2 Reviews
As Season Six goes off a cliff
VetteRanger17 April 2023
Fantasy Island's Season Six started off a bit better than Five, and I hoped the writers had used the spring and summer months for some new and interesting ideas. But it didn't take long for it to crash.

The more interesting story of the two was "Legend", with Andy Griffith as Judge Roy Bean, Madeline Rhue as Lilly Langtree, and Michelle Phillips as the fantasy customer who wanted to succeed singing before the "toughest audience".

Both stories involved singing, and Michelle didn't sound particularly good in her singing in her side of the episode.

On the other side, they "sort" of riffed on My Man Godfrey, with Paul Williams, who was a decent songwriter but not a great singer, drifting through a couple of numbers with absolutely no fire and little relationship to the song's key. Plus, Williams seemed miscast as a rock star in hiding, and about two feet shorter than his eventual love interest. LOL.
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Paul Williams as a rock star? Seriously?
retroactiv-9908026 December 2021
Of ALL the actors in Hollywood they could have picked to play a superstar rock star, they chose Paul Williams? I mean, seriously? Couldn't get into this half of the episode, at all, due to this preposterous casting. Plus, it's the early 80's, yet this "rock star" still dresses in hideous 70's jumpsuits. Ridiculous.

The other segment isn't much better -- Michelle Phillipps singing "Oh My Darling Clementine" isn't very entertaining.
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