506 Reviews
Do you like Downton abbey series?
valadis-garganis12 September 2019
Then you'll like also the movie! Of course if you see only the movie probably you'll say this is a boring movie without an intense screenplay! And probably you'll be right! But this is not a movie! This is a celebration of downton abbey and the characters we've loved! You will feel nostalgia! So if you want to see an extra long episode of your favorite tv show go to the cinema!
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Returning to Downton
TheLittleSongbird21 May 2020
Absolutely loved 'Downton Abbey' throughout its run and still do when watching repeats, so well made, written and acted (how could it not be with that cast) and not too demanding. It was always one of my most-anticipated programmes every year with each season and more often than not was a yearly highlight. Hearing that there was a film coming out, a large part of me leapt for joy and couldn't wait to see it. Decided though to wait until it was available either online or on DVD, with it not being in cinemas long and being shown at inaccessible times and places.

Finally watching it recently with family, also fans, for me it was impressive, polished and very entertaining but a little disappointing at the same time. It is a perfect piece of escapism, so easy to watch, leaves one entertained and charmed and does an awful lot right. If it was a little longer, slowed down and tried to not cram in as much as it did, 'Downton Abbey' would have been even better than it turned out to be.

It did feel on the rushed and jumpy side. As a result of being the opposite of too slight (which was what was feared, being worried as to whether the show would lend itself well to feature film). In that the film tried to cram in too much, with too many subplots and characters.

Like some others, it did feel like a season's worth of storylines crammed into a two hour film, indicative perhaps of it needing to be 15 minutes longer or two films. Some may not agree but that's my stance.

'Downton Abbey' looks great though, very sumptuous and clearly done with a lot of polish. Reminding me of what makes me love period dramas so much. Downton looks imposing and a feast for the eyes, like its own character, and its elegant interiors brings back fond memories of visiting national trusts. The photography is beautifully framed, the costumes evocative of its period and the scenery takes the breath away. The music avoids over-scoring and intrusion and the hypnotic main theme hasn't lost any of its magic. The direction is controlled and doesn't feel too television bound, opening up the drama enough.

Writing is witty and heart-warming, the disdainful put-downs from Violet really standing out. The story is never dull and does compel, entertain and warm the heart, despite being over-crowded. The cast are pretty much blameless, complete with all the original cast and a few worthy additions, with Maggie Smith stealing all of her scenes especially. Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern and Michelle Dockery (still looking beautiful) are still great and the servants are all played with great gusto and charm. Phyllis Logan standing out.

Overall, not great but very nice escapist entertainment that is impeccably acted and handsomely mounted. 7/10
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nice continuation for the fans
SnoopyStyle13 December 2019
It's 1927. The Royals are coming. They plan to spend overnight at Downton while on their tour. The downstairs grow frustrated as they are pushed aside by the Royal servants. Lady Mary recruits back retired Mr. Carson. She is also concerned about Tom's Republican views as she organizes the parade. This is a nice continuation of the beloved TV show. This is great for all its fans. It won't be quite as compelling for everybody else but I doubt those people would watch this anyways. The only thing I missed is the opening with the dog. I see the cinematic nature of this film but I would have loved to see the same opening. It's great to visit Downton once again.
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If You Loved The Show, You'll Love The Film
coldfusion979712 September 2019
I adore the TV series, and this film was more of the same, which I loved. It is full of the same beautiful production quality, wit and humour. I can hear the criticisms already 'it was too sentimental', 'there wasn't enough complication' but my answer to that is that many of these characters had intense story arcs in the show, so it's nice to revisit them now and see them living, or finally getting, their happy endings without too much drama. Everyone in the cinema, myself included, laughed the whole way through this film, as is to be expected from Downton Abbey. And then there were other moments that were quite poignant to offset the humour, which blended perfectly. Yes, it's a movie for fans of the show, but why shouldn't it be? After years supporting this show and following these characters, why shouldn't we be rewarded? I had high expectations for this film, and was very satisfied with it, and that doesn't happen often. Well done to Julian Fellowes for staying true to his characters and delivering a film that is a delight to watch!
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TreasureHunterGirl12 September 2019
I love the Downton Abbey TV series so I was always going to expect a lot of the movie. I'm happy to say my expectations were exceeded. Everything about the movie was brilliant.

