Downton Abbey (2019)
If You Loved The Show, You'll Love The Film
12 September 2019
I adore the TV series, and this film was more of the same, which I loved. It is full of the same beautiful production quality, wit and humour. I can hear the criticisms already 'it was too sentimental', 'there wasn't enough complication' but my answer to that is that many of these characters had intense story arcs in the show, so it's nice to revisit them now and see them living, or finally getting, their happy endings without too much drama. Everyone in the cinema, myself included, laughed the whole way through this film, as is to be expected from Downton Abbey. And then there were other moments that were quite poignant to offset the humour, which blended perfectly. Yes, it's a movie for fans of the show, but why shouldn't it be? After years supporting this show and following these characters, why shouldn't we be rewarded? I had high expectations for this film, and was very satisfied with it, and that doesn't happen often. Well done to Julian Fellowes for staying true to his characters and delivering a film that is a delight to watch!
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