
20 Reviews
Shaman King (2001–2005)
1 January 2004
Yoh is a Shaman, he moves to Tokyo, because of the unusually high number of Ghosts. while hanging out in the Cemetary one night he meets fellow 7th grader Morty, Morty is special because, as with Yoh he can see ghosts, but unlike Yoh, Morty fears them. Yoh is looking for a spirit partner and finds one in the 600 year old Samurai spirit Amidamaru. By fusing with Amidamaru, Yoh Uses his powers to fight evil spirits and evil Shaman's all the while training for the chance to be crowned "Shaman King"
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Interstate 60 (2002)
Great Movie
16 October 2003
This movie is great, The story is very original, about a man named O.W. Grant who's half indian and half leperchan, who wears a red bow tie and smokes a pipe that looks like a monkey . But this movie is really about Neal Oliver(James Marsden) and his life. His father, who wants him to be a little clone of himself, pesters him to go to law school but he dosen't want to do it. Then on his birthday he wishes for an answer and get's one when the mysterious O.W. Grant, grants his wish he gets hit on the head and knocked unconscious, when he awakes his world is turned upside down and he gets his answer in the form of a job, given to his by the equally mysterious Ray, after much searching and a slew of celebrity cameos, Such as Kurt Russell as Captain Ives and the return of "Back to the future" Costars Michael J. Fox and Christoper Lloyd, make this a really great movie with a message "be who YOU want to be!" So see this movie and enjoy the strange and unpredictable alternate reality of Interstate 60!
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Fillmore! (2002–2004)
Great show!
23 September 2003
This show is great. The series revolves around Cornelius Fillmore, a former trouble maker turned hall monitor, like a jounior version of Law and Order, this show has plot and substance. Joining fillmore is his fight against crime and corruption in the mean halls of X Middle School is his rookie partner Ingrid Third, the new girl at X. Fillmore's comander, Jr. Commissioner Vallejo is always on his case and principle folsom is always getting in the way of their work. From busting up a counterfeit X Middle School Teeshirt ring to retreaving the kidnapped school lobster mascott, Fillmore get's the job done.
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Mega Man Zero (2002 Video Game)
this game rocks man!
19 September 2003
After 100 years in suspended animation Megaman's friend zero awakens to find a world very different than the one he left. With no memory of who he is, He meets the exiled scientist Ciel who was looking for him. In this future, humans are in hiding and the reploid's rule. Zero must conqure his enemies,and quest to find a new energy source to save the human race from distruction. Little does Zero know that The leader of the reploids is a rogue copy of his compatriot X, created by Ciel, who was downed in battle.

Addictive gameplay and plot twists that will make you think, make this game one of the best in the Megaman series, and keep a look out because a friend from zero's past will make an appearence. So fight the good fight with Megaman(rockman) Zero.
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funny as heck!
19 September 2003
In this very funny movie David Cross stars as Ronnie Dobbs, Ronnie is the very cliched hillbilly from Mr. Show who was popular enough to get his own movie. In the movie Ronnie's on again off again wife refuses his proposal of marrage,which leads to Terry Twillstein, a failed inventor(in a very funny scene involving a device called the "Food eliminator" the device blows up and one of the blades flies at high speeds into the unbelievably happy female co-host chest who hasn't wanted to see that)sees Ronnie getting arrested on a cop show called "FUZZ" goes and propositions Ronnie to come to hollywood, once there he become's reality tv's newest sensation bumping "elimination island" A survivor parody where those who are eliminated are eaten. the funny David Koechner plays clay Ronnie's friend who every time you see his he's even more injured each time. So if your walking through the video store and you see this movie, rent it.
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Cool Man!
15 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This sequel to the hit 1994 film TIMECOP stars Jason Scott Lee as Ryan Chang, a Timecop whose job is to prevent criminals from traveling to past to alter the future. Unfortunately, criminal mastermind Branson is plotting to use the past as a weapon to gain control of the future. In a race against and through time, Chang must track down the deranged Branson in a chase that leads him as far back as the Wild West and Nazi Germany in order to save the future.
