Safe House (2012) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for strong violence throughout and some language

Sex & Nudity

  • A girl is shown in her underwear for a second at the beginning. Very brief.
  • A man and a woman are in a shower together. Very brief. Part of a flashback. Her back is shown. No male or female nudity is visible. [timing: 2 or 3 seconds]

Violence & Gore

  • A man defeats a group of men in a room, with his hands tied behind his back. Quick and sudden, but not that violent or brutal.
  • Several dead bodies are seen on the floor of an infirmary on a screen.
  • Several cops fire at Weston, mistaking him for a bad guy, and he returns fire, and wounds one of them.
  • Weston and Frost escape some bad guys in a car, but a car driven by bad guys t-bones them, and they run into a building, shooting at the bad guys.
  • Weston and Frost point guns at each other, and Frost hits Weston in the stomach, and fires a gun next to his ear, and walks away.
  • A group of men shoot a woman in the back. A man in the house returns fire and kills one of them, but he is then shot and killed, and blood is seen on his shirt. Frost begins running from them on rooftops, and Weston knocks a bad guy out and follows Frost in a truck. Frost is hit by a man and crashes through the roof of a trailer and the man comes in, and they fight hand-to-hand. Frost runs out and gets into Weston's truck, and Weston shoots another guy.
  • There's an intense shootout in a safe house near the beginning, in which a group of men raid it and kill the team defending it. Not too bloody, bur brutal.
  • A man is shot in the head by a sniper during the beginning, and his body is seen on the ground.
  • A man fights two men in a room, and kills both, shooting one of them several times, though he's shot during the altercation. and his wound can be seen, as well as some blood on the walls. As this is happening, two other men fight in a hallway, and one of them disarms the other and continually punches him until he gives the first man information.
  • A man punches another man several times and snaps his neck in a bathroom stall.
  • There's a very intense car chase near the beginning in which Weston and Frost escape a compromised safe house in a car, with several bad guys on their tail. Weston and Frost fight each other in the car as Weston drives, and several cars are seen crashing into each other, and there's lots of destruction in this scene.
  • Two men get into a brutal and bloody fight in a house, and both are punched and kicked. The two crash through a window at one point, both stab the other with shards of glass, and the fight ends when one of the combatants breaks the other's neck. Blood is seen seeping from the winner's stab wound, though his shirt covers it, and his clothes are drenched in blood from the wound.
  • An car explodes, and the explosion launches a man through a fence and into a car. He survives, but is later seen wounded, with blood covering half of his face.
  • A character digs something that he injected out from under his skin.
  • A man gets waterboarded twice in a row and we see him coughing up water.


  • "Fuck", "shit", "hell" and "ass" are each used a couple of times.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two men open a bottle of wine and drink it in glasses in an office.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The trailer park battle scene is intense.
  • Contains a torture/waterboarding scene. This can be disturbing for some.
  • The house fight scene is very brutal and intense.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • In a house at the end, a man sees another man's dead body slumped in a room after being shot. He himself is then shot by Frost. Frost is then shot by another man who stumbles into the house, and that man is then shot by Weston.

See also

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