2 Reviews
HK Neo Reviews: [36HKIFF] Big Blue Lake 大藍湖 (2011) – Hong Kong
webmaster-30176 May 2012
@ 36th Hong Kong International Film Festival

Big Blue Lake is unlikely to make any sort of impact in the local box office, but what it does well is tell a simple yet touching story about ordinary human interactions, journey, sickness and dealing with relationships. The reason why this film actually works out fine is because it is never ambitious, but rather it is content by presenting a segment of simple country life away from the hustle and puzzle of urban Hong Kong surroundings. The fact that the film manages to star the much- missed Leila Tong and the rather active Lawrence Chou gives the film an extra edge of having recognisable stars to carry the film along. In fact, nothing really happens in the film and in a way it is operates in a similar manner as Ann Hui's award winning The Way We Are. Sometimes, simplistic works and Big Blue Lake is a perfect example of that.

Surprisingly the relatively unknown Amy Chung shines above the rest of the more known cast. Chung is able to depict emotions extremely well and the way she interacts with her daughter with her Parkinson illness, is both vivid and defining. Leila Tong have improved leaps and bounds as an actress, her ability to bring a rather dull character to life is nothing short of amazing to endure. In the end, Tong is able to strike a chord with the audience and pretty much carry the film from start to finish. It will be great to see Tong in a bigger production and more juicy character in the future. As for Lawrence Chou, continues to grow in statute in terms of acting and there is something about Chou that makes acting natural. While he does not shine through the role, he does an adequate job and alongside Merry Go Round (2010), this is easily one of Chou's better performances.

All in all, Big Blue Lake is not really about the pursue of a lake, but rather about the simple essence and defining nature of human lives. Director Jessey Tsang, being a true local of the country town, depicts the town in minute details and the result is an easing film that just eases through like life. It is never easy to direct a film that does not have much of a plot, story or attractions, but Tsang on this occasion succeeded in creating that atmosphere and making this film as close to life as possible. Basically, Big Blue Lake is a good film that deals with everyday issues, some more important than others, but nonetheless all important. While we do not know much about the characters, the film manages to engage the audience through dealing with issues like old age, forgiveness, memories, regrets and to certain extend – dreams. With a shoe-string budget, solid casting, acute direction and effective production values, Big Blue Lake is easily one of the best independent films of the year…

Neo rates it 8/10

  • www.thehkneo.com
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harry_tk_yung22 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The titular place, a mystery (in the movie) and a red herring, is little known even to locals. The story actually takes place in Ho Chung Village (in the Sai Kung vicinity) probably known to only a handful of regular hikers. Big Blue Lake exists on two plains, an iconic image in the minds of the protagonists and a real place the nature of which is disclosed only at the very end of the movie.

Interestingly for me, I saw within 4 days Laila Tong in the roles of the daughter in a mother-daughter relationship drama, with this movie being one. The other is an excellent translated production of Rona Munro's play "Iron".

Indie director Tsang Tsui-shan intended this movie, among other things, to be a tribute to the village of her childhood memory. How much else is this movie in the nature of her biopic I am not sure. Probably not much. As a guest in a radio talk show with a specific episode title "I want to be a director", Tsang intimated that she majored in sound mix and engineering with the Academic of Performing Arts, initially with no thoughts of becoming a director.

The protagonist Cheung Lai-yee (an empathy-earning portrayal by Tong) on the other hand took a more adventurous route, taking some money entrusted to her by her parents to finance her own pursuit of an acting career in London. After spending ten years doing what she wanted but not getting anywhere in particular, the lost sheep returns to the fold, unannounced, to find her mother (an excellent Amy Chum) with Alzheimer and her father temporarily out-of-town. The second plot line involves bumping into a grade school classmate Lam Chun (Lawrence Chou, with measured dependability) who is in search of a lost memory, an adolescent romance that ended abruptly. Lam hopes to rediscover the big blue lake where he had spent many a romantic hour with his first love who is now nowhere to be found. As Cheung helps him on this quest, subtle feelings develop between them.

Tsang's directing style leans towards minimalist with occasional traces of melodramatic (actually quite uncharacteristic of her, she intimated in the radio show). In addition to the three protagonists, the village of Ho Chung is also a key character, depicted through an intimate look at the place as well as semi-documentary appearances of old-timer villagers. This is cleverly woven into the plot, with Cheung putting together a most primitive form of a stage play performed by the villagers telling their life stories.

"Big Blue Lake" is a refreshingly enjoyable experience, especially for those with a headache from an overdose of Hollywood.
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