Very Funny for Indie Comedy
3 February 2011
First off, if this was on a Hollywood budget, I would have rated it a 6. I considered giving it a 9 because of the budget, but settled on a reasonable 8. It is very funny and at times I caught myself rewinding the movie because I missed a joke because me or one of my buddies was laughing and couldn't hear it.

The context is somewhat simple - college kids (with a few high schoolers, as well as an over-the-hill hanger-on) party on 2-3 weekends and discuss sex while trying to have sex. It's very straight-forward and I've heard my friends have similar conversations many times. The writer has a keen ear for natural dialog and it's displayed with nearly every conversation, which are usually rapid-fire and funny. Even the few argument scenes come across very good, which I definitely didn't expect from this movie (thanks to Elizabeth Schmidt, who we should see more of).

Occasionally you feel trapped inside the house - since nearly every scene happens in a single location. But just about the time you think it's going to drag, the tempo picks up, a location changes, or something bizarre happens (cue the dwarf-3some dream sequence).

One nice thing about this movie is that the girls actually remind me of girls I hang out with. They're cool, can hang with guys, and are not simply an object to be conquered, although the guys are spending most of their time trying to hook up. And maybe that's why it seems so natural - because the guys are being themselves around the girls - having fun and trying to have sex, not just one or the other.

It's not for everyone, but it's worth a look because it you like the humor, you may rate it higher than I did. It also has a very impressive soundtrack, although I haven't found the songs for sale.
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