Love That Boy (2003)
Something very special
28 June 2004
Every once in a while, you come across a film that's just... different. That really makes you feel.

I like schlock movies like most people. I'll watch Bruce Willis shoot everything that moves, and I'll watch pretty much any romantic comedy.

But those kinds of movies are what I watch while I'm waiting for something with real heart. Something that isn't just a stale carbon copy of plots that have been done to death a trillion times.

Love That Boy is that kind of special movie. It starts out with the kind of main character that you just want to slap. And then it takes you with her on an emotional ride that's really worth experiencing.

Movies like this are true in a way that even documentaries rarely are. I'm writing this immediately after watching it, and I'm so overwhelmed that I'm probably not saying everything that I want to.

Do yourself a favor. Watch this movie. Watch it by yourself, if you can. There's too much social pressure in the world to color between the lines that you're really better off watching it that way. But one way or another, watch it. You won't be sorry.
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