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RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: "length" is outside of buffer bounds in Node.js Pub/Sub

I'm encountering a RangeError [ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS]: "length" is outside of buffer bounds error while working with Google Cloud Pub/Sub in a Node.js application. Below is a simplified ...
Assiph Rolant's user avatar
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Facing DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error with the @google-cloud/pubsub package

We are listening for messages from a subscription using the @google-cloud/pubsub package. Everything seems to be working fine, except we are seeing an error frequently pop up in our DataDog console: ...
Snehanshu Phukon's user avatar
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How can I efficiently insert more than 1 million records into Firestore?

Description: I am working on a project where I need to insert more than 1 million records into Google Firestore. Currently, my approach is not efficient enough and the process is extremely slow. I am ...
frfernandezdev's user avatar
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Getting a 403 error when triggering a Cloud Function from a PubSub Topic

I created a cloud function that is triggered by a publish to a pubsub Topic. When I publish a message to the topic and read the funcition logs, I see this error: "The request was not ...
Joaquin Garcia's user avatar
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How to design an efficient Pub/Sub pull subscriber for both maximum throughput and fault-tolerance?

I am using google's pub/sub to move processing of some tasks (represented by messages on a pub/sub topic) to the background. Some tasks are expected to fail periodically due to known transient errors ...
Abhinav Das's user avatar
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Is it possible to authenticate google cloud PUB/SUB Node.js API Client with access token?

Is it possible to authenticate google cloud pub/sub nodejs client without service account using access token received with OAuth flow? I tried before you begin section but it requires service account. ...
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@google-cloud/pubsub NodeJS library throwing `Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null`

I'm implementing a service to publish messages to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic. import { PubSub } from '@google-cloud/pubsub' import type { NotificationData } from './models/notification' class ...
Ethan Fraser's user avatar
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Pub sub is not retrying after an encountering an error in cloud function

I have 2 cloud functions, one cloud function publishes the message, and the other cloud function(transform.js) gets triggered from the published message. Now in the transform cloud function, I am ...
nir doshi's user avatar
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Gcloud Pub/Sub: Total timeout of API google.pubsub.v1.Publisher exceeded 60000 milliseconds before any response was received

I'm trying to publish messages from the cloud function to the cloud Pub/Sub topic using their NodeJS client package. I'm facing the below error: Total timeout of API google.pubsub.v1.The publisher ...
Alish Satani's user avatar
7 votes
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GCP pub/sub client is failing above version 4.0.0 with auth error

This happens when I try to create a topic TypeError: this.auth.getUniverseDomain is not a function at GrpcClient.createStub (/Users/<...>/node_modules/google-gax/src/grpc.ts:418:48) ...
vizsatiz's user avatar
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How to enforce synchronous Pub/Sub message processing in a Cloud function making asynchronous API calls?

I've configured a Cloud Function (2nd gen) to be triggered by Pub/Sub (push subscription) whenever new messages are published to the topic. There can be hundreds of messages published at the same time,...
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Aggregate pub/sub messages

I am using Cloud Pub/Sub to push notification payloads generated by events done throughout the day. I have another cloud function triggered by schedulers at the end of the day to pull notifications ...
Alish Satani's user avatar
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Pub Sub Emulator Not downloading with actions/cache@v3 using node version 20

I have the following github action using node 20 name: develop-pr on: pull_request: branches: - develop env: CI: true FIREBASE_EMULATORS_PATH: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/emulator-cache jobs: ...
Kingsley Simon's user avatar
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Google PubSub - Counting messages in push subscription with NodeJS

On GCP I am trying to calculate how many messages are queued/waiting to be acknowledged in a push subscription, with NodeJS. I am using the @google-cloud/monitoring package though cannot see any ...
Steve's user avatar
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Websockets between Raspberry PI and SPA app

I have a Raspberry PI connected to my local network on which I've setup nodejs with WebsocketServer. Now, in my PHP/JavaScript app local instance, I connected to the RPI's local address ws://192.168......
undefinedman's user avatar

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