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Flash Gordon (1996–1997)
12 September 2003
first off let me say that this is the only version of Flash Gordon that I like, secondly i must also point out that i am too young to have seen the serials of flash gordon that used to play in movie theaters so many years ago, That being said. Flash Gordon tells the story of Football star and all around nice guy flash gordon who is hurrled off into space to battle an evil alien emperor named Ming the merciless. This shows us the prejudice of the world has an effect on pop culture, Such as the Klingons and the Romulans of "Star Trek" are modeled ofter the enemies of the day the Russians ad the chinese.
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22 August 2003
I had the "Pleasure" of watching this movie on the Sci fi channel, some months ago and let me tell you this movie is awful, i warn anyone and everyone out there to avoid this movie, it seems to me this was a pilot for a doomed TV series, thank god because who wants to be watching tv and to hear " coming up next after hercules and xena and cleopatra 2525 Matthew Blackheart.
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Reno 911! (2003– )
6 August 2003
This show is a laugh riot, It follows the exploits of a group of Sheriff's deputies on they're beats and on calls. like a parody of "Cops" this show has it all. drunk hicks and stoned losers. If you like this show I highly recommend you go to the video store and rent "Broken lizard's Super Troopers" it's like Reno 911! on the big screen.
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The Fairly OddParents (2001–2017)
timmy turner has FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!!!
8 July 2003
Timmy Turner is the typical Ten year old, His parents ignore him, his babysitter is mean to him, and the kids at school make fun of him. Then one day he is given fairy godparents Cosmo And wanda who make all his wishes (except those prohibited by "Da Rulez") come true, with very funny results. So if you like to laugh watch this show. Because if you didn't already know timmy turner has FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!!!
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Great Game!!!
4 July 2003
If you have a chance i suggest you play this game it takes place after the events in "Army of Darkness" or hero Ash, who works at "S-Mart" (shop smart, shop S-Mart, YOU GOT THAT!!!) is having a pretty good life until The Necronomican Exmortis, the book of the dead is read live on TV and The evil rises once again, You have to travel through the town fighting Deadites and monsters, and travel through time trying to recover the book and save the world.
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Ghostbusters (1986–1987)
21 June 2003
What was filmation thinking when they created this piece of garbage. They were trying to steal fan base from the ghostbusters by taking it's name and corrupting it. Luckaly the producers of the ghostbusters movie saw this ploy and created the better "Real Ghostbusters"!
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Sonic X (2003–2006)
Breaking on through!
19 June 2003
In the newest Sonic series, Everyone's favorite hedgehog along with his friends tails, and knuckles. Unite to stop Dr. Robotnick from using the power of the chaos emeralds to rule the world. The friends succeed but are transported to our reality where they meet Chris and Danny, two humans who try to help the get home.
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MegaMan: NT Warrior (2002–2005)
Jack in, MegaMan Power up!
30 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

In the 200X a young boy Lan, disappointed with his standardized NetNavi which gets beaten, wonders when he'll get a better one. When he awakens, he finds that he slept while his PET (Personal Terminal) has downloaded a special NetNavi from his father named Mega Man. This new one is much better, he finds, especially when his town of DenTech is threatened by mysterious fires. He does not realize that these fires are being committed by an evil Navi named Torch Man, controlled by a man named Mr. Match, under the control of the World 3 organization headed by Mr. Wily. When Lan's friend Maylu and her NetNavi Roll become in danger due to Torch Man, Lan uses Mega Man to rescue them both and fend off the evil Navi by slicing off his arm, forcing Mr. Match to log out him out.
