened in about the space of 60 seconds.

1) The timelord powers absorbed by Donna were also passed onto her daughter.

2) The daughter (Rose) was revealed to be trans.

3) The timelord powers were not fatal to Donna because her daughter was trans.

4) Both Donna and Rose have the option to reject the timelord powers, because they are women. They choose to "let go" the powers and become normal humans instead.

These events happened with only a sentence of dialogue for explanation. I think even the most devoted Who fan was probably cringing.
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Measure for Measure (I) (2019)
Did not finish
12 February 2024
I realize this is an adaptation but there's some big problems. Firstly why does the cop automatically presume that the crazy meth killer is somehow attached to the drug dealer? There's loads of places to get meth, there's loads of dealers in Melbourne. Guy could have got it from anywhere. Even if it came from the Hugo Weaving character and his son all they have to do is deny it.

Second problem: How is the Hugo Weaving character - apparently a small-time dealer living in a housing estate - have cops that work for him? Especially a detective? I've never heard of any crime figure that powerful choosing to live in a housing estate.

Anyway I didn't get much beyond that. As soon as the two lovers went on a tour of "Melbourne Cliches" I found it a bit cringey and went to sleep. I may give it another go. I do like to support the local projects.
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Saltburn (2023)
Great atmosphere but a few plot problems
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the atmosphere of saltburn and I thought the behaviour of the toffs was both funny and authentic. Also the way the story gradually tipped into a psychotic place was quite satisfying.

However there are some problems with the last third of the movie. It doesn't feel remotely credible that Ollie should get away so easily with the murder of Felix. He's never shown collecting any kind of poison. What is it? Fentanyl? Ricin? What kills Felix so instantly? We're told that a coroner is on site but apparently they don't care about cause of death. Nobody investigated the bottle for poison? What about the girl who SAW OLLIE WITH FELIX moments before his death? If a beloved member of your family died mysteriously you probably would investigate, but apparently not in this case.

Similar problem with the death of Vee. She doesn't seem particularly close to killing herself so it's hard to believe that Ollie simply drove her there with some evil words. And if in fact it was him who killed her then there would have been some evidence. Footprints etc outside the bathtub.

In a nutshell: these two murders are not explained well and it's ludicrous that any parents would shrug off the mysterious death of both their children. There's also characters like Duncan and Farley who are rightfully suspicious of Ollie, but disappear from the story. Why did they give up so easily? Surely they have a stake in this?
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Some redeeming moments but poor direction and problematic plot
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like the tone and the vibe of this thing. But it's massively flawed.


The biggest problem is the ending. The story trips and stumbles a few times on the way there but the movie completely gives up on trying to make sense in the last ten minutes. The Rachel Griffiths character kills the young hero and the guy who was a bit too wild. Meanwhile she knows all the time that it's the driver who ripped her off and she pays him and lets him go. Why? Who knows. The movie makes no attempt to justify this.

As soon as she lets him go she sends her other henchman to hunt him down, even though nobody would think that would be easy. Miraculously the henchman finds the driver and they fight and the driver wins. He then calls the police and only says that the younger character is dead. No information that would lead to either his body or Rachel so why is that useful? What sort of ending is that? What is he going to do? Where is he going to go? He's even more lost than at the start of the movie.

The direction is also problematic. Way too many shots of the gun in the glovebox. Characters talk and shout in ways that don't feel natural. Repeated shots of the same text message! And whose phone sends them sequential messages when they get close to their destination?

I'm pretty skeptical that the very high scoring reviews here are authentic.
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The Killer (2023)
Stylish with confusing and weak story
11 January 2024
I was really annoyed that he listened to the Smiths so much. The smiths are a bunch of ridiculous punk nancyboys. The music just didn't fit with his meticulous "I'm in total control" personality. I wouldn't even say the smiths were the exact opposite of his personality. It was just wildly different, a total distraction just making his character more confusing and contradictory.

If his character was confusing, then the story was next level confusing. I didn't understand why someone attacked his girlfriend in the Dominican Republic. Even after reading various synopses, I'm still lost. How did the hitmen get there before him? Surely it would have taken some time to source the hitmen? It's all super confusing and there is no time taken to flesh any of this out. It's not even clear what country he's in or what relationship he has to the woman.
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Bodies (2023)
Starts strong but later episodes are absolute nonsense
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many problems with the later episodes it made me cringe. The story just becomes ridiculous and the actors appear to struggle through giant unanswered questions. The questions are so glaring they seem to leap out at the viewer - Why are they doing this? Why isn't this important? Why isn't this explained?

Here are some of the worst: 1) Why is the "throat" - evidently the most powerful tool in existence just left running all day and night without being used? Why does the authoritarian government leave it unguarded(!!!!) and still running? It's jawdroppingly stupid.

