
29 Reviews
THANK YOU Dr. Redford! The Sun is our witness!
26 November 2023
The oldest and perhaps first doc on Akhenaten. A difficult line of study because Amarna was lost, forgotten and destroyed. Dr. Redford and his crew uncover the city and have laid the foundation for centuries of investigation and discovery. At 89 in 2023 the doctor may no be going back to Egypt but his work is his witness! This video that sketches his decades of work is online via the University of Toronto. I hope to obtains some of his books and visit Egypt. He and his wife's work are inspiring generations of followers of Akhenaten! I will post a link once I find it again, it's been a decade since I've watched it!
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Interceptor (2022)
GREAT FLIC! Don't pay attention to low ratings!
23 June 2022
This really is a great flic and it's short anyway so watch it! Plenty of movies have been in theaters in the last years that didn't deserve to be and INTERCEPTOR deserves a theatrical release. So many things have LOW ratings and I think it's hackers and haters spamming the system to show a below 5 score and that is insane, its a 7 at least, watch and rate it yourself!
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13 September 2020
THIS IS REALLY A FINE PERIOD PIECE. Wake up people, it's likely exactly the way it really was, Phoenix is right on and respectful. He know what he is doing regardless if he is playing Comodus, a fire fighter or a Rabbi.
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Pavarotti (2019)
Only a 10, because the scale doesn't go higher! 100 outta 10! BRAVO!!
2 January 2020
I could not go see this while in my local small theaters due to family health problems. Now that SHOWTIME has it for a month, we were all able to watch on home big screen. THANK YOU RON HOWARD. The work is original, insightful and give viewers an insight and feeling into the man that no other work had given us. There are many assorted docs and biographies on amazon and youtube but I must say that in the wake of 10 years plus of watching all these thing, NONE of them gave us the feelings, emotions and closeness to the great tenor. He is missed, and will be missed for centuries to come or for as long as the human race and it's records and digital media lasts. No other man will have his voice, like Roy Orbison, he is one of a kind and will never exist again in this dimension. You know he is special when Sting and U2 come to his defense as Pavarotti got older and some people were saying he had lost an edge that he had in the 60's, 70's and 80's. What he had lost, was not a loss, it was an evolution, one can only hope that mankind can evolve on Earth to the point where we last to witness another Pavarotti. As the film makes you aware, he knew our existence was not guaranteed. You will feel his sadness, his regrets which are the same as his greatness and power. We are only immortal for a limited time.
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Absolute Brilliance, perfect snapshot, not to be missed
28 October 2016
I waited a month for my copy and as it was not a USA region, watched on a large laptop. I am sure I did not get the full impact of the big screen and can imagine the full glory of the production. This movie title is not to be missed. It's the first of it's kind and a tribute to musical style long lost and resurrected as surely only David can provide. From my perspective as a learned musician he is the only modern living choice to play the part. While at times the movie may seem dark and perhaps entirely to brief considering the Paginini lived to be in his 50's, I think it's the correct snap shot. If you have an inclination to go back in time and witness musical history, this movie is for you.
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Not below a 5, come on people, not all history is entertaining, truth hurts don't it!
2 January 2016
Not all history is entertainment. Yes liberties are often taken, especially with the mundane parts of history like the slow, dreadful, pathetic fall of the Roman empire. Not all characters are thrilling, famous and riveting, some are vanilla, because that is the mold from which they were cast, so no matter who plays their roll, they should not excite if they want to be accurate, that said, we all know the liberties Hollywood, writers, directors, producers love to take to sell tickets, I think because they didn't stick to true history, and maybe tapped other movies fortes, they might have dragged themselves down with the ship. Still I think Katherine's resonating message is well worth portraying and listening to. You won't know until you watch it, unless you want to read some boring, dry Roman historian's account of the period!
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Fully Worthy of the Franchise! A SOLID Installment. Will Stand the Test of Time!
11 November 2015
First, let me say I waited for the DVD/BlueRay release and I don't believe their are any spoilers herein. I am addicted to the Sarah Conner Chronicles season 1 and 2. I've watched the series hundreds of times over and own multiple copies and give them to friends and buy myself new ones. The time it takes me to order my next set is the only break I get from watching the TV Series. I respect, understand and rethink the series backwards and forwards. Shockingly, Terminator 5 found a way to take time-line to the next level. We know that fighting the machines and their computational powers are next to impossible to predict and anticipate yet by following the enemy regardless of it's stage of evolution. Mankind can only follow but seemingly never win but have we now won? The machines in all their superiority have a weakness. They lack the property known as humanity but it's own powers that match or exceed all known aspects of humanity except in adaptation on the fly and the lead is narrow. A hot knife cutting threw butter defines the human edge so it's not much!