First of all the cast were nothing short of amazing. It must be hard to resume playing a character after years away from them but they all managed to do it and do it well. Pretty much all the actors returned which was nice for fans and reflective of what a great time they must have had working on the original series. I loved that every character got a moment, no matter how big or small.

The writing and directing was spot on. Great to see the original team still has what it takes. Grand yet subtle.

The costumes of course were stunning as usual. The attention to detail is very much to be awed.

The plot was perfect. It was a new storyline but had all the hallmarks of a great Downton episode. Plenty of laughs, lots of little romantic moments, that ordered chaos we all know and love, and of course a wonderfully acted bittersweet moment from two of my favourite characters (I won't spoil it).

And last but not least it was so lovely to be back at Highclere Castle aka Downton Abbey. A wonderful location. It felt like going home.

In summing up, this movie was the perfect addition to a practically flawless series. As an avid fan I was thoroughly satisfied by everything about it. Highly recommend seeing it on the big screen.
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Imagine a Downton Abbey TV Episode at Full Throttle
imdbmovieguy13 September 2019
Take your favorite 10 things about Downton Abbey (the TV series), and then put them onto the big screen for 2 hours. Full throttle without holding back. You'll laugh many times. You'll smile. You'll possibly even cry. Of course, Maggie Smith is wonderful as always. It is one of the few movies I've been to where the audience started clapping at the end of the movie. Julian Fellowes certainly knows how to play to the Downton Abbey crowd. Although this may sound odd, I really recommend seeing this is the theater vs. waiting until it is on your TV. There is something special about seeing your favorite characters on a massive screen.
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Loved the show, alittle let down by the movie
aarongnr19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think the idea of the movie is good and they did a great job recreating the same characters again. But...

the story was very poorly executed in my opinion. There are so many subplots that fall VERY short in the grand scheme of things.

There is this "Stealing"-subplot which leads to a dress being fixed. It was way underdeveloped I think.

Then there's the "Andy-Daisy"-subplot which was totally forced and useless aswell.

Theeen there's the "Kill-the-king" subplot which was so ridiculously underdeveloped and VERY VERY predictable...

There are a couple other of that sort so thats a real minus for me for this movie.

But the set, the directing, the costumes and the characters were really well done.

And the best part was Maggie Smith, as she was in the show. She's just awesome.
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We Want More! We Want More! We Want More!
susannalchristian13 September 2019
I just didn't want it to end! Julian Fellows delights us again with his brilliant story telling, the production was simply smashing, and the Downton Abbey cast was magnificent as always. Loved the story lines and wouldn't another Downton Abbey movie next year be perfect. We just can't get enough. The audience applauded because like me they loved the movie. The series and this movie are both a must see. I'm fervently hoping for another Downton Abbey movie next year.
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Great High Quality Television Drama ! Magnified ?
tm-sheehan12 September 2019
I'm a keen fan of Downtown Abbey as a Television Drama so I find it difficult to rate or critique Downton as a Cinema release.

Why? You may ask. I enjoyed the movie to a point because Ive also enjoyed the 52 episodes of the 6 series on television . However I don't really think it makes a great movie transfer although it's entertaining and enjoyable.. It has all the high quality wit and sumptuous surroundings of the original TV series and creator Julian Fellowes is a master of portraying the Upstairs/Downstairs world of the Aristocracy and the snobbery from both sides of the divide.

No spoilers from me other than anybody who saw the trailer knows the entire movie centres around a Royal visit to Downton Abbey from King George V and Queen Mary.

All the usual performances are as good as in the Television production but I really enjoyed the addition of Geraldine James as Queen Mary and Imelda Staunton as Lady Bagshaw cousin to the Dowager Countess Violet Crawley played beautifully as usual by Maggie Smith .

Anyone who enjoyed the Downton Abbey series will surely enjoy making acquaintance with all their favourite characters again but I'm not sure the big Cinema screen didn't make them seem more like soapy cardboard cut outs at times.