2) Similarly why do the characters once they have control of the "throat" not use it to fix any problems they want to? The only pathetic explanation offered is that the "throat" likes Mannix, or something like to that effect, and I suppose therefore it would be wrong for the physicist and cop to go about changing time themselves???

3) Why can Mannix go back neatly to the year 1890 while the physicist is instead duplicated and sent to multiple times? Why do the travellers magically receive a tattoo with three lines on their wrist?

4) Why is the cult so intend on tormenting the young Mannix? What exactly does this acheive? Isn't it just sadism (and masochism?) It doesn't appear to help the cult in any way.

5) Similarly why excatly does the cult detonate the bomb? Was it really necessary to achieve world domination? They already seem to be incredibly all powerful. Having knowledge of the future events seems like it would be enough to infiltrate the government and seize control anyway.

6) How does the cult get hold of an atomic bomb? Surely this would have been an intersting part of the story to flesh out? It's just a big baffling question.

I could go on but these are some of the worst problems with the story.

The show shines in the first couple of episodes however. I really like the technique of running four parallel stories in different timelines. It worked amazingly well in my opinion. Unfortunately this feels very much like a story written for and about this concept - without any advanced thoughts given to how it might tie together. I suspect the writer was unwilling to change the first half once they'd finished it, which probably made the ending impossibly difficult. None the less they gave it a try and it really just did not make much sense.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
Amongst the weakest Black Mirror episodes - avoid!
18 June 2023
I was so so disappointed by this episode. I thought "Joan is Awful" was amongst the best ever Black Mirrors, and Loch Henry was passable entertainment - somewhere in the middle. But "Beyond the Sea" was a major trip down the s-bend.

Firstly this is a painfully obvious homage to 1960s pulp sci fi. The characters are walking around holding Heinlein and Bradbury paperbacks. Ok... nice aesthetic... but this is NOT what Black Mirror does!!!! This is a huge undesirable detour in style and content.

Secondly - this is not even a story that Bradbury would have wiped his butt with. There's a huge gaping hole in the story which is the absence of any ground control or in fact any real sense of the outside world.

I kept expecting the characters to wake up from the waking up. The whole story feels like a perverted holodeck fantasy that only involves three characters. Where the @#$! Is the ground control? How come they provide ZERO support to the astronauts. I mean complete absolutely zero. They get mentioned a couple of times but the astronauts NEVER in any scene talk to the ground control. It's just really odd.

Anyway I recommend avoid this one unless you like being heartbroken by wasted possibility.
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The Beasts (2022)
downbeat ... a lot of tension and overcast muddy farms
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this is very overrated... quite surprised this was given top marks by the Guardian.

So many problems: 1) Killing the lead character in the middle of the film... it ruined the suspense 2) SD cards are notoriously tough, the data would have been retrievable 3) Why take the SD card to the police when they've been so unhelpful previously?

4) Why does Antoine hang around these guys in the bar when they clearly hate each other?

5) What's the deal with the windmills? That whole plotline was confusing. Why does Xan believe it's a golden ticket to the high life, while according to Antoine it's not even enough money to start again? Surely they can do the maths and look at the land value and just simply determine whether or not it's a good deal?

Anyway that will do for now.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Strange Aussie show with a bit of cringe acting
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't going to be a thorough review. But some points: Why is Travis Fimmel's character always smirking and flirting? It's really not appropriate for a detective in a small town. It's like he's a big kid, not serious at all.

However Fimmel's acting is still lightyears ahead of the female lead (Hazel). She just manages to play it wrong in every scene. I understand her character is complex and difficult, so I'm not without sympathy. But her role needed a much more qualified actor.

Some of the other actors also aren't great, although worth noting that the young cast is pretty much flawless and all the problems are with the older actors.

There's some big cracks in the story too. There's a lot of red herrings and unresolved plot threads. What happened to Chloe and her corrupt father? Was there any justice for them? What's with the baby that the farmer abruptly has in the last episode? How come that baby didn't grow up to be a character in the town? What the heck was with that?

There's also some character twists and turns that are hard to swallow and painful to watch. Would Anton really chase down Izzy immediately after abusing her and making out with Tash? Why was Izzy so hot and cold with Anton? Her moods seemed quite arbitrary. Would Hazel really have kept her daughter's father hidden all those years? There didn't seem to be much motivation there. Also why was she so consistently cold to her own daughter?

One other problem I noticed is that she hid the passports in the van, and was literally sitting in the van with Chloe moments after telling Ezekiel she was going to get the passports. Yet she didn't think to collect them.