Terminator 5, unlike so many SciFi sequels of so many other franchises continues the fight effectively, in an exciting and thrilling way. Non-fans simply will not appreciate the story that began so many decades ago and must learn to appreciate the future first to respect the past. You have to believe it! There is nothing fake, unreasonable or disrespectful to any aspect of the story, time-line or any of the players. It is scary!

In many ways T5 helps connect many of the open holes the Chronicles did not closes or expand on because it was foolishly not granted a 3rd season. The series should still be going and it would work with the Genisys. We only know the the series finale that something was being created and sent into the future. Chromartie and his creator Katherine Weaver were up to something. T5 successfully movies us along towards that activity that we still may not understand.

My one regret is that the actors must change. This is simply because we are in 2015 and not 80's. Linda nor Lena can, nor should they reprise their roles. It is best to grow the family of actors to expand the dynamics of the characters. No one is ruled out from T6 just because they weren't in T5. Obviously Arnold is the only logical central character and he executes his role as well in 2015 as he did at the start.

My final note, I feared Emily Clark being cast in the role of Sarah Conner because I do not like the role she is cast in on Game of Thrones. I now believe it is the role, character and writing of Game of Thrones that makes her look bad because she is, and I can't believe that I am saying this, but she is as perfect a Sarah Conner as Linda or Lena. Welcome to the family Emily. I am happy! Your sisters are proud! They should all be proud.

Credits to the writers, directors, creators, techs, everyone for creating T5 in most perfect way possible and succeeding as no one else has at creating 5th epic or sequel or installment that matches and indeed exceeds the previous episodes. I have no complaints what so ever and hope that this can help relaunch the TV series for more exploration until T6 can be written and executed. I sincerely thank the cast, crew and everyone involved. PLEASE VOTE MY REVIEW TO THE TOP! 6.7 IMDb rating is totally insanely low! Fan we must promote this installment world wide to ensure T6 gets funded!
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Pay no mind to NEGATIVE reviews! Not fiction, highly probably plot
2 November 2015
Nothing is certain when it comes to why the Hindenburg really went down, when it did. St. Elmo's fire is highly probably. Was big business and political pressures could easily are and likely at the heart of it. When did BIG OIL ever care about who died, who was poisoned, or who burned? The War machine wants what it wants and would stop it nothing to get what it wants. George C. Scott's Hindenburg doesn't go that far, this version does. No reason to slam the film. acting, writing or today's historical interpretation of what may have happened in 1937. We know today, that all major American banks and families did business with Hitler, from big oil to Ford. Bank's lent money, and lots of it. Governments were manipulated and the war machines got their infusions.

Watch this move and learn that not everything is as it seems. Indeed today's manipulator's learned their craft long ago. Nothing new, just another generation. This movie is solid, never weak on acting, never fake or poorly done, completely professional.
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Excellent presentation, shows our savage past... for nothing
23 February 2015
This title should be better that's it's under 5 rating. I think it's well done. Very well done. It deals with a narrow subject, in a narrow time, a savage time really. A small cast, and little no set production and only minimal costume design, this things are made up for with excellent photography, camera work, sound, acting and script, the hallmarks of talent and skill combined to make a low budget epic that will build it's own reputation and appreciated in time. It is worth seeing and is not terribly long. It's length is correct and could have been expanding upon with longer beginning and longer ending frankly. I think it was shortened for cinema.
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Top 10 Javier Bardem movie
9 May 2014
Easily a top 10 movie for any Javier Bardem fan, most incredible drama based on a true story. Incredibly well done movie on the part of John Makovich, should be a solid 8.5 rating. Suffers from 7.0 due to poor distribution network. Supporting roles are well cast, movie is well thought out and executed. Worthwhile addition to any Javier Bardem collection! I hope to get my copy autographed one day!