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21 May 2003
I just have to say one thing WOW!!!!!!! When I heard they were bringing back the turtles i was expecting a show very much like the show i grew up watching, insted what i got was something i never expected, insted of the chessy jokes and endless pizza refrences I saw a half hour of butt kicking, turtle excitement. Based more on the comic book then the original this new series is darker and more action oriented then the original. With the shredder who is totally evil and doesn't tolerate failure. and deals out a harsh punishment to whomever fails him. Case in point with Dr. Baxter Stockman whom has his left eye taken out when his mouser robots fail in there duties. The style of animation is reminnesent of "Batman Beyond" and it's action is unmatched, no other show has it's delightfull mix of action and comedy, but it's not totaly unlike it's predecessor, mikey is still as goofy as ever, leo is still the leader, donny is still the smart one, raph is- well raph is raph, and splinter is the calm soul who holds the group together. so i suggest if your a child of the 80's like me and are one with your inner child check it out Saturday mornings on the fox box check your local listings for time and channel.
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Spirit Gun
23 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers!!! This great show revolves around the exploits of school yard punk turned spirit detective Yusuke Urameshi. Going down the wrong path in life yusuke's life is changed forever when in a fleeting act of kindness, pushes a young boy out of the way of a speeding car and is hit himself, and subsequently killed. He awakens in the presence of Botan or the grimm reaper (even thought she's hardly grimm) and is taken by botan to see Lord Koenma, the "manager" of sorts of the spirit world. this pacifire sucking spirit appears to be a child of two but never call him "toddler" yusuke made that mistake. By saving the life of an innocent koenma grants yusuke his life back if he can successfuly incubate a golden egg and hatch the thing living inside. if he is good it will be good if he's bad it will hatch and destroy him. But first he has to contact somebody so they don't bury his body. he first tries his mother Atsuko who is an alcoholic and is passed out(no help there) then tries to contact his friendly rival Kuwabara (no luck) then he contacts his "friend" Kayko who he reaches but on the way to secure his body an arsonist who's been plagueing the area sets fire to his house. with his lifeless body in danger of being incinerated kayko enters the house and succombs to smoke inhilation all the while his peers and Mr. Iwamoto a teacher and world class jerk enjoy themselves until kuwabara and Mr. Takenaka set them strait. To save kayko he unleashes the energy of the golden egg destroying any chance of his spirit returning to his body. that's when koenma tells yusuke that his selfless deed is grounds for granting him back to life (also if he had hatched the egg he would have been destroyed by the monster growing inside). that's just the tip of the iceburg he then has to go back into some ones dream and tell them to kiss him so he can come back first off he tells Kayko but a sudden illness that inflicted her mother preoccupies her, his ony hope kuwabara who wakes up from his awkward dream when he kisses yusuke. finally botan speeking through kayko's sleeping mother convinces her that the dream was real and that yusuke needs her before the sun sets. she arrives just in time and kisses him in the process saving his life. But he is changed he now has control of physical powers called spirit energy. That's when he is again contacted by botan who recruits him as spirit dective of the realm of earth and as yusuke puts it "that's a fancy title" uses his strength and newly accuired "spirit gun" an energy bolt that is fired from his finger defeats demons who have crossed over into our world. his first mission as a dective is to retreave magical artifacts that have been stolen by demons a morrior and a sword kurama stole the mirror to help his mother a human and Hiei stole the sword for power. after arresting them his life returns to normal until he is told that the psychic Genkai is holding a tournament to determine who her pupal is going to be. after arriving yusuke is greeted by his friend kuwabara who is also in the tournament. after fighting many people with powers yusuke triumphantly wins (kuwabara also discovers his mystical spirit sword) they then travel to spirit world to save the world from a plot by deamons. joined by kurama and hiei they save the world many more adventures await the spirit dective and his friends and frankly i don't have time to tell you about them all you'll just have to watch monday through friday at 5:30 on cartoon network.