I gave it a five for a good effort.
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Big Bug (2022)
You may never have sex again...
31 July 2022
This is a really campy movie and the sex on display is super weird. The female lead spends half the movie in a negligee dripping in sweat. The shabby-looking male character comes on to her constantly in front of his teenage son. The older woman parades around with her young sex robot and not much is left to the imagination. The teenage boy and girl are coming on to each other as well.

All this sex would be pretty confronting, but it's made far worse by the constant juxtaposition with the robots. The robots are universally unsexy, and even disturbing, particularly the yonyx, who have the face of a creepy older man and absolutely gigantic teeth. It's absolutely jarring seeing the sweaty mostly nude bodies of the cast and then bam next scene - face of the yonyx.

It also feels like it was adapted from a stage play. I couldn't find any mention of this anywhere, but as everything basically happens in one room it's hard to believe the script was written for a movie. I can imagine it making a good piece of theatre. As a movie, it doesn't really work. I suspect the director would reluctantly agree.
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Horror Noire (2021)
i only watched the first one ... but yeah, bad
15 July 2022
The first story feels like a student film, i mean a high school student film. The acting is ok, but the story is a groanable cliche. Then there are just about NO SPECIAL EFFECTS. It's shockingly crude. And the dialogue... astonishingly weak... people saying "yeah" and mumbling through the critical scenes. I was expecting bad but this first story was laughable. Compilations typically start with a strong story, and if this was strong I'd hate to see the weaker ones.
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Road Games (1981)
Weird Aussie B-grade Thriller
14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much weirdness on the screen here. For some reason I was expecting a horror.

Here's what makes it weird:

1. An American truck driver in the Australian outback. How did he get there? Was there some truck driver exchange program in the 70s?

2. Jamie Lee Curtis, also clearly American, apparently the daughter of a diplomat. Surely it's a big coincidence they're both American? How come they don't talk about it? And why does she have such a limited role in this movie?

3. The protagonist has a dog that everyone including him mistakes for a dingo. It's clearly just a red heeler, and NOT a dingo. He seems to be otherwise well informed. How come none of the other characters tell him?

4. Most of the movie is just this truck driver talking to himself. Yes, probably 66% of the entire movie is set in the cabin, with the driver talking to himself. It's like a soliloquy movie. He mostly talks in daydreams, idle thoughts and creative riffs.

5. The music is incredibly off target. Harmonica, middle of the road, easy going stuff. The sort of music that simply doesn't exist in Australia. The theme is repeated often and it always, every single time, feels weird against the Australian scenery.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
A scifi with surrealism instead of science.
14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Towards the end of season 2 I realized what the core problem was I had with this show: too much magic. The heroes of this show struggle against supernatural things and they don't seem bothered by it. There's not enough questioning, especially for a team of atheists and scientists. Why does nobody ask how the necromancers fly, or the giant snake? Where does their power come from? Is there a limitless power source available? If so why don't the common humans have access to it? Or if not why don't they study it?

It also baffles me that nobody remarks about how the future of humanity is at stake. Isn't earth destroyed? (I think it is right?) Why doesn't anyone talk about it? Surely being the last of their species is enough to inspire some teamwork?

The second season amazingly becomes more surreal and fast moving than the first. Although interesting I thought the last episodes felt like an attempt to jam in as many ideas as possible before the show was cancelled. I'm presuming it won't be renewed for a third season.

One final criticism: the name doesn't work for me. Is it mean to imply the androids are like wolves? If so the metaphor is a poor one. In my opinion the core concept is colonising a surreal, magical, dangerous world - a name that reflected this would have been more appropriate surely? And to add to this, what is with that downbeat title sequence and music? I think it's also wildly out of step.

As usual I've been terribly critical here so to finish I'll say, I did still enjoy the show. It's a series that looks AMAZING and is well acted. Totally worth a look.
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Vicious Fun (2020)
Less than the sum of its parts.
26 April 2022
Needed a tighter script and tighter direction.

As it stands there are great moments and great scenes. But they're all stuck together with craft glue and as a whole it's barely watchable. For example the lead male is supposed to be a naive horror fan, but at times he appears to be completely fearless and nags the Carrie character about her private notebook. Similarly one of the cops is a horror fan which makes for a funny dialogue, but his character is otherwise unsympathetic and even uninterested in the situation around him.

I'd say the first half is better than the last, I gave up when the serial killers got into the police station so easily. The cops were moronic thugs and I (also) found them jarring. I could easily imagine the director telling the cast to "just do whatever you want - make your characters as individual as you like, don't worry about the greater scheme of things."
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Amazing story
17 April 2022
I only just discovered you can review games here! I actually played this one about a year ago.

The story in this is really incredible. It's almost like an interactive movie at times. I don't ever remember caring about the game characters as much.

I wish it didn't have the venus scene. Everything hung together pretty well until it was suddenly revealed the Nazis have UFOs and can get to Venus in mere hours. What were they thinking? This idea clashes VERY BADLY with the other technology in the game.

