6 Reviews
Could've been better
joriethomas19 February 2021
Let me start off by saying, I'm a huge indie fan and especially love Mark Webber's movies. I've watched the Ever after a ton of times. I was really excited for this movie and couldn't wait but with that being said, it's not his best. I was really saddened that while it had a great premise, cast (obviously lol), and scenery, the execution fell short. It was very slow and disjointed. I feel it could've ran smoother and been pieced together better. I had a hard time getting engrossed and often found myself getting easily distracted because it was dragging. I hope to see more from them but this wasn't the best.
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Not for me
Gordon-1119 December 2020
The scenery is really beautiful, but the film does not make sense at all. I don't know what those monsters and robots are doing int he film. The non linear timeline does not help either. I had to try super hard to stay awake.
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Watch if you are parents
ks-6050025 November 2020
For whom don't have kids, you won't enjoy. I feel it's no where forward but backward of this movie. It's unique kind is true but just don't enjoy.
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ianxmas17 December 2020
Very unusual film that at first I thought might be too 'New Age' but turned out to be a moving, gentle and philosophical representation of a loving family (as it happens, played by a real-life mother, father and child) coping with impending death. 5-year-old Bhodi (character name and real name) is an entrancing actor, and I just found the whole film to be very calming. It deals with impending death without become maudlin or self-pitying and is a great antidote to the wham-bam trash that pass themselves off as films nowadays.
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Free Spirit
soulas-8612928 April 2019
It is a beautiful deep philosophical movie about the acceptance of the death by child imagination. It's a simple fairy tale about internal adventure behind our fears through love
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Poetry and images to match
ellusion6 March 2024
I love poetry. I love thinking and having a little bit of room to explore thoughts and ideas. That may very well help explain my appreciation for this film.

The first five minutes or so turned me off. Because I didn't understand. But I settled in and relaxed into it. I was treated to a trip of magical adventure supported by the observation of the ordinary world. I was in.

Very much not an ordinary linear film, there were moments that confused me, but then it became all too clear and beautifully executed.

I loved the characters in the movie. I loved the story. I was impressed with the persistent ability to surprise me and go beyond my expectations. Lovely little poem of a film.
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