While not really filmed on location in Peru due to security concerns, the producers and directors went thru great lengths to make the movie feel like it was shot on location in Peru. Choice of English for primary language and the native tongue Quecheun for key dialogues was GREAT!!!!
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Da Vinci's Demons: The Blood of Man (2014)
Season 2, Episode 1
BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!! Greatest Season 2 opener ever!
22 March 2014
I am so impressed! EXCELLENT season opener. Well written, great acting, awesome effect, great plot, awesome editing to keep the show on a breath taking pace! BRAVO! I have never been to a comic con but now I gotta go to one! I have watch a lot of TV, and a lot of series start out their 2nd season off pace and outta whack, not this show, it sets you up for the whole season, mystery, intrigue and wonder all in one, positively riveting! I am so happy with the performances and editing of this show. At the end of last season I felt that the show's story was sacrificed in order to leave out clues or trails that would lead to a 2nd season because they were not sure they were going to get a 2nd season. This series could now have 5 seasons and maintain it's steam by exploring more and more of the known and unknown life of Da Vinci!
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Napoléon (2002)
AMAZING production. Well condensed version of story of a lifetime of struggle. Accurate
2 January 2014
Yes, the "Eagles" or monarchs of Europe and England did ultimately defeat Bonaparte. They did destroy his armies. They did crush the people's revolution. Napoleon made mistakes, mistakes that were already in history and would be repeated again. Even now in our century. His war against the Kings of Europe was the good fight. His men, his people wanted an end to eat. They didn't want to just eat cake. They wanted bread. The despotic rulers of Europe sowed the seeds of their own end. Had Bonaparte made a few less mistakes, or maybe just one, he would have been successful. As it was, it would be another 75 to 100 years for Kings/Queens to be eliminated and freedom to reign.

Today, I am often disgusted at how these figure head Kings and Queens, Prince and Princess's carry on, most prominently in England, these kids need to come out and admit they are nothing. God didn't place them in power, the are just people that happen to have been born into their palaces and estates. It's a waste of money. Had Napoleon not weakened them, and showed the world that they were beatable, the people may not have eventually overthrown them. If Napoleon had been successful it is possible there would have been no WORLD WARS. Both world wars were cause by and set off by various ruling house having treaties and loyalties to each others by cousins, families and in-laws and it was so confusing it lead to WW1. Then the miserable outcome of WW1 led to WW2, then the Cold War and beyond. The World is still un-dividing and disarming and we still have incredibly huge militaries and expenditures when we can't take care of people around the world. Napoleon tried to end 100 years war before it started. This is the story of his attempt to end it. Truly his story. Well told. Teaser bits of battles, the agony and cost of defeat, his love for people and his women. Not fat drunk. Not a murderer or executioner. An honorable Battlefield Commander in the name of his people, and the people of the world. A liberator that showed the way to freedom, the way to democracy, that path out of tyranny. Most interesting figure in history. Can't be touched or denied.
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Under-rated Javier Bardem movie! Excellent vintage Bardem!
6 September 2013
It's not an American film, there is plenty of English in it, but if you don't understand Spanish you gotta turn on the subtitles; fast paced movie, never really loses you, a mix of comedy, love, struggle and many different sides of Javier Bardem's brilliance. A must for any Bardem collector! I settled for the 15 year old VHS tape of this movie, played fine, and it was a lot cheaper than trying to obtain the DVD of this movie as those are anywhere from $50 to $150 on amazon or ebay.

NO way would spoil this movie for any fan, it's worth while! I have about 12 Bardem movies now. We became fans after we saw the James Bond movie he was in. We were curious who he was. No we have over a dozen movies from Jamon Jamon to Goya's Ghosts, Love in a time of Choelera and Vicky Christina Barcelona. He has made a lot of movie in this century. In the 1990's he made movies to, and they are HILARIOUS! Just hard to obtain and some are trickier to watch. The Dancer Upstairs, Before the Nite Falls, Second Skin and Live Flesh are other mandatory Bardem movies. The Dancer Upstairs is Incredible also. Start Collecting!
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Adam's Family and Quincy MASS visit. Perfect!!
31 July 2013
I bought my copy back in 2009 or 2010 I would say; 4 DVD's, from amazon; recently made it to Quincy, the first 3 disks are very interesting and were obviously a back-bone and were reviewed for the HBO Adam's mini-series; many things are factually different when we first watched, the Adam's Chronicles is more accurate depiction of John and JQA. the later un-explored years of the Adam's family is unique, to my knowledge no other documentary exists beyond the lives of the original John and John Quincy Adams. One must also note and mention HENRY ADAMS who came to the shores of America within 50 years of Columbus landing here with 8 SONS, yes 8 sons, from Great Britain and founded co-founded or founded Quincy. I visited his grave site in Hancock Cemetery in the Center of Quincy. Amazing. What disappointed me is that the houses are surrounded by suburbs, I thought there would be vast farmlands, nope, it's all city. Very nice city. The town is pleasant and I encourage people that visit to stay close. May as well. We went to Boston for as much to visit Quincy, the old houses, Braintree, the presidential tombs, Abigal's birthplace and house, Hancock Cemetery and each great Italian. There is a GREAT Italian restaurant right down the street from the old houses. If's Magnificent! You must visit Alfredo's only a block up the street! You can buy tour tickets for the house downtown, and take their trolly's to do the escorted tours of the house, then go back and do pictures and have great Italian. It's worthwhile. First ever trip to Boston and we spent at least 50% of the time in Quincy.

