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Jacopo Pontormo, Bildnis einer Dame im roten Kleid, um 1522/25, Frankfurt/Main, Städel

Propylaeum-DOK - Digital Repository Classical Studies is the full-text server of the Specialized Information Service Classics and is made available by the University Library of Heidelberg. It offers members of the academic community worldwide the opportunity to publish their texts in electronic format on the internet at no charge. All kinds of publications (like monographs, articles, lectures) in the fields of Classical Studies can be stored on "Propylaeum-DOK". The standard of these publications should not fall below that of traditional printed ones. The documents will be stored and their long-term availability guaranteed by using standardized addresses (URN) and metadata (OAIPMH). They are accessible through the German union catalogues and search engines, too.

As for now, Propylaeum-Dok provides free full-text access to 6,253 publications.

Most recent entries

1. Schneider, Rolf Michael (2001) Coloured marble: the splendour and power of imperial Rome,. In: Apollo: The International Magazine of the Arts, (2001), pp. 3-10
[thumbnail of Schneider_The_splendour_and_power_of_imperial_Rome_2001.pdf]
2. Schneider, Rolf Michael (1998) Vases from the Sotades workshop. In: Apollo: The International Magazine of the Arts, (1998), p. 54
[thumbnail of Schneider_Vases_from_the_Sotades_workshop_1998.pdf]
3. Hoepfner, Wolfram (1981) Zwischen Klassik und Klassizismus. Karl Friedrich Schinkel und die antike Architektur. In: Bauwelt, 72 (1981), Nr. 10. pp. 338-346
[thumbnail of Hoepfner_Zwischen_Klassik_und_Klassizismus_1981.pdf]
4. Posluschny, Axel (2004) Rezension zu: David Wheatley & Mark Gillings Spatial Technology and Archaeology. The Archaeological Applications of GIS. In: Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift, 45 (2004), Nr. 1. pp. 621-626
[thumbnail of Posluschny_Rezension_Spatial_Technology_2004.pdf]
5. Hoepfner, Wolfram (1984) Zu Burkhardt Wesenberg: Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion griechischer Architektur nach literarischen Quellen, AM 9. Beiheft (Berlin 19083). In: Architectura, 14 (1984), pp. 172-174
[thumbnail of Hoepfner_Buchbesprechung_1984.pdf]
6. Hoepfner, Wolfram (1987) Halikarnassos. Die Hauptstadt des Maussollos. In: Antike Welt, 18 (1987), Nr. 4. pp. 51-54
[thumbnail of Hoepfner_Halikarnassos_die_Hauptstadt_1987.pdf]
7. Fauerbach, Ulrike ; Khamis, Salma ; Sählhof, Martin (2011) Aegaron – Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online. In: Heine, Katja ; Rheidt, Klaus ; Henze, Frank ; Riedel, Alexandra (Hrsgg.): Erfassen, Modellieren, Visualisieren. 3D in der historischen Bauforschung. Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium vom 24.–27. Februar 2010. Darmstadt 2011, pp. 262-268 (Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech ; 3)
[thumbnail of Fauerbach_Aegaron_Ancient_Egyptian_2011.pdf]