PS. As Mathew Goode heads the cast list on IMBd I expected to see more of him than just a walk on at the end, most disappointed as I think he would have made Lady Mary Crawley played by Michelle Dockery happier and less austere and irritating.
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A fantastic trip back to a favorite place
gdelaney-1358313 September 2019
I have to say it's everything I had hoped for as a fan of the series. I'll try to stay spoiler free here, but all the favorite cast members get a new arc or a continuation of where we left them. From Lady Mary to Branson to Mosely, the gang's all here. The new cast additions liven it up, from the Royal staff to Princess Mary to a nice performance from Imelda Staunton, who's playing a role far removed from Umbridge as Grantham cousin Lady Bagshaw, another foil for Maggie Grace.

Go see it, please. If it does well enough we may get another one!
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Good Enough
PennyReviews17 September 2019
If you are a fan of the series, then you'll love this movie. I don't think though that you can watch it if you have not watched the series first. All the characters were there and the story was bitter sweet and entertaining. The performances were good and the atmosphere just the same as in the series.
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Love it! Refreshing Wholesomeness!
jacksjj13 September 2019
First I want to say that if you are still watching, or plan on watching the series, you may want to wait and watch the movie after you've finished. Literally the first 10-15 minutes of the movie is one big spoiler for everything that's happened in the series!

I loved this movie so much. It's a good clean movie, the likes of which is almost an endangered species these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. I loved Game Of Thrones! But with sooo much violence and crudeness in TV and movies these days, this movie is a breath of fresh air. Great characters, and very entertaining. Many moments of everyone laughing out loud in the theater. Super fun!
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Only because I love Downton, it's not a 5
shar9598-774-16008628 September 2019
It was a rushed, slightly extended tv episode, only worse, because they had to jam every single character in. Some had almost token lines. I wanted to love it so much, but left feeling disappointed.
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carolecooper23 September 2019
I am a HUGE fan of the television series! It was full of breathtaking cinematography, beautiful music, award winning set design, and splendid fashions and costumes. All of this set the tone and backdrop for a story full of interesting characters whose lives were riveted by tragedy, war, love found, love lost, betrayal, class distinctions and money blues! Character development is a luxury that can be explored in depth in a television series with lots of seasons and several episodes, I get that! However, it's no excuse for a movie that cannot stand on its own! You should not have to have seen the television series to understand and enjoy the movie! Watching Downton Abbey on tv...I laughed, I cried and my heart was heavy during the last episode as Crawley & Company faded to black. This movie though was flat, even feeble attempts at humor were forced. The big drama was a royal visit? I refuse to make excuses for lack of character development, life altering issues, real drama and no tears shed here! This isn't real and quite frankly an insult to the television series so brilliantly portrayed. All these "10" reviews make me wonder if I saw the same movie. Disappointing and quite frankly forgettable!
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Full of fun, quick wit & pageantry
Mainecottage13 September 2019
Everyone is back! If you love the Crawley's, you will love the movie. It's fun, full of glamour & pageantry, and a few twists & turns. It's a little predictable, but who cares. It's fun. Violet, our lovable dowager, is her quip usual self, & thank goodness. A few new characters have entered on scene that are delightful, and hopefully will return for the next movie.

To be a set designer & purchaser for this film must have been a fabulous treat! Oh, my. If you like antiques, this is the movie for you. Also, the lighting in several scenes were simply extensions of the moment. They were just perfect. Be prepared to be pleasantly entertained and enthralled by it all.
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Beautiful tribute to the show
kbbond15 September 2019
Amazing, I cried happy tears multiple times during the film. If you are a lover of the show you will L.O.V.E. the film. I plan on seeing it a second time! Please go see it, it beyond worth it!
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Some wonderful stuff, some awful stuff
astena30 January 2020
I'm really torn about this movie. I adored the television series, and had high hopes for the film, and in some ways it does deliver. The cinematography as always is gorgeous. The plot involving the inheritance, mostly centring around Maggie Smith and Imelda Staunton, is decent, if somewhat easily predictable. The best storyline is the one given to Thomas Barrow, who finally sees some redemption in terms of his story, and for me it is really the high point of the movie. Tom Branson gets two major plots, and they're both okay, if not particularly enthralling. In an attempt to give everybody some screen time, none of the other stories are particularly well fleshed out for any character otherwise, so we don't really see a whole lot of perennial favourites like Anna and Bates.