The Boston Musiunm of Fine Arts has an excellent collection of George Washington and Adam's family portraits. Tickets are expensive BUT good for return visit. I think we could have gone back several times. The museum is superior to any other I've seen in the states and rivals anything I've seen in 3 European Country.

After so many years since the release of the ADAMS CHRONICLES I would like to thank PBS and WNET for this production. Grab your copy of this DVD collection on amazon if you can!!!!!!!!
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I had forgotten what it was all about ; but all good things .. .
31 July 2013
Wow, I had forgotten what it was all about; I can't believe it's been almost 20years since the end of ST:TNG and this incredibly finale; I am forced to agree that this is what star trek was always meant to be and should have always been ; now enter the new Star Trek movies, I didn't really understand all the negative reviews and the assertion from many that the new creator's that re-imagined the series should be "put on trial for treason" and such; I do now; I am more emotionally moved and compelled by what Star Trek was than what it is now. It's a shame that it's been lost. That being said I'm not sure I can put my finger on what was lost after all, we have the DVD's and BlueRays now which is what i got out of the Library, a collection of "time travel" episodes, all things I had seen before but I had forgotten many moments, then I realized all good things did come to an end and I wonder what did this years 2013 Star Trek movie really offer me? Only a small small bit of what once was and now frankly.... no more
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
SUPERIOR Series, detailed, do not believe the Negative Reviews! This is 10/10!
31 May 2013
Wow! Truly remarkable. The negative reviewers likely don't appreciate the largely negative tone or depiction of the Vatican or it's history. The truth and fact are even worse than depicted. The show is actually very very polite in that regard. The Pope depicted is on the list of the 20 or so worst figures of the particular century in question. Popes were known to drink toast to Satan and have son's with their daughters so showing a pope being naked getting gout of a tub or ordering murders is nothing. Pope's have issued extermination orders in the past i.e. against all Jesuit Priests. Back to the show, we have watched all the episodes to date! And many many times each learning each detail. I am more amazed with each episode! The Hierophant, the 2nd to last show, is easily the best episode to date, it has elements of each episode to date using techniques, images and established roles, mods and setup plot lines to bring the whole season into focus thus setting up and raising the expectations for the season 1 finale. It's hard to imagine that the producers could cut a better season finale but they simply must to put the final staple in season 1. Bravo for creation, thought, writing, producing and editing! Please please move up the time table for Season 2 season premier! You simply must get it out in January 2014 in time to entertain us for the New Year and commit to a 3rd season now! Thanks again STARZ!!!!
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Shocked at the richness, greatness, perfection; automatic Oscar SWEEP, all available categories period!!
22 May 2013
OMG, rarely if ever have I been inspired to go back and see what I just saw on the same day; I actually thought I was in IMAX 3D, but was in 3D Hall; doing "Director's Hall" IMAX 3D tonight; don't care what it costs. This latest Star Trek was perfection. I am totally shocked at how emotionally powerful, electric and awe inspiring, visually stunning, masterfully written, perfectly paced, well conceived, drawn-up and thought out from start to the last closing credit with the finest Star Trek music score to date.

Easily outdoes all other Trek movies and perhaps most of them combined with great respect to each Star Trek title from the past because this movie redefines every aspect and boundary of what anyone may or might expect from a movie or entertainment of any kind.

For these reasons, and because I would never spoil anyone's chance to see this first time, and have the same thrill ride I just and seen in a good mood, in 3D, on a wonderful day with a popcorn and pop, no details herein of the movie.

I'll end by making the BOLD statement that this movie will be the first ever movie to SWEEP any and all movie awards nights including Oscars. Yes, I predict a first ever Oscar sweep in any category that applies and only categories such as "short film" or best "foreign film" would not apply cause it's not on those categories. This movie should win everything. There simply won't be enough accolades to go around.

