25 Reviews
I actually like the show
SnoopyStyle16 November 2015
Kent Galloway (Ed Westwick) is a serial killer hunting the Sunset Strip in 1980s L.A. Karen McClaren (Taissa Farmiga) is an aspiring journalist who has a close encounter with him. Betty Beaumontaine (Erika Christensen) is a single mom nurse who begins a twisted affair with him. Police detectives Jack Roth (Jeremy Sisto) and Paco Contreras (Gabriel Luna) hunt for him. They track down McClaren as an witness and she's working with photographer Diver Hawkes (Evan Ross). Jack is married to Allison (Jaime Ray Newman) with a daughter and having an affair with undercover cop Dianne.

I actually like the style, the music and the killer story. I don't mind the Gossip Girl killer, and I really like Erika Christensen, Taissa Farmiga and Jeremy Sisto. A lot of things go through my mind about why this show crash and burn so badly both critically and in viewership. I have no problem with this getting canceled. There is no denying the horrendous rating. It deserves to be canceled after only 3 episodes. So what went wrong? Despite the minor success of Aquarius, I don't think this is a network show. This would work better as an 8 part serial with a lot more blood splatter. The story could move much faster. Aquarius is a summer show anyways. As for Wicked City, I don't care about Jack Roth's personal issues. I don't care about his love life. It would be better to concentrate on the killings and the investigation. I'm one of the few who actually like the show but I won't shed a tear for its cancellation.
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Love it so far...there are so many other choices on the tube right now which are total losers. This one is worth the time!
vanettelstarr-163-977515 December 2015
I do enjoy the pace and the controversial matter. I also love the acting. I understand there were some rewrites and new scenes, which I am guessing had to do with the ridiculous comments from critics saying its sexually gender demoralizing??? what? has anyone seen a "true crime" show concerning serial raper/killing, and the gory scenes suggested in those shows? Yet they get kudos, and the lost in time,father knows best networks cant seem to swallow reality or a slight taste of it? These are the realities of true crime, yet this show tries to keep it lower on the "reality" or "truth telling" crime radar, than some other series? The very topic of rape and serial killing is what this kind of crime is about, power and control. That's just what happens in a rape and serial killing story. I like the truth in it, though it does deviate just enough for me to see it as entertaining cop and serial killer bad guy show, rather than horror show or another one of those gore related to SCSI kind of shows. It's just enough different and new idea that its interesting and the actors are all seasoned and seem to be doing really well in capturing the characters and their roles. I also like the way they really hit on the 1980's vibe. That is well done. Its not a ten, but close enough for me to keep watching. Why is the rating so low here on IMDb?
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kyoto1561328 October 2015
I started watching Wicked City the day after it premiered. It is an interesting concept. I studied serial killers, deviant behavior, psychology in college and I've always been fascinated. The problem is when a show just becomes like every other crime drama on TV. You need something to set yourself apart and unfortunately, this one tries to hard with the sex and violence.

The other problem I had was with the homicide detectives at the scene. For a seasoned detective whose repertoire including the notorious Hillside Strangler, he doesn't know a thing about crime scene protocol. I know it was set in the 80's and there were some continuity errors with the exact date, but starting in the 70's detectives carried gloves to use at crime scenes.

I'll keep watching to see where it goes from here though. I do love a good crime drama.
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Sadistic, wicked, cool and hip, sexy look series of culture in early 1980's L.A.
blanbrn8 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Been watching the new ABC series "Wicked City" I must say that it's blended well with drama and suspense to make a viewer interested. As it follows the times and trail of a serial killer in the city of L. A in 1982., or should I say that of a serial killer tag team. As the killings taking place are done by that of a man and woman team! And the scenes of dead bodies and chopped heads and cut limbs are gross and typical with all crime dramas it features abductions, and missing women. And the sex scenes are a little sexy yet sadistic for a network TV series, and interesting is how each week the detectives follow the cases with clues and searches. The quotes and sayings really capture the times of the early 80's most catching are the movie and political quotes. And the fashion and cars shown are very early 80's. The biggest treat is the early 80's music played during each episode it takes you back as the music helps carry the show. "Wicked City" is one series that cuts like a knife with drama and sadistic suspense while punching and throwing a jab well with the times of pop culture of the early 1980's.
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temporaldisturbance29 October 2015
There's an odd critic backlash against "Wicked City" because of "violence against women". Uhh... it's a show about a detective pursuing a serial killer similar to Hillside Strangler, who targeted women. It is fiction, centered around certain subject matter which alludes to, unfortunately, some real history. And when it comes to actual graphic scenes, they're tame compared to a show like "CSI" or "Bones", never even mind "Dexter". Or "Zodiac". Or "SE7EN".