For me the real disappointment of the movie is the treatment of Molesley. The final series of the television show worked so hard to redeem his character as a thoughtful, stalwart and intelligent man. The movie has turned him into a complete buffoon. I understand that he is generally thought of as a bit of comic relief for much of the series, but there was no need to treat him like such an idiot in the movie, when the TV show had worked hard to evolve him into a much more grounded character. I don't know what the writers and director were thinking, but his appearances on screen are cringe-worthy and frankly embarrassing.

Overall, the movie was a pleasant enough romp, very much just another episode that happens to be drawn out over the length of the movie. But I think I expected more from a cinematic endeavour, and I certainly expected better treatment of some much beloved characters.
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An amazing continuation
kayleesmith-5132313 September 2019
So pleased that this movie did not join the long line of continuations that miss the mark. The writing, acting, and costumes are everything I loved about the series. Maggie Smith was the best part, of course. So much wittiness and sass. I was also delighted that, prior to the movie, there was a recap of each of the major characters' storylines, which makes the movie much more approachable to a newcomer. Me, a Downton fangirl, and my boyfriend, a Downton novice, both enjoyed it immensely. Highly recommend!
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It won't work unless you've watched the TV series
Red-12525 September 2019
Downton Abbey (2019) was directed by Michael Engler. We loved Downton Abbey as a TV show. The film is like two more episodes of the show. A few new characters, but mostly everyone that we knew before is back.

Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary is still beautiful, Maggie Smith is still fabulous, and Jim Carter as Mr. Carson is still the world's most perfect butler.

The film assumes that you know the characters, so there's not much backstory. It's fine if you do, indeed, know who everyone is both upstairs and downstairs. Only a few new characters are introduced, so you can sort them out pretty quickly.

We saw the movie at Rochester's excellent Little Theatre. It won't work quite as well on the small screen. However, don't forget that we all originally watched the show on the small screen. Still, director Engler has some great outdoor shots, which make the production values appear even more lush.

Downton Abbey has a very high IMDb rating of 7.9. I gave it a 7.0, because I thought that director Engler could have had more creative, better plots. It's still a must-see if you're a Downton Abbey fan. If you're not familiar with the show, learn some of the basic plot lines before you watch the film.
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Very good follow up of the tv show
imdb-ikysmoviedatabase12 September 2019
Been a fan of the tv series for a long time it was a great experience to see all my favourite characters on the big screen excellent performances from all cast great screenplay really enjoyed the film and I could watch it a few more times in cinemas
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pinkprincessgirl18 December 2019
I am a great fan of the TV series and watched every episode. The movie was more of a nostalgic nod to the show with an average plot and very light hearted. I watched it in entirety but got bored. I found the TV series had more depth, wit and intrigue.
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Excellent ,i did not want it to end
shanyco14 September 2019
I usually dont write reviews but for this special occasion i had to. As a big DT abbey fun ,i waited for this movie for long months. The movie was as I expected ,with all my favorit ,great costums ,good story ,funny moments. I hope and wait for another one to come next year.
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jeffreycrippen-2844623 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of the series but the movie was not very good. The storylines were not well written, historically not believable & just poorly developed & executed. Thomas behaving the way he did toward his employer would have gotten him sacked. Lady Mauds story was so obvious & the servants rebellion would have brought shame to Downton & would not have been tolerated. Thomas was a gay man in 1927 & would have ended up in prison had he acted that way. I thought the entire film brought down the reputation for quality that 6 years of drama on television had deservedly earned.
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Profoundly disappointed
revelstone7726 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We loved the series and had high hopes for the movie, but found it largely unbelievable and fragmented. The whole sub plot with Thomas and his friend was totally frivolous and didn't further the plot at all. The servant uprising was totally unbelievable and the relationship between Tom and Lucy progressed way to quickly to be believed. One last bone, the scene with Granny and Mary was over played and smarmy. Other than that, the music, cinematography, and costuming were up to the high standards of the series. They seem to have left it open to a sequel, but if I watch it at all, it will be after it comes to a streaming platform.
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Downton Abbey
JoBloTheMovieCritic13 September 2019
8/10 - a worthy extension of the acclaimed series that will be enjoyable for both super fans and newcomers
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