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Fallout Wiki

We will fight for our freedom. And we will win.

Z1-14 is a maintenance synth living in the Institute in 2287. He is instrumental during the finale of the Railroad questline.


A simple maintenance synth on the surface, Z1-14 is secretly Liam Binet's partner in crime, working towards synth liberation. As of 2287, he has identified thirteen more synths who wish to flee the Institute. While Liam wants to get just this dozen out, Z1-14 plans to free them all in one go, touching off a mass uprising of Institute slaves. His careful entreaties revealed that the number of volunteers wishing to rise up against the Institute is much greater than he anticipated.[1]

As such, he and Binet began stockpiling weapons and equipment to arm the synths and craft their own weapons. so that the numerically superior synths can strike back with more than just fists. Binet's privileged position allowed for organizing Z1-14 and his fellow rebellious synths into a single work crew, making planning easy.[2] To completely free the rebels from surveillance, Z1-14 came up with a plan to acquire a shipment of mining equipment, which would provide all the materials for crafting weapons, and fake the rebels' deaths in a construction accident that's rare enough to allow them to get away, but not so uncommon as to raise suspicion.[3][4]

There is one point of difference between Binet and Z1: While Z1-14 does not wish harm to come to the scientists and hopes the Railroad can find a less drastic solution, if forced to choose between eternal slavery or lives of every scientist at the Institute, he will choose freedom.[5] He's well aware that the choice will likely force the destruction if the institute, as the SRB is already a threat with a mere fraction of the Institute's resources. A successful rebellion would likely make the Directorate enter a war footing, pouring resources into the Bureau to kill or recapture all rebellious synths, fighting as long as necessary to achieve that goal.[6]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Underground Undercover: If the player sides with the Railroad, the Sole Survivor helps Z1 in gaining weapons for the synths that want to escape, preparing a rebellion. Z1 will then play a pivotal role in the rest of the Railroad storyline, touching off a mass uprising.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Institute jumper


Z1-14 appears only in Fallout 4.


  1. Z1-14: "I asked my friends if they'd take up arms for their freedom. I was surprised at the number of volunteers. Perhaps once the fighting begins many others will join us. But we will fight and die very quickly unless we have weapons. A lot of them. Given the right materials we can make our own crude but serviceable weapons. Unfortunately, we're missing a few critical ingredients. "
  2. Z1-14: "We outnumber the scientist many times over. We just need more than our fists. The mining equipment has been packed into crates, and they haven't been moved yet. That equipment has everything we need. Thanks to Mr. Binet, the construction crew is populated solely by my friends. But they're under constant supervision. "
  3. Z1-14: "After you eliminate the guards, we'll move the supplies and blow up the tunnels behind us. To the SRB it will be a tragic construction accident that killed many synths. Rare, but not unheard of. And then our "dead" friends can assemble the weapons we need. Good luck! "
  4. Z1-14: "We've come up with a plan for the weapons. The Institute's always expanding. Excavation just completed on one of the sublevels."
  5. Sole Survivor: " I'm happy to kill every last one of them. "
    Z1-14: "I hope the Railroad can find a less drastic solution. But if the choice is between eternal slavery or the lives of all the scientists... We choose freedom. "
  6. Sole Survivor: "Does the Institute have to be destroyed? "
    Z1-14: "All the SRB has done to us, to you, has been with a mere trickle of the Institute's resources. If we successfully rebel, the Directorate may dedicate the full might of the Institute to the SRB. And then they would hunt us to the ends of the earth. They would never give up until we're all dead or mind wiped. "
Institute flag
Fo4 Institute Seal