The Tearsmith (2024)
Overall better than people portray it to be
25 April 2024
Honestly, I enjoyed the movie. As other people said - is it Oscar worthy - no. Is it, however, a nice movie to escape reality for a bit - yes.

It could've been a little longer and would've benefited from a bit more character development, but people need to understand that you cannot retell a whole novel in one movie, no matter how hard you try.

With that being said, I've read some ridiculous complaints such as that it does not become clear why the family chose to adopt Rigel so suddenly or why Ms. Margaret hated Nica so much.

So let me break it down - Rigel obviously reminded Mr. And Mrs. Milligan of their son, who passed away probably not too long ago (since he loved playing the piano, just like Rigel does and that is the exact moment when the family seemingly out of nowhere decide to bring home both Nica and Rigel).

Ms. Margaret, on the other hand, probably hates Nica because she sees her as a potential threat to Rigel and as someone who might "take him away from her". This is why she does everything in her power to punish Nica, out of spite.

I liked the cast, I think they suited their roles just fine and the movie is obviously targeted towards a younger audience. The atmosphere is also very nice, a little dark.

Overall I would say I enjoyed it, although the ending felt rushed and was a bit disappointing. However, as I previously said - it is impossible to reach the depth of the novel, which is completely understandable.
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