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14 February 2003
In the latest incarnation of the popular series three rebellious students Shane, Tori, and Dustin are the last ones remaining at their ninja academy after the evil alien Lothor attacks the Earth. With mankind on the brink of destruction, the fate of the world lies in the hands of these unlikely heroes. Their ninja master teaches them to harness ancient mystical energies that transform them into Power Rangers Ninja Storm. Shane becomes the Red Wind Ranger, Tori becomes the blue wind ranger and Dustin becomes the yellow wind ranger. in addition to Lothor the rangers have to deal with Hunter and Blake the crimson and navy thunder rangers. this is a great show but it can be a little corney at times like it's previous predecessors noting the hollow acting of Wild Force (keeping in mind that I very much enjoyed the series since I was young watching the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series) and the goofy storylines of In Space and The lost galaxy. Fans of the series including myself wait for the day when all teams of rangers, Mighty Morphin through Ninja storm unite and stop a threat that no one team can face.
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great game
7 February 2003
This game is great it starts off in the kokiri forest where link a young boy awakens from a troubled sleep to find navi a fairy who summons the boy to the great deku tree, link must gather up his courage and rid the deku tree of a curse placed upon him by the evil ganondorf a wizard and theif who wanted a mystical object, the kokiri emerald from the tree. when he refused the wizard placed a curse on him. link entered the tree and after a battle with the Ghoma an evil spider he broke the curse, but it was to late with the last of his strength the deku tree gave link the emerald and then asked him to collect the other to stones. He accepted the quest and embarked on a journey to retreve the stoneshe then went to death mountian then zora's domain. after he possessed the stones he went back to the castle to see the princess and saw the evil wizard who he had to defeat, chase zelda and her guardian away from the castle. Link went to the temple of time and pulled the master sword but it was a trap ganon was waiting and siezed control of the triforce while link was trapped for seven years. after seven years passed link awoke in the temple he was older and stronger the he journeyed around hyrule collecting medals from the seven sages whom he met as a young boy. then he entered into a heated battle with the super powered ganon and defeated him with the aid of the master sword and zelda's light arrows. after his defeat ganon used the last ammount of his power to bring the castle down on them after escaping the collapse of the castle link and zelda thought it was over then ganon appeared and transformed into the giant evil pig ganon who after a short battle is defeated by link and the combined energy's of the seven sages is sealed into the golden realm forever as he is sealed ganon vows revenge saying "i will be back to destroy your decendants"!
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C-12: Final Resistance (2000 Video Game)
Join the Resistance
3 February 2003
The game commences in the aftermath of a hostile ground invasion of Earth by ravaging Alien forces. Mankind is threatened with near extinction. All large-scale resistance has been swept aside. The purpose of the invasion is unknown, but to the horror of all, the surviving humans begin to hear rumours of Droning - Aliens reprogramming and adapting captured humans into Cyborg warriors and slaves.

Earths last hope is Lieutenant Vaughan, one of the few remaining resistance fighters. He must battle against Cyborg humans, much more powerful than a man and utterly remorseless in combat. C-12 is a stunning 3D action game featured highly detailed 3D graphics that push the PSone to it's absolute limit. The game is played from a 3rd person perspective (similar to Syphon Filter) allowing smooth control, and a constant optimum view of all the action. The gameplay is intense, with some awesome robotic bosses to take on at the end of some of the levels. This is sci-fi action at it's best!
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Stargate Infinity (2002–2003)
30 January 2003
This show is so cool, it shows you what will happen to the SGC in the future, because according to the producers of "Stargate Sg-1" the show's two storylines will start to converge as Sg-1 starts it's new episodes on the SciFi channel. The show revolves around Air force Major Gus Bonner and his team of SGC trainees among which are Harrison a brash cadet with a penchant for flying, and Pahk'kal an alien-human hybrid. Major Bonner is fraimed for treason and the team must escape through the stargate and find evidence that will help clear Gus' name, along the way they rescue Draga whom they believe is and "anchient" one of the race of beings who created the Stargate, this show is very entertaining and conveys a message such as helping the environment and not judging people by their appearence. Keep up the good work this is a GREAT SHOW!!!!!!!
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