Review of Mr. North

Mr. North (1988)
Surprise - Nostalgic, Charming & Well-Acted (but weirdly written)
8 April 2010
I have to admit that I am fascinated by this movie. It has some of the best acting I ever have seen set beside some of the most ill-at-ease.

You can feel the influence of Thornton Wilder in the dialogue as the words trill across the ear. But it seems at times that the writer started out to write a play & ended up with a movie.

There is an enormous charm to this movie. The writing is a bit ... odd... at times, but creates a compelling story.

The acting is incredibly sweet and natural, for the most part (Mitchum is painfully awkward at first, Bacall overacts, and a couple of small parts are acted like a middle school play).

Anthony Edwards as Mr. North is astoundingly superb. Honestly, I am "shocked" at how charming he makes this character.

The writing may have helped the acting, actually, as it seems that cast must push against the occasionally slow screenplay to make their words more believable. It's almost a marvel to behold how good some of the acting is at times.

I wish my kids would sit still long enough to see a sweet movie like this.

If you want to be in a better mood, watch this charming movie.
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