Unless something else comes out this year of greater than a TITANIC caliber movie comes out, nothing else can touch this. It's an all new standard. Only JJ Abrams doing the next installments of Star Wars could touch it in the future.
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Alien³ (1992)
ALIEN 3 assembly cut on blue ray INCREDIBLE improvement; master piece!
28 March 2013
I remember walking out shaking my head along with the rest of my family decades ago upset with how bad Alien 3 was. We really expected something great, and it was terrible. I'm so happy that blue ray extended cut was made and released in 2010. It was great! Totally different, characters are developed very very well. It's to bad financial problems destroyed the 1992 version ultimately turning so many new and younger fans away. I am looking forward to Prometheus 2 and hope very much that it's done well. Aliens are sure to be part of it, just not sure how! Alien 2 will always be most people's favorite movie in the series however Alien 3 got a huge boost. It's a respectable movie worthy of the series!
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Prometheus had me re-watching the ALIEN director/reworked cuts
28 March 2013
Prometheus was a wonderful surprise after the holidays this year; family went to Prometheus and none of us reviewed the title or content before going; when I saw Ridley Scott's name I was optimistic, then amazed and thrilled with the presentation as I have all the ALIEN movies memorized backwards and forwards; the family then wanted to know more about the ALIEN series; in 4 days we watched all the re-worked Alien movies, of the 4, I was most disappointed with Resurrection, I was hoping for extended character development in the same way Alien 3 was fixed; no doubt the the Alien 3 "assembly cut" benefited most from. I think Alien 4 could have also but like the French director said I think he already put out the best he could with what he had. I liked it a little more. The BLUE RAY pictures are great; not like Prometheus, but worth the time to pickup from your local library, pop it in, crank the sound and watch on a 60inch LCD. Alien 1, 2, 3 all benefit from BlueRay tech and presentation! ALIEN 2 , a.k.a. ALIENS will always be my favorite! Another GLORIOUS DAY IN THE CORPS!!!!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
ALIEN v. Prometheus - I want a Prometeus 2
5 January 2013
I had a TERRIBLE 2012, I had no chance time to see any movies. I'm taking 2013 OFF. My first objective was to CATCH WITH 2012 MOVIES. Ridley Scott was one at the top of my list. I'm a HUGE FAN of ALIEN movies. The stories, the sounds, effects, the thrill of being scared outta my mind. I was a teenager when ALIENS (Alien 2) came out; I was hyped for it, I was young and was fresh off the memories of watching Alien. ALIEN 2 blew me away; absolutely top notch. I was delighted and surprised that Prometheus was a branch off ALIEN, exploring that original seated Alien now known as an "Engineer". Absolutely brilliantly written, thought-out, filmed and cut together. I could ask nothing more from this film after my initial screening. Yes, I was a "director's" cut. I want more and I wants PROMETHEUS 2.
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Apollo 18 (2011)
COULD BE SO MUCH BETTER, if they faked anything in 1960's, y not better today?
6 September 2011
If anything in the Appollo program was faked in the 1960's/early 70's, like any of the moon missions as so many people think, why not be able to make a movie that seems 100% real today? With today's tech it should be easy to do a 100% "WOW WAS THAT REAL OR NOT" sorta thing and leave a viewer questioning - THE ONE THING I TOOK OUT OF THE MOVIE WAS, just to take in the view, and show the world the view of EARTH from the surface of the MOON from a moon buggy, why not go back, and keep going back, and keep doing it better, cheaper, more efficient and safer??? VON BRAUN had a vision, of using the APPOLLO program, to establish a space station, a moon base and to go all the way to MARS. Can you IMAGINE where COMPUTERS, TECH, and the USA ECONOMY would be today had we pushed forward with all of it? WHY wasn't there ever a PAYLOAD MODULE for the SHUTTLE designed to get a man out of orbit, land him on the moon and bring him back?????????
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
I love SciFi, period!
8 August 2011
I love period; this is good, its not the greatest, but it well thought out and, looks like it's going to be multi season, it's a heck of a lot better than reality we live in, world wide debt crisis, wars, useless crap, like congress, and the United States military, the world largest, and the larger than the rest of the world combined; and Falling Skies is about what happens after that all fails us and we have to fight for ourselves.... imagine that. ... where is the worlds largest navy in all this, nearly 300 ships, 100 of them submarines; do you think the aliens will give us all healthcare and bicker over entitlements and taxing the richest .2, not 2percent of the country? lol, I bet the aliens like tea!!!
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Lombardi (2010 TV Movie)
Absolutely stunning . .
12 December 2010
Absolutely stunning . . . self-made made man , and teams molded to his image . . it's sad that people have to die, I suppose the truly powerful do not, Vince Lombardi is well written about and enshrined in the hearts of any football fan. Absolutely magnificent presentation by HBO, another masterpiece, moving, stirring, and educational. Great quality film. Enhanced from originals and totally fixed. Some throwback images that serve to define the times he lived in. Forward thinking man who didn't care about what a man's skin color was, only what he could do on the field. Revolutionary to the game and the people that knew him. Erik Rivera, Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Rollerball (1975)
We will be controlled by Corporations. Our troops are nothing to them already.
19 October 2006
This movie has a dark under tone to it; it's more applicable to today's world than it was in the 70's. Its more applicable because today's world is ever closer to being controlled by big business. Government's are in hegemony with big business to a greater degree than ever. Government troops all over the world even depend on big business like Haliburton to be fed. Whatever happened to Army cooks? So our armies would starve without Halliburton and the likes. There was influence decades ago, today, that influence is more like control. Still, like in RUSH 2112 music of the same past era, can one man defeat the giants? Will his passion and love for his friends and family long since passed be enough? In reality, no is the likely answer, we shall see in the coming decades who will control out resources. I hope the end of this movie is as inspiring as it's ending! I'm about to watch the end, go Johnathan!
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Football/Soccer/Futbol 101. World's Sport, Get over it!
27 April 2005
1-0 is 1-0! Hard to gauge how hard fought a game it was USA over England back in 1950. Scoring is very very tough in the sport of soccer, then and today. Rules aren't changed every year to increase scoring and no amount of steroids will help someone strike a ball more accurately. You can bulk up and pump all the iron and drugs you want, it won't help and make you a terrible athlete. The sport has no timeouts, no commercial breaks, no "officials" time out, TV-Timeouts, no injury timeouts, no bull-crap sport that will never change to accommodate ESPN, FOX, or any network. This is the ONLY reason the sport is not TELEVISED and endorsed in the USA. ESPN/ABC can not fill it up with crap commercials selling Viagra, or Dell or Budweiser Lizards or Frogs, sorry!Football/Futbol/Soccer is a No Crap sport, not a sell-out sport, no loaded bats, no steroid lineman, no college freshman thinking they can play, and no teenage players with Hummers, oh, and no strikes either, the lower divisions are willing to move up to fill your striking cleats, your welcome to sit out a season. The only way to increase scoring in soccer would be to abolish the off-side rule and that will never happen I don't think. Oh, and no cheerleaders either, hmmmmm, I like them though =(