So what's next, are we gonna hear that "12 Years A Slave" is racist because it shows abuse of African-Americans? Clearly, they've been singled out by that movie! Is that how low the bar has fallen, that we now want to keep storytelling on a politically-correct leash, to strip it of any edge or rawness, dare it not offend anyone? I hope not, because that will be the end.

Compared to your generic procedurals like CSI: CITY or NCIS: CITY, or Hawaii Five-O, this show's pilot was refreshing, it moved along at a brisk pace, and made me actually interested in what happens next.

Compared to throwaway skin-show-for-kids like "Quantico" this show should be a breakaway hit. At least, in a world where critics have taste.
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Continuity errors everywhere
dicksonguinevere28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very short series, and interesting duo of killers but falls flat for me due to the sheer numbers of errors for the time period. Music choices off by 2 or 3 years, makeup choices off by 2 decades, hair choices (the beachy curls) off by many years, reference to OJ Simpson murders that doesn't even happen for another 11 years, and some decor in homes off by a few years.
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High hopes, such a let down.
divajools28 October 2015
I'm a huge Ed Westwick fan, and had high hopes for this. I thought the trailers made it look really good, and it was really talked up. But after last night, no wonder it's failing in the critic world and had ABC's record low fall premiere. It was terrible! It was so rushed, no back story was given, i didn't give a damn about any of the characters because there was no time too, none of the stories were developed or explained as they should be in a pilot. the plot is empty, overused, and dull. As soon as i was getting into a scene it was dropped and rushed onto the next. I might give the next episode a shot just to see Ed Westwick's beautiful face grace my TV, but I have a feeling that after this crappy of a pilot, I will not be wow'd. this show definitely won't last, unfortunately (well, unfortunately for the decent cast. it's maybe a bit more fortunate for us TV viewers.).
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alphatango24129 October 2015
This might be just one of those cases where the pilot is far better than the rest of the series but this first episode is just impressive.

The story is really original and every character in the show has the potential to be a bad guy/girl. I was specifically impressed by Erica Christensen who plays a role with more depth than in Parenthood.

As per Jeremy Sisto and Ed Westwick, both are giving an excellent show.

This story has a real potential and can run for many seasons if the quality of the scenario doesn't deteriorate after the first 10 episodes... as it's often the case (with the producers firing the expensive writers and directors and replace them with amateurs).

And the music is good too.
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Very promising--hope it doesn't get bogged down
dongillette14 November 2015
After 2 episodes, I think this one may turn into a winner--I'm wondering if they might get bogged down in the whole "period piece" thing of the 80's because frankly, I didn't even pick up on that until halfway through the first episode... but the entire second episode put it right in my face. I absolutely love Taissa Farmiga in everything she's done so far, but in this series, her acting is horrible. I don't know whether it's on purpose or not, but she'll say a line and THEN react to it; like, "He tried to kill me..." in a deadpan and then she'll remember she's supposed to look like she's surprised. She's a doll, though.
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Music played was incorrect for the date in the show
myron-0258528 October 2015
The show was entertaining enough, but when a period show set in the early eighties cannot even get the music being played correct, the show goes way down. Billy Idol was in concert in August of 1982 in the first episode, but was singing Rebel Yell, which was not released until November of 1983. Most people probably did not even notice this mistake, but as huge TV, movie and music fan, details, especially in a period piece, are extremely important. May or may not watch again. The acting was a bit forced and the dialogue somewhat predictable. The only thing that saved episode one for me is that the cast is quite sexy and good-looking. Violence and good looks have never hurt any show
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tiffmasters5 February 2019
After watching the 8 episodes of Wicked City, I am appalled it was cancelled so hastily. In the aftermath of Ted Bundys fame, charisma, and semi-success, Kents story isn't shocking, it's appealing.

The luring intrigue of Ed Westwick as a serial killer with a misunderstood heart, holds up throughout the show, allowing mild sympathy for the killer, and growing disgust for the cops who hunt him down. The audience sees the while the killer exposes his truth, the "good-guy" cops hide theirs from all who know them.

Who will win, the good, bad, or other, and which is which?

