This Is the End (2013) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for crude and sexual content throughout, brief graphic nudity, pervasive language, drug use and some violence

Sex & Nudity

  • In one scene, two men both reference masturbation constantly.
  • A man says that he has had sex with a man multiple times. The man is seen wearing a costume that shows partial nudity and is wearing a leash as if he is a dog. We briefly see the left side of his buttocks.
  • A man spanks a woman's butt. He gets slapped in the face.
  • A man wears a shirt that says "Take Yo Panties Off".
  • Several people sing a song that has some non explicit sexual dialogue.
  • Micheal Cera is seen getting a blow job (no male nudity except for a glimpse of his buttock) and the girl is on her knees with her breast exposed. Brief scene played for comedic effect.
  • A pornography magazine is shown three times throughout the movie. Exposed breasts are shown clearly.
  • Multiple graphic references to sex, rape, ejaculation, porn, and more continuously throughout the entire movie.

Violence & Gore

  • A man is kicked in the face a bunch of times
  • Despite the "some violence" in the R rating description the violence in this film can be quite gory and shocking, especially for a comedy.
  • Mostly in a funny or comical fashion but for a comedy it is pretty graphic and bloody
  • A machine falls on top of a cashier, killing her instantly. A large amount of blood and gore splashes onto a wall
  • A massive earthquake then opens up the ground near a mansion where a large party is taking place, creating a portal to what is presumably hell. Dozens of party goers walk outside and are sucked into the crater. One person grabs onto the foot of someone who is on land, and the man then kicks him down. A bloody, severed hand is visible. A woman's head is accidentally crushed by a fleeing party goer, with blood briefly shown spurting.
  • Another person is impaled by a lamp-post, with massive amounts of blood spurting from his chest as he expresses bewilderment. Very graphic and gory.
  • A man is raped by a demon (offscreen) and becomes possessed, attacking his friends with his new found supernatural strength before being subdued and tied to a bed. He is ultimately burned to death after a fallen candle triggers a massive fire within a mansion. The mansion collapses on him and we briefly see blood splash on the ground.
  • A man attempting to break into a house is beheaded by a demon, his head falls through a hole in the barricade and the resultant bloody mess causes the occupants to unintentionally kick his head around like a soccer ball. There is blood all over the floor. A man picks the head up and blood pours out of the stump. Very graphic and gory.
  • A man is eaten alive by the gang of cannibals. Blood is seen spurting in the distance and his severed nose is briefly seen.
  • A man is struck in the nose with the axe handle due to a misunderstanding.


  • Constant uses of "bitch", "dick", "asshole", and "dickhead",
  • There is very constant profanity, and crass sexual references in every single line of the movie.
  • 3 uses of the middle finger
  • "Cocksucking" is said once in a non-sexual way but rather in an insult way
  • Multiple uses of "jizz"
  • 323 uses of "fuck", 135 uses of "shit", 1 use of "cunt"

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • People smoke marijuana throughout the whole movie.
  • There is a brief sped-up montage of two men smoking marijuana from pipes and joints.
  • A man is seen doing cocaine at a party and reacts bad towards several people.
  • A man is seen smoking marijuana in a bathtub and while he's making breakfast.
  • In one scene, several main characters do different kinds of drugs, marijuana, acid, ecstasy, you name it. We see them in a fantasy/bizarre like montage while Gangnam Style is playing in the background, but this scene is very comical and the actual usage of drugs is brief
  • Two men are seen smoking what appears to be a cross joint in a video that the main characters made.
  • Men are smoking marijuana while watching a video.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • "This Is the End" is very much a dark comedy. Several scenes are quite gory.
  • One character is raped by a demon; the act itself is not shown but may be triggering for some rape survivors
  • Last last half of the movie is very violent and frightening.
  • Numerous scenes depicting the remnants of an apocalyptic wasteland. The outside world is shown engulfed in flames, and during the first half of the film, the sounds of screams and heavy gunfire are heard in the background.
  • The demons in the film could be unsettling or scary to some.
  • Some scenes have jump-scares.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • People hear that a man got raped by a demon
  • The devil (in giant form) is shown walking around fully nude near the end of the movie. His giant burnt and partially on fire penis is seen, and gets chopped off.
  • A man is raped by a demon very disturbing, but not really shown.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A group of cannibals slowly devour James Franco. Franco is then heard screaming.

See also

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