The gameplay sometimes is boring, a little too predictable. Step A tends to follow Step B. It doesn't take long to learn whatever sequence is required to beat a tough scenario. And a lot of the scenarios just aren't that tough. Unfortunately just running from room to room shooting guards wears pretty thin.

The exception, and one of the game highlights is the jury room scene, I felt like I could play that over and over, and it was really challenging.
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Tedious and off target
3 April 2022
I literally fell asleep halfway through. This morning I flick-watched the rest.

Damn it's boring. It's about a repressed cowboy who resents his heterosexual brother for trying to have a life. There's not much talking, and no action whatsoever. The scenes are drawn out and empty of drama. It's almost like an "anti-movie".

There's also a couple of issues that I suspect Campion and team didn't think about in advance. Firstly, pretending New Zealand is Montana - it just looks jarring the whole time. There's an artificial reality to it, like the movie's taking place in a surreal parallel dimension. Why not just do the story about New Zealand cowboy-equivalents? Nothing in the story required it to be set in Montana. Everything could have been translated to Aoteoroa.

The writers also neglected to consider how inauthentic Phil and George feel as rich land owners. This problem spoils the first half especially. We are repeatedly shown that Phil is a rough man of the land. It's unclear therefore why he's living in a huge posh house with servants. Luxury and comfort mean nothing to him, so why would he have bothered getting this rich? He constantly seems out of place and I kept expecting him to return to his real home, presumably a tiny shack in the wilderness.

George also seems jarringly incorrect, but for a different reason. He's far too reserved and quiet to be a powerful landowner! He's not a natural boss and he doesn't appear to like giving orders. He doesn't reach out and he's not a social person. So... how did he get this rich? How is he apparently friends with the governor? He's clearly not a community leader.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Flawed and Wayyy Too long
12 January 2022
... but there are some redeeming scenes. Basically the duel is pretty good when it finally happens.

Why did they show the rape scene twice? What were they thinking?

Also why did they choose to do this as three separate perspectives? It would only make sense if it revealed things about Le Gris and Carrouges that the audience could be sympathetic to. But they really still seem like douchebags.

The last third of the movie is the only one necessary for the story, and the only one worth watching. It could have been a good fifty minute movie. But instead it's a tedious 2 and half hours (!).
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True Story (III) (2021)
spoiled by ludicrous bad guys
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't even finished the series yet but I came here to say that the Greek bad guys are not credible. These two skinny psychos walk around Chicago and beat people to death. Carlton behaves like a total wimp around them. He could have shot them to death in complete safety on several occasions. He could have come up with all sorts of better plans to beat these guys but instead he sets up Gene.

Unfortunately too many Netflix series nose dive after the first few episodes and this was no exception.
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Goes nowhere after the first two episodes
6 November 2021
A lot of netflix shows nosedive after a strong start and this is no exception.

There's simply not enough backstory and not enough is fleshed out. The themes and scenes of the first episodes are recycled and soon things seem to happen without any meaning. However it does meaninglessness with a lot of style and good acting, so I did keep watching.

So many questions - why does Boro want to possess Lisa when she could take literally anyone else with less problems? Why does Lou fixate on Lisa instead of attacking Boro? It would make sense if Lou teamed up with Lisa. What was the supernatural event at Lisa's movie? Surely that needs explaining since it literally is the driving element that brings all the characters together? How could her mother be somehow connected to the jaguar god that hates Boro?

Because none of these key plot elements are addressed, the series starts to feel sillier and sillier. By the end the characters are talking about things that really seem beside the point. The real issues are ignored and the dialog comes across as ludicrous.

However there's a lot of style and the acting is good, so it's mostly worth watching anyway.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Russell Crowe got fat to play a role - but now every role is a fat role
13 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this one star because people tend to read them more (also it's a true stinker).

The main reason to watch this is for an unbelievably beefcake Russel Crowe. Literally mountains on blubber. Some have speculated it's a bodysuit but I don't think so. It looks too realistic. And why would anyone bring a bodysuit to this role? The villain doesn't need to be fat. It doesn't add anything to the story!

Ok as many hundreds of other reviewers have pointed out, it's hard to watch because the protagonist makes repeated unlikely and bad choices. Specifically just about no-one in the entire show calls the cops, despite a rampaging giant murderer loose in the community. There's also a just a whiff of sexism going on, because the female lead is so hopeless, and the male villain is on a revenge quest. There's also a lot of dumb and weak characters of both genders which gives the sense that a serial killer has been let loose in a lego village.

As others have pointed out, the scene in diner feels particularly off - this is America right? How come nobody in the diner pulls a gun on him?

Anyway watch it for the fat Russell!
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