While nearly perfect in believability, the only discouraging force in the show is Taissa Farmingas acting, parallel to her constant deer in the headlight approach to each situaion, in every other show. She is underwhelming, and distracting from the smoothness of the rest of the cast. Highly recommended, reboot desired, dvd release, a must!
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Good Plot But Suffered from an Unsympathetic Lead and His Partner
jerichor5 July 2017
Stumbled on this show while searching for TV shows to binge watch. Apparently, it got canceled after less than a season. The series had a good plot and had potential. But the main character and his partner do not have chemistry. It would have been better if they slowed down the tempo and make the story unfold, made it darker/grittier and hired more sympathetic actors for the main character and his partner. The writing and cinematography could be better. I'd cast Jim Caviezel and Michael Pena.
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Awful, truly awful.
stpetedawg27 October 2015
Everything was wrong. I believe a high schooler could have written a better script. Clothing, hair and scenery were completely off for the time frame (thank heavens they used pagers- but I kept waiting for a cell to pop up.). It felt like it had been thrown together with no concern for details. Would elaborate but not even worth the effort. Why are decent shows eliminated all so they can add more reality shows and drivel like this? Considering how terrible the script is the acting is not terrible, just not good. I imagine the scene with the spider was to give us a clue into the mind of Betty. Lame. Just. So. Lame. It doesn't matter if future episodes are better. I am no longer watching.
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Why set it in the '80s ?
roderickdav24 December 2022
This is definitely watchable it's as good as any other crime drama but why set it in '82 and then make almost no effort to set it in '82? We see the female police detective in ep 1 wearing a suit with trowsers. You definitely didn't see women wearing those in '82. I have not seen even one guy with long hair. Anyone over 30 at that time was still in '70s fashion with side burns and moustache and ties. The ONLY concession they seem to have made to the era is landline phones, cars and pagers.

If you read the description before you watch it, you expect '80s setting so it's disappointing. Other reviewers have asked "why was it cancelled so fast?" I think this setting failure is the main reason.
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Enjoyed this
watersa-638828 February 2016
I actually was a fan of this show and was disappointed after it was cancelled after only 3 episodes. After watching the whole season I felt it got better with each episode and that the show was delightfully twisted. Has awesome story line and music. Has a great cast and pretty good plot twists included. Overall if another season would've been made I would have watched it with excitement. I find that the whole killer couple was a good idea. This show would definitely want you to watch more. Still sadden by its abrupt cancellation. I believe that it just didn't have the right network backing it up. But had a decent fan base. Hopefully another network or streaming site would get rights too it and make the fans happy.
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Cutting Edge TV
misscindyjo3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show is this generations Miami Vice. Cutting Edge(pun intended). I hope more people catch on before long. I love the cast. Ed Westwick is amazing as Kent. His "Kill me ,I like to give back" line may be this series "I'm Chuck Bass".

They are getting the 80's vibe across really well. The show is unique. It is just so much grittier than the polished prefabricated crime dramas being cranked out today. The same story lines in different cities with different actors just doesn't measure up. This show is not as predictable as that, which pleasantly surprised me.

Yes I will admit it pushes the envelope but still it's the best thing coming out this fall.
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Great New Series - Westwick Slays
classysassyjrs24851 November 2015
If you are looking for an exciting fast paced drama after the disappointing line up fall has had to offer def. check out Wicked City. ABC def saved the best for last saving standout actor Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) paired up with the equally talented Erika Christensen. The two take us on a Bonnie & Clyde like adventure filled with lots of action, suspense, & great musical soundtrack. The series is different in that you see each point of view given its own substantial air time and instead of waiting episode after episode to find out who did it (Pretty Little Liars) anyone which can be tiresome we already now! The excitement is in the chase of will they or won't they get caught! Westwick shows just how diverse his acting is and this is just the beginning of what is shaping up to be an amazing life long career for the young British Actor. The cast also features Taissa Farmiga popular for her work in (AHS) and Jeremy Sisto who has had many great roles over the years as a sharp but flawed detective dealing with issues of his own. Gabriel Luna & Karolina Wydra are ones to watch as well! Be sure to check this series out of you are looking for a fresh new series to dive into! Also the series will take on an entirely different case each season which will keep things interesting although I will personally miss the steamy chemistry between Westwick & Christensen on screen.
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Favorite show of the new fall season
chairship1 November 2015
I absolutely LOVED the pilot. I was initially attracted to Wicked City because I am such a huge fan of Ed Westwick, but I have fallen in love with the ensemble cast (esp Taissa Farmiga, Jeremy Sisto), the setting, the music, the wardrobe, the writing, and how the show is filmed. Ed does an amazing job portraying a complex individual who just happens to be a serial killer. His portrayal of Kent is multi-layered and I am so looking forward to how he continues to develop over the course of the show. This show is very very dark, definitely not for the faint of heart, and ABC is pushing the boundaries with this prime time show. I, for one, am enjoying every single minute of it. This show has become my #1 favorite out of all of the fall lineups.
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Thank God Ed Westwick is back and HOTTER than ever!
cottonswabs15 November 2015
When I first saw the promos for this I knew I would watch it mainly for Ed Westwick. I missed him after Gossip Girl. Boy doesn't he look good! What a gorgeous man! His character is just dripping sexy! By the way why isn't Ed's name listed as top billing? I understand Jeremy has been around longer and I'm happy to have him back as well after the US version of The Returned was taken off the air after only one season, what a bummer. At least he should be after Jeremy in billing because the show is centered around these two characters the most. I will be watching this show as long as the network continues to show it. For those TV and movie fanatics out there, don't let the music not being perfect to your standards bother you so much. Try to just enjoy the show and all the wonderful actors portraying their characters.
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True detective...Made better!
jonmccann1 January 2016
Quite why this has been cancelled, I have no idea!