I enjoy an NFL Football game that ends 3-0 more that a 42-38 scoring-fest. I like the magnificence of a suffocating Dallas, 85 Bear or Taylor/Banks-Giant Defense. I like watching the Eagles suffer and Dallas score just enough to win. I don't like wrestling, so I don't like BS highscoring NFL games when you know darn well if the secondary could knock out receivers, they would be shut down and forced to grind it out on the ground to get a field-goal. The NFL is just selling out and messing up the game the same way MLB has ruined Baseball. 1990 is the last year I saw great baseball. WIRE-TO-WIRE! Rule changes, don't touch the other football player and let him catch the ball, and keep your hands to yourself! WHAT? NFL Monday Nite Flag football? And this year, NO HORSE Collar tackles. Terrel Owens LISTEN: Dallas will take you out again this season and every season cause you stink no matter what team you play for or what perfume you endorse. Another rule changes to protect million dollar players. NFL=Wrestling.

Well, guess how much protection David Beckham, Figo, Ronaldo, Zidane, Owens, Raul and the rest of the World's best players get? These are prize players like Joe Montana or Troy Aikman. They get NONE. LEARN TO FIGHT and Protect yourself OR GET OFF THE FIELD. Soccer is a Fight, a damn tough one, not a rule, referee and commercial suffocating event. Everyone fights like the rest of the soccer field! Any given week, any given Sunday, your playing a new team that just fought their way into your division from below, playing a team struggling to get out of the last place to stay in your division for next season or an ARCH RIVAL and you have to play them, in their stadium, on the road, they will destroy you, hurt you, take you out, and knock you on your can and be tough as hell to play. If you escape with a 1-0 victory, then it is THE GAME OF YOUR LIFE!
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