30 April 2016
I had to make an account just to review this film because I love Ricky so much, but we can't let this pass. Am I here to throw dirt? No, I'm here to give an honest review.

Special Correspondents is special in only one way: that it actually got made. Think of some of the world's most cringe-worthy, not-worth-your- time comedies that stink of trying their hardest... and you can put this comfortably on the top of that list.

And no, it's not one of those movies that are so bad it's good because of the simple fact that it's trying so very hard to squeeze out a laugh. It's not bad for the terrible attempt at being funny, either. It's bad for legitimate reasons as well, such as the lighting, the cinematography, the make-up (DEAR GOD, WHO DID THE MAKE-UP?), and the completely missed direction. I guess the sound was okay..?

Eric Bana, Vera Farmiga, America Ferrera, and Kevin Pollack give Ricky so many chances to add color, flavor, character, story - anything to make this more than people just saying words in front of a camera - but he clearly couldn't catch any of it. Honestly, how can such a legendary comedian not understand the importance of simple timing? Let a touching shot rest a bit, shorten some of the neanderthal-like delivery, and we might have actually been able to care a little bit about these characters enough to make us laugh when things go awry.

I know I've mentioned the make-up already, but SERIOUSLY! I spent half the movie wondering if Ricky is developing skin cancer around his left eye, and Vera Farmiga must be pregnant again if she really is glowing that yellow.

The cinematography is like that of an 80's, low-budget TV series that didn't make it passed the pilot. I guess you can see what's going on... which I don't think it would matter if you couldn't.

The story is bland. You've met all these characters before, you've seen the same events unfold, there's nothing even remotely interesting or worth being invested in, and what could be interesting is clearly avoided. For example, why is a dude with such a thick British accent running around in America as a sound technician, and how did he end up with bombshell Farmiga? But I digress. You can literally piece the story together comfortably in your head within the first 20 minutes - if you last that long.

This movie just has the feel to it that Ricky is riding his own ego. I love him as a comedian, but this is absolute rubbish.
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