The premise is simple, a serial killer on the loose and a two focused plot on both the killer and cop chasing him/her! Sounds simple, but made better. Why? Because it doesn't try and complicate the story with interwoven plots (yes, true detective I mean you!), because it is set in an era when serial killers started to gain notoriety, because it doesn't shy from the gruesome aspects of a serial killer and more importantly, that sets it aside from true detective, it gets into the mind frame of the sociopath quality (yes I wrote quality, as its the one thing that sets us all apart, be that bad or good!) of manipulation and total confidence in the act by the said sociopath.

The casting is great, not newbies, but not stellar casting, this makes it convincing from an actor point of view as there is no cheesiness and its believable, the story is really well written, simply because it focuses on the main subject and rarely deviates from the chase, and the setting of the 70's for me at least, means the genre is right at the heart of the time when serial killers started to attain focus on what they did.

In all this is a cleverly scripted TV show and could easily have gone on to spurn multiple series, but for some reason it was cancelled, some cite the brutality of it (it's not that gory), but I expect it's because it's so similar to True Detective, but was made on a lesser budget with less well known actors, that was it's downfall. None the less, this is a well made TV show and deserves a second chance, but only if it is in keeping with what it set out to do...Tell a good story, with no over dramatisation, and using the simple basic methods of script writing...Keep it simple, make the plot believable, and keep the viewer hooked! I am hooked!
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Different in a good way.
joyday28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Wicked City" came across as different in a good way. Probably should be X-rated for sex. The blonde nurse was a main char. in Parenthood. She played a married lawyer with a stay at home dad for a husband in Parenthood. In Wicked City Betty isn't as high IQ. It was difficult trying to distinguish the main cop from the serial killer as they both had plenty of facial stubble and similar hair color and hair cuts. We noticed the background noise blocked out the dialog sometimes; we couldn't turn the volume up at 10-11 pm. Will record and watch during the day next week. We both gave it an excellent rating. Many of the shows that began new in October we've dropped already because of difficulty seeing and hearing, so we're trying to stick with this one. For the first half of the pilot I thought the main cop might be the serial killer, but the confusion was cleared up later.
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ctiffse2 July 2021
This show is completely underrated! I would definitely recommend. Don't focus on the bad reviews, give it a chance and judge for yourself!
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Great show
michellepowell-4418230 September 2020
Highly recommend watching this show. absolutely awesome and completely underrated. great serial killer tv show
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Another "Dexter" but more consistent and fluent storytelling
abogasieru14 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like very much the show, has something special that really keep you wanting more, the suspense, the situations, the crimes, the twisted and darkness duo Kent-Betty, the external stories such as extra conjugal love story of Jack, all of these make a perfect cocktail for the show. Of course Ed Westwick is just fantastic playing the character of the serial killer, psychologically messed up, having this issue with his mother from his childhood, for me this is another "Dexter", is actually even better, that one had a lot of flows, this one is more consistent and has a fluent course of the events.

Too bad though that was cancelled, because I would like to watch more of this.
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Wish there was another season
caffeinequeen1826 August 2023
Stumbled on this a few weeks ago to stream, having never heard of it. Looked interesting so decided to give it a chance.

I was hooked right from episode one. I loved the 80's setting and the gritty storyline. Erika Christensen is fantastic, actually the whole cast are great. Ditto the serial killer guy (not sure who the actor is and too lazy to look it up!), those dead eyes...

There are only 8 episodes and it's obvious the intention was to make more, but I guess it got axed after one season, which is a real shame because this show had great potential. I would have loved to see the story finalized and the characters flashed out further, but the 8 episodes there are are pretty good. So disappointed it did not continue.
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